Common diseases of ornamental rabbits

The diseases of the decorative rabbits are diverse, each of them can pose a threat to the life of a small pet. Diseases can be caused both by the influence of pathogenic microorganisms and by a violation in the regime of care and nutrition. Any deviation from the normal state of the animal should cause concern to its owner. What to do if the decorative crawl fell ill, how to determine the source of the disease?

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Diseases of ornamental rabbits

The pet may be infected with infectious diseases that lead to infection and other cell neighbors; skin ailments and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to find out what exactly is the cause of the disease and start treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms characteristic of a particular illness.

Myxomatosis in rabbits

With this diseases like myxomatosis, there is a high probability of death. The infection is quite resistant to any chemical influences and manifests itself within a few days after penetration. Myxoma is rapidly developing and often kills a pet. A decorative rabbit can get sick after contact with affected animals, hosts, insects: ticks, fleas and mosquitoes.To date, a medication that would give an absolute result has not been produced. The main symptoms are that it is observed:

  • swelling of the head, face and body, swelling of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis and purulent discharge from the nose;
  • formation of nodules at the site of neoplasms;
  • temperature elevated to 41-42 ° C;
  • impaired activity and general malaise.
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To prevent the disease monthly animals should be vaccinated, and when the virus enters, quarantine the pets. For prevention, it is necessary to daily disinfect the premises and protect the rabbits from the effects of carriers, especially in the summer.

Infectious rhinitis

The peculiarity of the disease is that each decorative rabbit contains the nose of the infectious agent, but it is not at all dangerous in the normal state, however, if the mucous layer is damaged, the animal’s body is affected by microbes. As a result of this, the previously harmless rabbit turns into a peddler of rhinitis. To understand that the crawl is sick, attention should be paid to:

  • change and heavier breathing;
  • rubbing the paws of the nose;
  • redness and inflammation of the mucosa;
  • the presence of purulent discharge from the nose;
  • temperature;
  • lack of appetite.

Treatment includes the use of one percent Furacilin for instillation of either penicillin with saline.Disinfection is carried out using formaldehyde.


Overcooling or constantly changing room temperature can lead to pneumonia. In addition, untreated bronchitis or myxomatosis can lead to the disease. To prevent pneumonia, it is important to pay attention to room temperature and eliminate drafts. Symptoms of the disease of ornamental rabbits are:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath in the animal;
  • the presence of wheezing accompanying breathing;
  • periodic cough;
  • nasal discharge;
  • fever to extremes;
  • decreased activity.
See also  Causes of stomatitis in rabbits and methods of its treatment

Treatment includes:

  • taking antibiotics and drugs to increase immunity;
  • the use of antipyretic drugs to lower the temperature;
  • providing animals with heat, plenty of water and frequent meals.

Pneumonia – enough about a grazing animal disease, the appearance of which largely depends on the owner of the rabbit.

Risk of pasteurellosis

Pasteurellosis, or septicemia, can affect the rabbit as a result of contact with relatives of relatives or after communication with animals and infected people. In the presence of another ailment in the body, pasteurellosis manifests itself more aggressively. Life depends on the timely treatment of this disease in decorative rabbits, because an infection can lead to death in a few days.

Symptoms of the first stage of the disease are manifested in a sharp and rapid increase in body temperature, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, purulent wounds covering the body, loss of appetite. Treatment can be prescribed only by a veterinarian and, with timely diagnosis, includes the administration of antibiotics, injections of biomycin, terramycin. A mandatory measure is cell disinfection.

Rabbit diseases: symptoms and treatment. Important to know!
Myxomatosis in rabbits – treatment, symptoms, vaccination.
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Infectious stomatitis

A decorative rabbit can catch stomatitis in 3-4 months of age. Timely intervention leads to a complete recovery within a few weeks, while the advanced stage of the disease leads to death. Symptoms of the “wet face” disease are easy to identify:

  • the rabbit’s tongue is covered with white plaque and sores;
  • the salivation increases;
  • the animal is in an aggressive state and is little eating;
  • the coat becomes wet and gradually falls out;
  • the skin becomes inflamed.
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To treat the rabbit, they are watered with two percent copper sulfate several times a day, inject Streptocide every 10 hours and fill the diet with vitamins, while limiting calories.


Conjunctivitis penetrates the banal a speck of dust or a speck of dust, resulting in inflammation of the eye. The visual organ can also become inflamed after drafts, scratches, cigarette smoke and permanent mechanical damage to the eyes. The disease often complements other infectious ailments.All symptoms are concentrated in the eye and are easily detected:

  • inflammation and redness of the mucosa occurs;
  • the throat affects the cornea;
  • purulent discharge from the eye.

For effective treatment using special eye preparations based on antibiotics, boric acid. Mixtures of powdered sugar and Kalomel are suitable for treating ulcers and thorn.


A parasitic fungus that feeds on skin and wool components causes an ailment. When one individual is infected, it is isolated both from relatives and from people. Signs are also easily determined with the owner’s attention to the animal. These are:

  • constant scratching of the rabbit skin, accompanied by itching;
  • aggressiveness, anxiety, irritability;
  • the formation of round bald spots on the body and skin ulcers.

For treatment, the affected areas are treated, and the nearby wool is sheared. To treat the skin, antibiotic ointments are used, and to stop itching, special preparations like Fenistil are used. It is appropriate to use iodine with salicylic acid, a dermatomycosis vaccine will be a preventive measure.

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A decorative rabbit, being on the wrong litter, provokes the appearance of corns and wounds on the limbs. This is especially true for hard trellised flooring and stone tiles.In the absence of cell care, pododermatitis develops faster. The main symptom of the disease is the presence of abrasions and wounds on the soles, peeling of the skin and falling hair from the legs. If pus appears from the wound, it is likely that the disease is in a very neglected state.

To eliminate the ailment, special disinfectants and emollients are used, they wash the wounds with calendula. It is important to bandage the foot with a bandage and change the flooring, disinfect and wash the cage. To combat purulent wounds, hydrogen peroxide and antibiotics are used.


Scabies in a rabbit are determined very simply and are the result of the influence of scabies and fleas. In addition to constant itching and combing, the animal’s mood deteriorates and anxiety and irritability arise, the rabbit does not want to eat. The skin turns red and crusty, festering.

Therapy includes:

  • treatment of affected areas and rubbing of Hyposulfite;
  • removal of mites after lubricating the skin with vegetable oil with turpentine;
  • isolation from other living things.

Gastrointestinal diseases are also dangerous for rabbits, among which there are several most common for pets.


Despite such a complex name, this ailment is popularly known as worms.Their presence is difficult to determine immediately, because for several months they do not appear, just populate the small intestine and poison the body with poisons. As a result, the physical development of the pets and their nervous system suffer.

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The distinctive features of the disease include:

  • slower growth and development;
  • diarrhea;
  • sharp weight loss due to lack of appetite;
  • the presence of parasites in the secretions.

To combat the worms, Gamavit, Albendazole suspension and thorough regular disinfection of the cell are prescribed and tray.


If you are overweight, unbalanced and malnourished, intestinal infections in animals can begin meteo rism. The main methods of treatment lie in changing the diet of the animal, eliminating harmful products.

Symptoms of bloating are:

  • absent or decreased appetite;
  • increased breathing;
  • bloating, which you can feel yourself.

To eliminate a slight bloating, use Dimethicone and abdominal massage. Perhaps the use of painkillers. To restore the microflora, a course of vitamins and prebiotics is prescribed.


If you violate the toilet routine, the owner of the decorative rabbit needs to worry. Stagnation of secretions leads not only to painful sensations, but also to poisoning of the whole organism.Junk food, hair penetration into the stomach, or being in a stressful situation can lead to constipation. The main features of the disease in the absence of bowel movements for 10-12 hours and the restless state of the rabbit. Therapy includes:

  • proper diet;
  • eating only wholesome food;
  • frequent drinking with liquids;
  • providing fresh air and free space;
  • taking Tserukal to improve and stabilize the intestines in especially neglected situations.

As it turned out, any disease can be dangerous for the rabbit, and therefore treatment should be timely and high quality. In order to prevent diseases in decorative rabbits, you need to pay more attention to pets and monitor their care and behavior. It is important to disinfect cells in time and prevent animals from communicating with possible carriers of infection. The diseases of your decorative rabbits and their treatment directly depend on your care and responsibility.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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