Types of horse harness

In the modern world, a carriage dressed in a horse harness causes a storm of emotions on the streets of cities. We seem to fall into a fairy tale, there is nostalgia for the times when such carts scurried along the streets of villages and villages.

  1. What is a horse harness
  2. Origin and history
  3. What the harness
  4. consists of Types of harnesses
  5. Varieties of harness
  6. Ways to control horses
  7. Racing, racing and horseback riding
  8. Instructions for harnessing a horse
  9. Cleaning harness
  10. Storage harness

Упряжь для лошади

Harness for the horse

The European horse is entertainment and pleasure, and in the XIX century it was irreplaceable I’m the man’s assistant, the main breadwinner in the peasant’s family. Plowing in the field, transporting people, goods — all the hard work fell on her. Horses were the first helpers in conquering land, in transporting military equipment, traveling, etc.

Those who kept the horse on the farm understood that it would help provide for the family. Each person, regardless of age, knew that to prolong the life of a horse, not only constant care is important, but also good equipment that does not overload the neck, high-quality and correctly sized horse harness. What horse harnesses exist? Is it possible to make them yourself? What criteria should I look for when choosing a horse control?

What is a horse harness

By such terms as a horse harness or harness is called the totality of all devices that provide the ability to control the animal, sitting behind him in the wagon. In other words, this name implies a complex of belts with reins and reins, worn on the body of the animal and allowing you to control the trajectory of the horse. The word harness in the dictionary has the following synonyms: harness, harness, harness.

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People who masterfully harness the horse harness are called:

  • coachman;
  • coachman;
  • sled;
  • cabman;
  • drover, etc.

Only they get the right by means of reins attached to check, control the horse.

In order not to hurt the animal when riding, you need to correctly select and fit all the elements that make up the device. If the belts are not properly tightened, then in contact with the body you can get a “burn” of soft tissues or other injuries. As a result, the horse’s performance will decrease.

Origin and History

According to archaeologists, the first horse cart was invented by a man about 2000 BC. e. Since the old wagons were simple and primitive, it is easy to guess that harnesses were similar to them.

The Persians were the first to pay attention to the beauty of the harness.When they began to use four mares harnessed to closed wagons, then the idea came up to make a horse harness, which was simultaneously beautiful and allowed to evenly distribute the load when riding.

Later the Greek wagons appeared (where they a lot of attention was paid to manufacturing). The richer the owner, the more colorful was the horse harness. Among the Romans, chariots equipped with the simplest designs were widespread, but the details of the harness were distinguished by splendor, were trimmed with gold, jewelry with precious stones was also used. In the arenas, such a harness of horses was visible from afar.

In the middle of the 19th century, in connection with the appearance of carriages and carriages on the streets, the beauty of horse harness returned to fashion. Today, a harness on three horses is decorated with bells. It is not known exactly where this tradition came from, but according to one version they were hung so that the coachman (coachman) would not fall asleep on a long journey.

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Today horses are used in private households, in sports and competitions, as well as for entertainment .

What the harness consists of

The harness elements in each outfit are approximately the same, so it makes sense to consider each harness element:

  • Clamp. Perhaps this is the most important part of the harness, the task of which is to evenly distribute the weight of the wagon on the neck and shoulder of the horse’s spine. This element is placed near the withers and along the base of the neck.It should not prevent the mount from moving and breathing properly. The size of the clamp is chosen not too wide or long so that damage does not appear on the horse’s body. The fastener, called the upper clamp belt (belt arc), requires constant checking to avoid breaking.
  • Bridle. A bridle is being put on his head. It can be with one or several bits or without them.
  • Shlea. The use of a harness when moving a mare provides tight retention of the clamp. Harness refers to leather longitudinal, transverse and sloping belts.
  • Reins.

These harness harnesses provide remote control of the horse. Included are two reins, left and right (one longer than the other). Their edges are connected with a bit.

The parts under consideration are made in the form of strong smooth (without rings and additional fasteners) belts. At the end of the left reins is a finger loop, at the end of the right is a buckle or hole.

  • Girth is a wide, durable belt for fastening the saddle.
  • There is also an emergency latch in the equipment, in case of danger the pin is removed, and the horse is disconnected from the crew.
  • The blinders are put on the eyes without touching them. These parts of the harness are needed in order to eliminate distracting factors for the horse and to protect the crew.
  • Shingles, so that the blinders do not hesitate from the air flow (needed to avoid additional excitement of the horse).
  • Headband of horses it is better to decorate with one motive so that the group in front looks harmonious.
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This is the device that is used by the person who manages the horse harness.

Types of harnesses

Over time, the device will be harnessed changed repeatedly (one arc was added, the other was removed, converted), depending on the use and number of animals harnessed to the wagon. Currently, there are 3 types of horse harness:

  • Agricultural. The team has one individual or a pair of horses.
  • Transport. They are multi-horse (from three or more). Use – transportation of goods, cargo, people.
  • Outbound or front (for example, in summer – for weddings, in winter – for sleighs). They used a different number of horses (2 or more).

Therefore, depending on the purpose of the harness, they began to make it (you need to strengthen the main part, decorate the other, etc.).

Varieties of harness

Currently, there are the following types of harness:

  • Such a model does not have a drawbar and a shafting, and it also lacks a wooden part (arc). The devices under consideration are most often equipped with an additional hand brake, since when moving forward it is impossible to hold the carriage (traction is carried out due to the clamp and lint).
  • Combined. This variation is adapted to large and strong horses (sometimes it is also used for bulls).Usually 6-8 horses are used, each of which performs its function (they go one after another). For example, adherents are harnessed to the roots. Their task is to turn the cart. The root crops are the strongest and highest, which allows them to restrain the crew. Remote horses are set in the beginning, which set the pace and trajectory.
  • Tachanochnaya. Today, a slightly outdated look. In the center, a pair of workhorses harnesses to the drawbar, side horses – for building, no carts are used. The lines are attached to the wagons.
  • Linear-drawbar. The main thing in this harness is the drawbar (used as a movement regulator and for turning the cart). Suitable for single and parokonny harness.
  • Zug. Six work horses are used, root sticks are attached to the drawbar, the remaining horses in the harness are remote.
  • One-harness (European harness) arc and arcless. In both species harnessed one horse. In an arcless harness, the entire weight of the wagon is provided by the harness.
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There are 2 types of harnesses: a bib and a collar. The collar is made to the size of the animal, and the bibs are fitted with buckles to fit the horse.

Now you know what each type of harness consists of, therefore, you can easily pick up the harness for one or another purpose.

It’s cheaper to buy a fully prepared harness. But it happens that not all items are suitable for your animal, so it is recommended to buy parts separately.

Training a horse, tactics, preparing a harness are the main stages of preparation for a competition. Any kind of harness should be safe for both humans and animals. In any case, whether it’s a pony ride, a victory in elite competitions, a simple run in gusts, winning titles, the master should always ensure safety for the horses.

Some nations have a horse mounted without special means. In reality, it’s better not to do this, because even the most flexible horse can show excitement and aggression.

Today, there are many equestrian clubs that provide an opportunity to get to know horses with the help of a trainer, learn riding techniques and, accordingly , harness elements. Despite the fact that the process takes place there under the supervision of a trainer, one should not forget about the preparation (check the saddle, reins, remember the correct fit) and contact with the animal. After a horse has been saddled, it is not necessary to approach him from behind, you should always be in the field of view of the animal.

Correct fit: relaxed shoulders and arms with a straight back, toe above the heel, head slightly raised, gaze directed forward to the center between the ears. You should not bend forward or backward.

Riding implies a posture in which the seat must not be torn off the saddle. You need to lead the animals body. For example, the rider’s forward tilts cause the horse to move forward, the tilt back – the command to stop, the tilt of the body – the direction of movement. In order not to fill your cones, you need to move with the horse at the same pace. Before getting off the horse, you should calmly let go of the occasion and get your legs out of the stirrups.

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Instructions for harnessing the horse

Wear the harness carefully so that no arc that consists of the harness did not rub the horse’s delicate skin, and the pole did not interfere with the movement. Walkthrough:

  • When putting on the bib, the distance above the sternum should be approximately the width of a palm. The collar is worn over the head upside down (narrow end down). Turning it over is allowed only after the ears have crawled. If a fist is poked between the clamp and the body, it means that it is worn correctly.
  • Harnesses are put on the withers of the straps, slowly tightening the cinch. The back belt (belt arc) runs straight along the back, fitting, it will remain connected to the armrest.
  • Only after straightening the tail, the back belt is adjusted and fixed.Then the edging is attached and the reins are passed through the rings and connected to the snaffles. So, the headband is in place, it remains to check the links in the gutter (they are not twisted around the chin chain).
  • Next, an assistant will come in handy who will push the cart (stroller) to the mare. The shafts must be lifted, only then the delicate skin of the animal will not be affected. Having omitted the shafts, we must tie them to the construction. To avoid strong lifting, the hinges should be in front of the brackets. It is necessary to attach a stitch with a harness, which should remain horizontally (parallel to the ground).
  • Finally, you need to tighten the cinch.

You must also straighten the horse correctly. This procedure is performed by mirror harnessing. Having freed the horse from the wagon, you need to inspect the harness so that it does not rub, and the animal – for bodily harm.

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Cleaning the harness

Naturally, after work the harness is saturated with sweat, therefore, she needs some care. To remove dirt, you need to thoroughly clean it with your hands using a wet sponge.

2 times a month, you need to wipe all parts of the harness and the pole with saddle soap, having previously disconnected them. Then you need to let the elements dry in a natural way (without sunlight), otherwise they will begin to crack.

It is important to lubricate the washed harness with wax, except for premium grade leather (patented), which is wiped with a soft, dried cloth.Even after drying, they are greased either with grease or with technical oil.

Storage of the harness

After use it is necessary to hang up the harness on a specially prepared hanger. The room should be well ventilated.

To facilitate your work and keep the harness, you can use the hangers on wheels that roll up to the mount, with each element must have a separate hook. We must not forget about the whip (if it is not straightened, it will be bent).

The quality of belts is safety when driving. The harness should be light, but strong, easy to care for, and in case of breakage – without difficulties in repair.

Before harnessing the horse, make sure that the harness is working (belts, buckles, latches are intact) . You should also check on the inside for garbage or creases.

A horse harness is an integral part of a safe crew, the choice of variety of which depends on the type of wagon selected. The one who controls the horses will have to remember that the harness should be on the animal like underwear on a person. Only then management will not cause discomfort to the mare and the coachman.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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