Horse bay characterization

The proverb “meet by clothes” is not only suitable for people. Horses are also rated primarily on the “shirt”. In addition, there is such a thing as a fashion for the suit of a horse, so breeders have to make adjustments when conducting breeding, depending on fashion trends. Today we will talk about bay suit. Speaking of equestrian sport, the bay color of horses is most appreciated here.

  1. General characteristic
  2. Offshoots
  3. Is color and character related
  4. Popularity of bay horses
  5. Interesting facts about bay horses
  6. Sports and horses
  7. Caring for a bay horse

Гнедая масть лошади

Bay horse color

General description

Let’s understand, bay horse – what is it? Bay color suggests that the coat on the horse’s body will be brown. Allowed for only the standard corax to which we are accustomed, but also all its shades, from light, casting golden, to dark, casting red. The only exceptions are the tail and mane. In addition to brown tones, black or as close as possible are welcome. You can say about the limbs, which are often painted black. Even if the mane and tail are not black, they are often several tones darker than the main shade.


The bay suit is unusually multifaceted. In addition to various shades of brown, there are some shades of yellow (golden, for example). In addition to yellowish and red-brown, chocolate tones may be present.According to the existing classification of flywaters, horses of the bay suit are divided into:

  • light bay,
  • golden;
  • undershot;
  • deer -bear;
  • dark bay;
  • cherry;
  • carapace.
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Consider a brief description of each otmastka separately .

Light-bay horses

This bee-eater is easily confused with a mulberry suit, which is characterized by sand colors. It suggests the presence of light shades of brown, right down to golden brown and brown. More, based on the name of the suit, there should be light shades, so we will list the parts of the body that are covered with brown hair. This is primarily the tail and mane. In addition to brown hair, tail and mane can also contain hair, the shade of which coincides with the main color. The limbs below the hock are also painted brown. In some places brown color borders on black. On the back is a coat of dark shades of brown. With a light bay suit, zebroidity on the limbs is allowed. Sometimes horses of a light bay color along the ridge have a dark belt.

Golden horses

Another unusually beautiful otmastok. It suggests the presence of a tan wool. When sunlight enters the coat, a golden tint appears.

Horsy horses

This hairspin suggests the presence of relatively fair hair in the groin, around the mouth and eyes.The tan markings, which are located on the elbows and buttocks, are also allowed by the standard. But the presence of tan marks is optional.

Deer-bay horses

This coat suggests the presence of both light and dark hair on the body of the animal. Belly, muzzle and throat are colored in light shades of brown. On the sides, the hair is darkened, as well as on the neck, back, top of the head and crepe.

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Chestnut horses

Despite the simplicity, this look is unusually elegant. It’s easy to guess from the name that all wool is painted in chestnut color. It is a saturated and rather dark shade.

Dark bay horses

This shading suggests the presence of dark shades of brown. Moreover, in some parts of the body, the coat is darker than in others. So, in the darkest shades of wool is painted on the back, croup and neck. The upper part of the head is also darkened. The rest of the coat is dark brown. It differs from shaded areas by just a few semitones. Not everyone can distinguish a dark bay suit from a black one in tan. They are really unusually similar to each other.

Cherry mounts

This is also called the red color. Horse’s hair is colored in shades with a red tint. It can be either red or brown, but the tide must certainly be red. Brown hair is allowed on the legs.


This is the darkest shade.The color of the coat is as close to black as possible, but tan marks are present on the face and groin area. As in the case of the dark bay color, karakova is very easy to confuse with a crow.

Some remnants suggest marks. But do not confuse marks with spots of white color, because the presence of white spots indicates that you have a bay pinto mare. The mane and tail of the horses of this suit are painted in light brown, red or black. Interesting is that different sections of the mane can be different. It all depends on the pattern of the shirt. The mane is always a continuation of the picture. This is interesting for the pinto suit.

Based on the bay suit, others were created. So, for example, a bay-roan suit and silver-bay, Isabella and Savrasai appeared.

Horse suits
Horse suits
What Color are Horses?

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Is the color and character related

There is an opinion that the suit leaves its mark on the character of the horse. Despite the fact that this fact is not scientifically confirmed, at the races bay horses are the favorites most often, and people with experience with these animals confirm that horses of the bay color balance These animals are hardy and reliable, but the black horses, for example, have a hot temper.

There is a correlation between the color and the state of the animal’s health. For example, horses with a large amount of white hair the body, as a rule, is not the strongest skeleton.Among gray horses, the most common disease is melanosarcoma. In horses of bay color, health problems are extremely rare.

The popularity of bay horses

The bay horse has always been held in high esteem. Evidence of this is ancient legends and legends, in many of them there is such a character as a bay mare or bay stallion (horse Sivka-Burka, for example). What is the reason for this popularity of this color is difficult to determine.Either the reason for everything is the complaisant disposition and devotion of the bay stallion, or the matter is really in color, and the bay suit of the horse in the photo really looks elegant and luxurious.

If you study the pedigree of a particular breed, at least At some stage a bay horse was present. Some breeds do not presuppose the presence of any other stripes, except bay, as a standard. One of these breeds is the Cleveland bay.

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Some peoples even have signs and sayings associated with the colors of horses. So, for example, the Arabs are convinced that the bay horse must certainly be in every stable. But stallions of black suit must be eliminated. Turkmens are very fond of the proverb that says that bay is always distinguished among horses, and bold among dzhigits.

As for statistics, today a bay horse is one of the most common colors. Most often, offshoots that suggest the presence of dark shades of brown. Light offshoots are much less common. Both the first and the second look equally elegant at the same time.

Interesting facts about bay horses

Apparently apples can appear on the wool. This is a specific drawing, which, undoubtedly, ennobles and decorates the mount. Most often, apples appear on a dark bay suit. But do not rely on the fact that with very good care apples will certainly appear.It is only that this sometimes happens.

A mare or horse can slightly change the shade of wool at different times of the year. So, for example, in winter, all shades become a half tone or tone lighter. Also, the hair somewhat loses its shine and becomes more matte. With the advent of the spring warm rays of the sun, the shades become more saturated. With a long stay of a horse, even a black one, under the scorching summer sun, the wool often burns out. To maintain saturated shades of hair, you need to ensure that the pet is in the shade most of the day.

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Often a foal is born with light, sometimes yellowish limbs. Do not be afraid that this contradicts the description of the bay suit. As a rule, the hair on the limbs of a foal grows darker as they mature. If you look at the rating of the most expensive horses in the world, then here we will see bay horses. In different years, representatives of the bay suit were bought for amounts in the millions of dollars. So, they paid $ 85 million for a horse named Montju, and bought a mare named Poet for 2.5 million euros.

Sports and horses

Historically it so happened that the bay horse is a good athlete. Fractional clatter of hoofs to many stallions of this suit brought medals and awards.Olympic Bonfayer, who is a representative of the Oldenburg breed, back in 1994 became the winner of the World Championship in the discipline of free dressage under musical accompaniment. It was a bay horse. Another representative of the brown suit, nicknamed Miss, won the world equestrian games. And there are a lot of such examples. And in general, horses of bay color perform mainly in sports. As for the flywalk, light-bay horses are much less common on racetracks than dark-bay horses.

There is an opinion that white marks indicate a weak skeleton of a horse, so many athletes do not risk sitting on bay stallions with white marks especially on the feet. Superstitious athletes believe that a leg marked with a white mark will always be slightly weaker than the rest. Long-term practice has shown that horses with marked legs achieve the same high results as their colleagues without white marks.

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A word in the history was left by an Orlov trotter named Square. He was recognized as the champion on the exterior, and at the age of 4 years in sports, he took almost all the prizes. And this fact is also interesting because the Square was not a frisky horse and could not boast of outstanding speed qualities. But he had a character and a desire to win. It is possible that he got such qualities with a brown shirt.

Caring for a bay horse

By and large bay bay is not some kind of special horse.She needs the same care as others. First of all, we are talking about a comfortable, warm and clean stable. A proper drinking regimen must also be provided. The animal should always have access to clean water. If it is not possible to equip stationary drinking bowls, then we must not forget that a horse needs at least 30-40 liters of water per day, depending on weight. According to the norms, 10 l of water should fall per 10 kg of weight.

As for nutrition, it should be varied, high-calorie and nutritious. Each breed has its own characteristics, therefore, when buying a foal, you should consult the breeder about the particularities of caring for a horse of a particular breed.

To make the bay horse, and this suit truly elegant, look decent, you need to properly care. The animal must be kept clean and its coat should be systematically cleaned. With proper care, the coat shimmers in the sun, and while running, the mane and tail look like fiery flames. It is such a comparison that occurs in the literature, when the author needs to answer the question, bay horse is an animal of what color. It will not be amiss to say here that if you look at what the word “bay” means, it is associated with concepts such as garbage and chad. An analogy with these concepts occurs when the tail and mane fluttering in the wind.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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