How much milk can a cow give per day, which affects milk yield?

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in cow’s milk makes this product valuable and even indispensable for humans, which is why many livestock farmers start producing cows in their households. Having decided to acquire such cattle, you should know about how much a cow gives milk per day and whether it is possible to influence these processes.

  1. When milk is formed in cows
  2. What determines the yield of milk and its amount
  3. Choose a breed for home keeping
  4. Secrets from experienced breeders
  5. Determining the portrait of the best cow for home keeping
  6. Counts milk yield
  7. Daily milk yield
  8. Calculations for longer periods of time
  9. Milk yield in winter

Сколько корова дает молока в сутки

ck only a cow gives milk per day

In order to provide himself and his family with milk, it is necessary to understand some issues regarding the maintenance and care of animals, because their productivity depends on these factors.

When milk is produced from cows

Keeping cows on a farm is not easy, but profitable, and most often this profit is associated with getting milk. Farmers who are aware of the intricacies of keeping these animals can easily calculate how much an average cow gives milk. This question is one of the most important in farming. It is common for a person who does not understand the contents of these animals to think that milk is produced in cows year-round.

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Such assumptions are erroneous.Like all mammals, milk in cows begins to be produced in the last months of pregnancy or after calving, and the man himself, living for thousands of years side by side with this animal, has learned to maintain the lactation process for a long time for his own purposes.

What determines the yield of milk and its quantity

Many factors influence how much milk a cow gives per day. Milk progress in keeping cows on a farm can be obtained only with prolonged keeping of these animals, because milk production is affected not only by proper care, but also by the age of the cow, therefore, deciding to get this cattle, you need to know about the main factors that affect productivity:

  • Genetic predisposition. The dairy breed of cows will please the owner with milk yield more than others.
  • Age of the cow. If fertilization takes place every year, then it will give the largest number of liters of milk after the fifth or sixth calving.
  • Diet. The organization of proper and balanced nutrition is necessary to maintain milk production and its quality.
  • Proper care.
  • Features of milking. A few days after fertilization, the number of milk yield is reduced. Burenka must learn to bear a fetus. The production of milk by its body is gradually reduced, and when its amount does not exceed 500 ml per day, the milk yield is stopped until calving. The day after the birth they organize the first milking.
  • Animal immunity.The healthier the livestock, the more milk the cow gives.
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The time of year that calving also affects how many liters of milk a cow gives per day. Performance is lower in winter. Even after the first calving, the volume of milk produced on a winter day will be 10% lower than in spring, summer or autumn. Any animal breed lends itself to these laws of nature, and experienced farmers skillfully use it in their interests.

Choose a breed of breed for home keeping

The long-term maintenance of cows at home has influenced the formation TABLES of volumes of milk obtained, by which it is possible to understand which breed has the greatest potential.

The most famous record cows are:

  • Holstein breed – up to 110 kg of milk per day.
  • Yaroslavl – up to 65 kg.
  • Kholmogorsk – up to 80 kg.

But orient Xia to receive so many liters the novice breeder is not necessary. All these data are the result of painstaking maintenance and care of perennial cows. Not everyone can organize the care necessary for such productivity, so experts advise not to focus on the most famous dairy breeds, but choose those that will feel confident in certain territorial and climatic conditions.

Secrets from experienced livestock breeders

When choosing a breed of animal for keeping, you should use the advice of experienced farmers.How many liters of milk a cow gives per day is influenced by the appearance of the heifer and its anthropometric data. The cows with:

  • an elongated body with hollows on the sides of the abdomen.
  • with long legs and a small head;
  • with a thin neck will please the largest amount of milk from their owner. and folded skin;
  • with a flat back and slanting ribs;
  • with a flat clean udder.
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Deciding to get a burenka in the first year of life, you need to determine how many disadvantages she has that can affect her productivity indicator. Particular attention is paid to the appearance of the animal. The heifer will not give large volumes of milk if the animal has:

  • rough skin and sagging physique;
  • narrow head;
  • small udder.

The nature of the animal is also important. Only a calm cow will please the milk yield and will not bring any problems in keeping.

Determining the portrait of the best cow for home keeping

When choosing an animal, it is important how much milk a cow gives per day. This main criterion will affect the characteristics of the heifer, as well as the fact that all this milk is a product for feeding calves. This feature should always be considered. It is only after calving, until the next bearing of the fetus, to please the first-calf with milk or a cow that has already given birth many times.

The taste qualities of the resulting product, as well as its fat content, are no less important.They completely depend on the diet of the animal and the conditions of its maintenance. In addition, the fat content can change during milking. The first non-greasy product to give up. The lower it is in the udder, the fatter it is. The fattest is lower milk. It is required to give out every drop so that there are no stagnations in the udder.

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But there are also physiological characteristics of the percentage of milk fat content in cows. All of them depend on the time elapsed from the birth of calves. In the first month after calving, the product has maximum fat content. From the second month this indicator decreases, but the cow has a higher productive potential: it gives more liters of product per day. At 4-5 months, milk is produced more slowly with a high volume of cream. Gradually, production decreases

Milk calculation

The answer to the question of how many liters of milk a dairy cow gives is a concern for anyone who decides to start keeping these animals at home. For the convenience of calculations, it is best to take one cow. On average, dairy breed gives 5000 liters per season, this is a successful result, which is often found in urban areas. If you transfer it to the daily volume, then farmers with such cow productivity receive 17 liters per day. This indicator is almost 2 times higher than the actual course of business.

And how many liters will an individual calf show in the countryside, because ecology and nutrition play an important role not only in the quality of the product, but also in its quantity.In addition, productivity indicators are unstable and constantly changing for a day, a week, a month, and even for a season. The fact is that the declared productivity characteristic is the average volume of the product per maximum lactation period.

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Daily milk yield

On average, productivity calculations per cow are not performed in the first year of her life, since they are not maximum, but novice farmers need to understand that even the most dairy breeds (Holstein, Yaroslavl and others) will not please a large volume of product. On average, on the first day of delivery, a young heifer gives 8-9 liters in 12 hours.

Some farmers manage to get up to 12 liters from the first lactation period. The biggest one is considered to be the milk yield that occurs on the 5-6 year of a cow’s life (subject to its annual calving). By this time, farmers receive 15-18 liters of product.

Calculations for longer periods of time

If the animal gives 10 liters. milk per day, it is easy to calculate how much it will produce per week.

Days must be multiplied by the average daily volume. So, with 10 liters per week, farmers can get 70 liters of product. For months and seasons, such calculations do not apply, since the volume of milk produced is affected by the feeding, content and physiological characteristics of the cows.

From the first day of the birth of the calf, the volume of milk can be 8 liters, and after a week – 12. And in the fifth and sixth year, the largest indicator may be 20 liters, so monthly and seasonal calculations are considered approximate, rounding them up or down.

See also  Feeding and caring for calves in the first year of life

Milk yield in winter

In winter, cow’s food has fewer vitamins and minerals that are healthy for the animal, which cannot but affect milk yield, so the answer to the question is how much milk does the cow give in winter, it depends on the time when calving took place. If the calf was born in the summer or autumn, then the lactation period will also occur in the winter period.

Milk in winter in any year of life of the burenka has fewer nutrients than in any other season. Milking is also reduced, so many farmers try to pre-configure cows for dead wood: to prepare them for bearing the fetus.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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