Rabbit vaccination

Rabbits have always been popular as household items. They can be kept both in the apartment as pets, and for further resale and slaughter, that is, in the meat and fur industries. Such popularity is explained by the fact that pussies are undemanding animals that take root in almost all conditions.

Table of contents
  1. Why do rabbits need vaccination?
  2. Features of vaccination of rabbits
  3. What vaccines do rabbits need?
  4. What is a complex vaccine?
  5. Benefits of the Complex Vaccine
  6. Features of successful vaccination

Rabbit disease prevention

Rabbit disease prevention

The only thing that can prevent a successful business is illness To preserve the livestock, it is recommended to make cr Today we’ll look at what vaccination is for rabbits, whether rabbits should be vaccinated, what vaccines rabbits can do, at what age, and what diseases they can protect against.

Why vaccination is needed rabbits

Those who have been breeding rabbits for more than a year know firsthand what a massive drop in the number of rabbits is. The fact is that rabbit diseases spread with great speed, in just a few days all animals can become infected, as a result, it is not possible to save the livestock. Many beginning breeders are scared away by this fact, for this reason they refuse to breed rabbits. Indeed, it’s a shame to suffer financial losses at the very beginning of the enterprise if a massive outbreak of the disease occurs.

The opinion that eared beasts are one of the most painful animals is wrong: they are not affected more often than the same cows or goats.

However, there are factors and reasons due to which the risk of incidence of rabbits is higher than in other animals. Among the most frequently encountered factors for the occurrence of the disease, the following are noted:

  • If the rabbit’s menu contains hay and fresh greens, the risk of contracting a virus or catching a parasite increases significantly.
  • Regular contact with others pets, such as dogs and cats.
  • Animals are outdoors in the grass, not in cages.
  • In the case when rabbits live near water or wetlands.
  • In summer, when blood-sucking insects are especially active.
What is vaccinated for?

D Why vaccinate

So should rabbits be vaccinated? Some breeders believe that the need for this action is greatly exaggerated. It is much easier to isolate a sick animal from healthy animals, to treat and return to a common cell. If we are talking about 2-5 animals, this is advisable. However, in those cases when the farm contains more than a dozen, it is economically disadvantageous. It is much simpler to make all vaccinations for rabbits in accordance with the plan than at one “fine” moment to see that most of the rabbits are infected and are on the verge of life and death.

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Most diseases occur suddenly, symptoms appear immediately and the disease acts aggressively.

What vaccinations do rabbits need? Those that help pets fight especially dangerous diseases. These include:

  • myxomatosis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • hemorrhagic rabbit disease;
  • pastrellosis;
  • rabies.

All these diseases have no treatment at all, the only thing that can protect the rabbit is vaccination. We are talking about vaccines, known as mandatory vaccinations for rabbits. We will find out what vaccines are and when to do the first in order to provide the animal with proper protection.

Features of vaccination of rabbits

At what age are rabbits vaccinated? Usually, the first vaccination of farm rabbits, like everyone else, occurs from 2-3 months of age. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that young rabbits are separated from their mother, they switch to self-feeding. Vaccinations of dwarf rabbits need to be set especially carefully. All this is a great stress for the body, respectively, and the immunity of the animal, which was previously supported by milk, also falls. Thus, it is this age that is ideal for starting vaccination.

If there is an unvaccinated animal on the farm, you must put all the necessary vaccines immediately, and then follow the usual classical revaccination schedule, which is strictly mandatory.

Vaccination can be carried out both independently and with the help of a veterinarian. At first, it is recommended to use the services of a professional: he will tell you which vaccine for rabbits is the best and highest quality, what are the features of its implementation.

Basic rabbit vaccination guidelines

Basic rules for vaccinating rabbits

How do I get vaccinated rabbits on my own? If you decide to vaccinate pussies yourself at home, you need to choose a vaccination schedule for rabbits (or a schedule for vaccinating rabbits), which you will have to follow in the future. You will also need a special syringe, which is sold in a pharmacy called an injector, and the vaccine itself. Of course, you can use ordinary syringes, but it is the injector that can administer the vaccine to the desired depth, which will allow vaccines for rabbits to be properly administered.

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If the vaccine is sold in the form of a dry powder, which is diluted with liquid in the right proportions, then this must certainly be distilled water. It is impossible to store the prepared solution.

Before starting the administration of the preparation, care must be taken that the rabbit is immobilized. Where is the drug administered? The injection must be done intramuscularly, usually the area at the top of the hind paw is selected for this. In general, vaccination of rabbits at home is similar to a hospital procedure.

What vaccines do rabbits need?

What vaccinations do rabbits need in Russia? The most important is vaccinating rabbits with hemorrhagic disease, or HBV. In the case of a disease, that is, in the absence of vaccination, the animal dies. It is necessary to start vaccinating as standard in 2-3 months, however, if there is an outbreak of the disease in the household, then even monthly rabbits should be vaccinated. Revaccination is carried out every 2 months to maintain immunity to the disease.

The second most important is the vaccine against myxomatosis, in the Russian Federation a cover vaccination is used. Bloodsucking insects are usually associated with the spread of the disease, therefore it is recommended that vaccination of rabbits be started in the summer until mid-autumn, but not in winter. p41>

Can pregnant rabbits be vaccinated? As it turned out, pregnant rabbits can be vaccinated, but only if the epidemic spreads. The answer to the question whether nursing rabbits can be vaccinated is similar. Sick animals must be vaccinated in a general manner.

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Immunity is active for a period of 5-6 months, after which you need to repeat the vaccination in mid-spring.

What is a complex vaccine

Earlier we talked about individual vaccines that help protect for a certain period of time from only one specific disease.However, nowadays, farmers’ stories about complex vaccines are increasingly common. What is it?

A comprehensive vaccination for rabbits is a drug that incorporates antibodies to many diseases. Currently, the most commonly used are:

  • Nobivak (can even be used as a rabies rabies vaccine);
  • Pestorin;
  • Lapimun.

When should rabbits be vaccinated? The vaccination schedule for rabbits with the introduction of complex vaccines differs from that described previously. The first vaccination of rabbits occurs at 1.5 months, the second at 3 months; then every 6 months the procedure must be repeated. It is best to start a comprehensive vaccination in the spring.

What is a comprehensive vaccine?

What is a comprehensive vaccination

Complex vaccination acts against diseases such as HBV, myxomatosis, paratyphoid, pastrellosis, rabies, etc.

Vaccinations are especially acute when cases of infection with one disease or another were recorded in the territories adjacent to the farm.

You can choose either a comprehensive or a single vaccine, it all depends on personal preferences, as well as on the financial full potential, because the cost of a complex vaccine in Russia is more expensive. How much does a vaccine cost in Russia? The price of one vaccine against rabbit diseases starts at 100 rubles per ampoule.

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Advantages of the complex vaccine

Earlier we talked about the fact that the complex vaccine involves the introduction of antibodies against several diseases at once. This is the same virus, only in a lightweight form, which a healthy rabbit organism can overcome. It is important to purchase a vaccine whose quality is not in doubt. Consultation of a veterinarian or advice of other farmers can help with this.

It is believed that it is harder for an animal to survive the introduction of a complex vaccine for rabbits, since immunity has to deal with several diseases at once, but this is not so. A healthy body is able to cope with this.

It is believed that it is the complex vaccine that acts more gently, because the eared one has only one injection, so the period after vaccination with rabbits at home is easier. This is also due to the fact that complex vaccines were developed relatively recently, they relate to second and third generation drugs.

Now you can find such combined vaccines:

  • From myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic disease (Czech production).
  • From salmonellosis and pastrellosis.
  • Against pastrellosis and streptococcal infection.

This vaccine reduces the risk of side effects, which mono vaccines cannot be said.

Features of successful vaccination

How to About vaccinating rabbits?It doesn’t matter what vaccinations domestic rabbits are given to inject: for successful vaccination, the following recommendations and rules should be followed:

  • The animal must be 100% healthy. If it becomes noticeable even the slightest deviation from the norm, you need to abandon the injection and postpone the vaccination for some time. Before administering the drug, it is recommended for some time just to observe the behavior of the pet in order to verify its health. The right decision is to entrust the examination to a veterinarian who will provide the animal with a comprehensive examination before injection.
  • If you decide to vaccinate the rabbit yourself at home, you need to carefully read the instructions for the drug. This is necessary even if the use of the drug is not the first time. The fact is that some points of the instruction may change, which you must be aware of. Also, do not forget to look at the expiration date: the expired vaccine must be disposed of.
  • The dosage of the medicine must be calculated strictly according to the instructions, it is strictly forbidden to change the dose yourself: this way the antibodies will not be formed and the animal will remain defenseless against diseases.
  • It is strictly forbidden to move away from the vaccination schedule. The fact is that the effect of all injections is designed for a certain period, which cannot be changed.
  • In addition, the rabbit must be healthy at the time of the vaccine introduction, it is worthwhile to carry out preventive treatment for helminths.This is usually done a few days before the planned vaccination date. How to properly conduct an examination for a disease can be seen in numerous photos and videos.
  • The minimum weight of a rabbit at the time of vaccination should be at least 500 g. If the weight does not match, the vaccine should not be given.
  • It is considered extremely undesirable to vaccinate pregnant rabbits, as well as those who are in lactation. The only exceptions are epidemic outbreaks of diseases.
  • The minimum pause between the introduction of the vaccine (mono) is 2-3 weeks.
  • You should not buy vaccines for rabbits from the hands and on the Internet. You need to be sure that the medicine was properly stored and transported correctly, only a veterinary pharmacy can guarantee it.
  • After setting up the vaccine in the veterinary clinic, make sure that the appropriate mark on the procedure appears in the veterinary passport of the animal .
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The general rule that must be observed to reduce the likelihood of side effects is to refuse to bathe in the next 2-3 days after the injection. It is also advisable not to overcool the pet and protect it from stress, as all this negatively affects the immunity of the rabbit.

Ultimately, the answer to the question whether rabbits should be vaccinated is positive.Now you know how to vaccinate a rabbit, what preparations must be administered in order to save it from being infected with deadly diseases, when should rabbits be vaccinated properly. All that remains is to follow the pattern.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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