Popular breeds of rabbits for home breeding

Which breeds of rabbits for home breeding are better? This is the first question that comes to mind for a beginning rabbit breeder. The success of the economy does not depend on the breed, but on how competently a person approaches the matter. It is important to understand for what purpose you will raise rabbits: to sell meat and skins or for yourself.

  1. Classification <
  2. Flanders
  3. New Zealand white crawl and lop-eared ram
  4. White downy crawl
  5. Angora fur crawl
  6. Black-brown crawl
  7. Butterfly <
  8. Soviet chinchilla crawl
  9. Payback
  10. Differences and advantages of albinos
  11. Benefits from keeping rabbits
  12. Rabbit breeding trends in the Russian Federation
  13. Conclusions

Популярные породы кроликов

Popular rabbit breeds

20 breeds are popular in the world.


There are several types of rabbits:

  • meat ;
  • furry;
  • meat-skins;
  • dwarf.

Rabbits of meat breeds quickly gain weight and when they reach half a year old they can be put on meat. Fur breeds have a thick, soft coat. Mixed species are the most popular among breeders, because their breeding allows you to get meat products and profitable to sell skins.

Decorative animals are bred for pleasure as pets. Dwarf animals with long fur are bred in an apartment to obtain threads for knitting.

When breeding pussies it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the region and select representatives who do not need special care. What breed of rabbit is best suited for breeding in the Russian climate?

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We suggest considering the most popular breeds in order to have an idea of ​​their content.


The first representative on our list is Flanders. In the territories of the post-Soviet space, it is taking root poorly. For its maintenance, it is necessary to build special cells with heating, which is very expensive. At the same time, Flandra is used for breeding many breeds of meat orientation.

Flandra is a real giant compared to relatives. Its body reaches 70 cm in length, and body weight reaches 10 kg. All over the world, this breed is appreciated for its delicate tasty meat and thick wool, which resembles a kangaroo fur in structure.

Despite the high production indicators, eared lumps require special care. Rabbit houses should be large. Representatives of the species consume a lot of food. Rabbits reach puberty very late, so often their birth is accompanied by complications. However, if the farm has a fairly warm farm building that can be adapted to their content, then there should be no problems with breeding the breed.

New Zealand white crawl and lop-eared sheep

Average the body weight of New Zealand representatives reaches 5 kg.The body is muscular, lean. They are distinguished by a pure white color. Small head with erect short ears. The paws even on the soles are covered with thick fur.

Новозеландский белый кролик

New Zealand white rabbit

Representatives of the breed gain weight very quickly. Already by the age of 3 months, rabbits gain 3 kg. Rabbits give a large offspring of up to 12 rabbits. The rabbits’ temper is calm.

The lop-eared ram is very popular in Western Europe. Like flanders, body length can reach 70 cm. Body weight 7-8 kg. Wool feels like velvet. The body is lean with a well-developed muscular system. A feature of this species are hanging ears. This structure of the ears makes the hearing of rabbits much worse. The animals have a calm and affectionate character, which is why they are often bred as pets in apartment conditions.

Баран вислоухий

Lop-eared ram

White downy crawl

Several species of this species can be found on our territory. Color can be not only white, but also blue and black. The average body weight of animals is 4-5 kg. Case length – 51 centimeters.

Белый пуховый кролик

White down rabbit

Fertility of females is average.During one pregnancy, rabbits can bear about 7 rabbits. Almost all representatives of fur-bearing breeds are well adapted to any climatic conditions. The fur of the breed is light and flexible.

Angora fur crawl

The Angora rabbit resembles a fluffy ball. Individuals of this species are often taken to children because of their friendly playful disposition. Their weight is only 3 kg.

Ангорский пушистый кролик

Angora fluffy rabbit

Species of this species do not differ in precocity. Weight gain very slowly. The rabbit brings up to 6 rabbits in one round. Their coat requires special care. Crawls need to be cut often, warm dry cages are needed.

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Black-brown crawl

Individuals of meat-and-skin breeds are especially popular among breeders due to their unpretentiousness and good adaptability. The meat of this breed of rabbits is distinguished by special taste. The fur color is similar to the fox fur.

Черно-бурый кролик

Black-brown rabbit

Rabbits quickly gain weight. Their average body weight is 5 kg. During one pregnancy, the female carries about 8 babies.


The unique color made this species popular among fur connoisseurs.Against a plain background, contrasting spots resembling butterfly wings are clearly distinguished. By the color scheme of the spots, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • blue;
  • black;
  • gray;
  • yellow.
Кролик Бабочка

Rabbit Butterfly

The view is beautiful adapts to the climatic conditions of our territories. In addition to fine wool, individuals have excellent meat, which is highly regarded among gourmets. Females of this species are very prolific.

Soviet chinchilla crawl

From the name itself it is clear that the color of the fur resembles chinchilla wool. Animal skins are widely used for the manufacture of fur coats and short fur coats, not only as an imitation of chinchilla fur, but also in pure form.

Советская шиншилла

Soviet chinchilla

The breed is also appreciated for its high rate of mass gain. By 3 months of age, their weight is 3 kg. A rabbit can lead 8-10 rabbits in one round.

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When deciding which breed is best for breeding, it is recommended to pay attention to rabbits with an average weight. As for saving on feed, it all depends on the feed itself. For example, in Europe, experienced rabbit breeders and large farmers have long switched to granular feed.They are balanced and can provide rabbits with all the necessary minerals and vitamins for optimal growth and development.

In addition to buying granular food, you do not need to make any extra costs. The only thing the rabbit still needs is enough water. With such a diet, as it turned out, the most profitable breeding of rabbits with average body weight. Their fecundity is quite high, and young growth catches up very quickly.

Among domestic rabbit breeders, medium-sized rabbits of such breeds are quite popular:

  • Butterfly;
  • Vienna blue;
  • California;
  • New Zealand red and white.

In addition to active weight gain, individuals of these species are characterized by early maturity and high sexual activity. The downtime for such individuals is much shorter than for large meat varieties. Females and males Giants reach puberty 1.5 months later than medium-sized representatives. The fur of medium-sized individuals also differs in quality for the better.

Differences and advantages of albinos

When deciding which breed will be more economical to breed, you should pay attention to rabbits albinos. There are several varieties of white rabbits. Among them are Butterfly, White Giant, Pannon, New Zealand. Albinos are characterized by a calm, balanced character.

Кролик Альбинос

Rabbit Albino

Rabbits completely not aggressive, therefore, do not spend their energy on conflicts within the species. Accordingly, much less will be needed to maintain the vital energy of the feed. Fat build-up is noticeably fast. All large livestock farms prefer albinos for breeding for sale.

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Benefits from keeping rabbits

Any novice farmer asks whether it is profitable to raise rabbits and which breed is best to start. If we analyze the global statistics and trends in the development of rabbit breeding, it becomes clear that large-sized breeds have lost their primacy. Even countries in which they were previously considered a property have begun to refuse to breed them because it is not profitable.

Recently, New Zealand and California rabbits have become the most popular. Also, these trends are closely associated with the invention of new breeding technologies and the release of improved universal feed. Medium-sized rabbits weighing up to 5 kg are characterized by fast weight gain. By the age of 3 months, they can be slaughtered. Individuals by this moment already have a weight of 3 kg.

Today, accelerated rabbits are increasingly found in urban apartments. They are kept as pets. The rabbits have a very calm disposition, they get along well with children.

Trends in rabbit breeding in the Russian Federation

Despite the fact that the majority of medium-sized individuals are very highly valued and distributed throughout the world, in Russia Accelerates remain in demand. For our breeders, the purchase of granular feed is simply not affordable. It is much cheaper to feed the animals with grass, which is very easy to get in the summer and prepare for the winter. Also, rabbits are fed with branches and grain waste, which is always enough in the private sector.

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One of the leading rabbit breeders, Mikhailov, proposed a new approach for optimal productive breeding. His system is based on the study of the basic needs of rabbits and aims to produce large-sized meat individuals. He proposed to keep the Giants open method on a special semi-automated farm. Over time, his methods have been improved.


There is no definite answer to the question which breed of rabbit is best for breeding. It is necessary to rely on target aspects and financial opportunities. Medium-sized albinos are economical in this respect: they have good performance and adaptability to any climatic conditions.

In European countries use for feeding granular feed. On our territory, high-quality feed of such a plan will be, firstly, problematic, and secondly, it will cost dearly. A sufficient amount of juicy grass grows in our territories, which in combination with grain mixers will be enough. For the winter, rabbits are harvested hay. Unfortunately, our property, accelerated rabbits, are completely unprofitable in breeding: they require maintenance in large cages, which will be difficult to heat in winter.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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