Causes of Pododermatitis in Rabbits

Those who breed rabbits know that subdermatitis is their most common disease. It represents the formation of ulcers on the limbs of animals. The risk group primarily includes young individuals at the age of 3 months, puffies with excess body weight, as well as old animals. We will understand what rabbit pododermatitis is and what are the features of its treatment.

    1. Where does

come from

  1. The main symptoms
  2. How the disease develops
  3. Prevention <

Пододерматит у кроликов

Subdermatitis in rabbits

Where does it come from

The main cause of the disease is the wrong floor in the habitat of rabbits. Net, hard flooring, rugs, masonry are categorically not suitable. If the cage has one of the above types of floors then problems cannot be avoided.Poor care and unsanitary The conditions of detention, the insufficient amount of fur on the legs, too long claws that lead to the appearance of corns – all this is also included in the range of causes of the disease.

Sedentary lifestyle and, as a result, obesity, high humidity , preventing the healing of wounds and injuries, lack of a balanced diet and poor immunity – a number of factors influencing the occurrence of an ailment can be listed endlessly.

The veterinarian will prescribe treatment for pododermatitis only after he has established iagnoz, eliminating the possibility that this is some other disease. A person needs to respond quickly, and in the future – follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

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The main symptoms

The main signs of rabbit pododermatitis are various injuries of the paws in the form of ulcers and erosion, the disease is also manifested by the animal’s refusal of food and exhaustion of the body. Having looked closely, it is easy to notice peeling of the skin and blood flowing from the affected areas. Further, loss of fur and a noticeable damage to the skin by parasites will follow. You need to understand how important it is to consult a specialist in a timely manner who will tell you how to properly treat the animal, otherwise the animal will simply die.

The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and suppuration of the foot pads, which negatively affects the general condition of the fluffy rodent. Superficial lesions are characterized by transparent, gray discharge from the wounds, and severe purulent formations – light yellow. As soon as the symptoms become noticeable, you need to immediately go to the doctor until the moment is missed and you can still save the pet’s life.

How the disease develops

There are 4 stages of development of pododermatitis:

  1. The early stage is manifested by superficial skin lesions and, if you start treating immediately, everything goes quickly and easily.
  2. The period of development of purulent pododermatitis. If you act at this stage without delay and in time to give medicine, the disease will be cured.
  3. The longer and more difficult the healing process will be, if we allow the transition of the disease to the third stage, when the infection penetrates the tissues. In this situation, sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention, and after a while there is a risk of relapse.
  4. The most dangerous thing for a rabbit is deep penetration, which can damage the animal’s bones and tendons. It is almost impossible to predict how treatment will end at this stage.
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It is easier to cure the animal if you notice symptoms at the very early stages. The basis of therapy is antibiotics in the form of injections and local action, and you still need to do constant dressings of the affected limbs. More accurate recommendations and selection of drugs can only be done by an experienced doctor. If rabbit pododermatitis is suspected, treatment should be urgent. If purulent formations appear, they must be carefully cleaned and the wound treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, while remembering that suppuration is likely to reoccur, which means that more than one treatment will be required. Every day you need to carefully examine a sick animal and carry out procedures.

Of the local preparations, Ranodes spray, which is applied to a cleaned wound 1-2 times a day, and also ointments such as Livomikol, Vishnevsky, Rescuer and others. They stop the blood and relieve inflammation. Of the antibiotics, Bitsilin and Baytril are popular in solving this problem.It is also possible to use alternative methods of treatment, for example, you can wash the wounds with a decoction of calendula. Herbs such as a shepherd’s bag, nettle, and plantain will help stop bleeding. You just need to add them to your food.

Submatitis in rabbits
Submaturity in rabbits
Dodermatitis treatment options!


Podermatitis is a serious enough disease that is difficult to treat and the drugs themselves are not cheap.That is why it makes sense to prevent its appearance:

  • not to breed those breeds of rabbits that have a predisposition to the disease;
  • to separate the sick animal from everyone else;
  • do not forget to control the cleanliness, temperature and humidity in the cage;
  • be sure to provide rabbits with soft bedding made of straw or hay;
  • subject to a wooden floor at the place of keeping pets at least once a month carry out its processing with lime.
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In no case should you self-medicate, apply for oschyu to the vet should be the sooner the better. If we are talking about domestic rabbits, then experts say that there is nothing worse for them than synthetic carpets and linoleum. They can cause the development of pododermatitis. A cotton cover is excellent for them, and it is very easy to ensure it: it’s enough to cover the old sheets while your pet is walking, and then remove them. This is cheaper than treatment.

Those who prefer to walk their pet in the fresh air should be careful about what kind of surfaces they move around, avoiding sand, asphalt and pebbles. Preference should be given to the lawn or just the ground. The disease itself, although so dangerous for animals, does not threaten humans. In the sense that the meat of such rabbits is suitable for consumption except in places affected by the disease. Furry rabbits pododermatitis is a problem that can and should be fought!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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