Is it possible to introduce sorrel in the diet of rabbits


Can rabbits be sorrel? Which one to choose, garden or wild (horse)? To correctly introduce sorrel to lure, you need to know a few simple rules for its dosage, processing and storage.reachGoal (‘sood’); “>

  1. What is horse acid and is it possible to feed rabbits sorrel
  2. How to give sorrel to rabbits
  3. The collection, processing and storage of sorrel
  4. Fresh
  5. Dried
  6. Conclusion

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Can rabbits eat sorrel

Experienced farmers say , that the rabbit’s diet should consist mainly of green fodder, which is fresh plants in the summer and harvested for the winter hay. One of the herbs that can be given to a pet is sorrel. This product contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins. In addition, sour acid tastes good due to its juiciness. Animals enjoy eating it in large volumes.

What is horse acid and is it possible to feed sorrel rabbits

Horse sorrel, or horse acid sour (Latin name Rumex konfertus Willd), is a perennial plant that has a strong stalk with a height of 90- 160 cm and broad dense leaves. This type of plant is common throughout the Eurasian zone. Mostly places of growth of wild acidity – forests and steppes. At the chemical level, the composition of the grass is extremely curious. Flowers contain up to 68 mg of ascorbic acid.Almost the entire stem of sour acid contains a high level of calcium oxalate, which is known in medicine for its antibacterial properties.

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Horse sorrel, unlike ordinary sorrel, has no nutritional value for humans and is considered a weed. However, among domestic animals, sour is a tasty and juicy supplement to the main feed. Due to the unique healing properties of this plant, decoctions and ointments are also made for the treatment of vitamin deficiency and getting rid of parasites. And yet, is it possible for domestic rabbits to have sorrel?

Many owners of these animals believe that feeding rodents is worth only 1-2 types of grass. Usually dandelions or clover serve as green lure. However, this is a misconception. If a domestic rabbit does not receive a sufficient amount of important components, then it lags noticeably in growth, so sorrel can be given to rabbits, and sometimes it is simply necessary. As for horse acid, this herb contains a lot of useful properties:

  • With the right dosage, the acid helps the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rabbits love this herb for juiciness, because in addition, this plant perfectly compensates for the lack of vitamin C.
  • The leaves of such greenery have an antibacterial effect on the animal organism.

Wild sour acid is eaten by both field fluffies and farmers.But if field subspecies of long-eared rodents can use this grass without preparation, then pets can enjoy a fresh plant.

Before introducing wild acid into the pet’s diet, it should be checked how it will react to small doses. So the rabbits can be given only 2-3 leaves to try and watch how they will feel after such a treat.

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How to give sorrel to rabbits correctly

Feeding to rabbits sorrel can be used both in pure form and in combination with other plants.

Sorrel is best combined with herbs such as plantain, clover, meadowsweet, etc. Young rodents per day are considered 60- 120 g of pure sorrel. For adult animals, the dose of acid can be increased to 100-180 g. Sorrel has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant rabbit, so during gestation, the dose can be increased to 150-220 g per day.

Sorrel should be introduced in small portions. You also need to monitor the reaction of the pets to the new supplement. If the rabbits liked the treat and there was no disturbance of the digestive system, then you can give grass weekly, alternating with other plants.

It is important to remember that giving sorrel to rabbits in its pure form should be careful.Incorrect dosage can lead to sad consequences, including:

  • impaired mineral metabolism in the rodent;
  • poor kidney function;
  • high blood clotting and appearance blood clots;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

If the rabbit has the above problems, you should immediately contact a veterinarian and review the diet of the animal. You may need to exclude such grass from the fluffy menu.

For reinsurance, you can ask your veterinarian if rabbits can be given sorrel later. Sometimes, having foiled an allergy to a certain product, the fluffy is no longer able to eat such grass. plant stem. The leaves should not be plaque, mold or disease.

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The stem is whole and flexible, bends well in the hands. The grass does not have to be rotten or damaged by insects.


Horse sorrel can be given to rabbits fresh, in some cases even necessary. The main thing is to remember the correct dosage of the plant. In the old sorrel there are components that can be bitter, so young shoots should be collected.

The best period for collecting sorrel is spring, at this time of the year the young leaves have not yet absorbed enough sun and contain the maximum amount of vitamins.In addition, spring sorrel is juicy and full of nutrients.

Unfortunately, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from direct sunlight, the plant quickly loses its properties. This should be taken into account when collecting grass.

Herbs that can be given to rabbits. Part # 1
Nettle, sorrel, tops, dandelion


After drying, the sorrel loses the bitterness, which is present in fresh grass, and tastes good. A domestic rabbit eats hay from horse acid. It is best to collect the plant in the spring, it is during this period that the maximum amount of liquid is contained in the leaves and stems.

Before harvesting, horse sorrel is washed from pollen and earth.If you do not do this carefully, the risk of moldiness increases. Next, the acid should be thoroughly dried by laying the future hay on a fabric made of natural materials. As soon as the canvas absorbs excess moisture, the sorrel must be moved to fresh air. The grass dries on a sunny warm day, but it should be placed in the shade: direct rays destroy the nutrients in the sour. Leaves must be placed in one layer, otherwise mold or rot may form.

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A signal that the sorrel has dried well is the fragility of the leaves.

When the plant stops bending in hands, it should be moved to a dry place with good air circulation. It is advisable to store acid in a wooden room, the attic is well suited for this. In the right conditions, the grass is stored for 2 years or more, however, veterinarians argue that the rabbit hay should be fresh and harvested annually.


So, horse sorrel for rabbits is great as a food. The plant contains many vitamins and favorably affects the health of the pet. Also sour – not only healthy, but also tasty food for rodents. For a good result, remember the correct dosage and storage conditions of the acid. However, we must not forget to alternate grass in complementary foods, combining sorrel with clover or plantain. Following these simple rules, you can provide your rabbit with good immunity and a long life.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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