How to treat worms in rabbits

Worms in rabbits are not uncommon. Rabbits are gentle and curious animals; danger can lie in wait at every step. Eared people are constantly chewing something, so you need to watch what happens in their mouth, whether this product is edible or not.

  1. How does worm infection
  2. Symptoms of parasite infection
  3. Diagnosis of the disease
  4. Treatment of worms
  5. Treatment folk methods
  6. Prevention from worms in rabbits

If it became noticeable how the behavior of the pet changed dramatically: he became lazy, succumbed to apathy, was tormented by thirst and hunger, he probably had worms.

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Worms in rabbits

To save pi It’s necessary to use anthelmintic preparations for rabbits, and timely prevention of worms in rabbits should be carried out. You can learn more about the types of worms in rabbits in a photo or video.

How worms infect

It’s difficult for the rabbit owner to trace and understand if worm infection and at what point. Rabbits are unpredictable animals: now they want to chew it, and the next second they will find the object more interesting.It is especially worth watching the animal during its walking on the street: any garbage leftovers will become a real find for him and you never know how many worm eggs are on this treat. One has only to lick, and the infection can not be avoided.

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In fact, the symptoms do not appear immediately. The process of developing worms in the body of an animal takes time. It depends not only on the carrier, but also on the type of helminths. There are about 10 of them: trichinella, roundworm, tapeworm, fluke, pinworm. The last of these often makes visits to the rabbits. This small round parasite multiplies in the anus. The rabbit pinworm can be found directly in the pet’s feces.

If the pet does not go outside the house, do not rush to give in to doubts: it could have been infected by other pets visiting the street, or the child’s boot accidentally stained in the feces during walking time.

The sources of infection are very different, but it is impossible to find out about the infection until the worms create an entire nation, and this will really disturb the rabbit. Worms begin to parasitize in the intestines, destroy the mucous membrane and poison the body. Most of the absorbed food will be reabsorbed by the worms. Thus, the pet will begin to eat more, while losing weight. As soon as bacteria get into the internal wounds, the inflammatory process will be irreversible. Fuzzy will be on the verge of life and death if he is not immediately helped.

Symptoms of parasite infection

How to determine if a pet is infected? It is enough to follow him and identify similar symptoms:

  • the animal drinks more and goes to the toilet more often;
  • the green feces prevail in the stool of the pet;
  • the baby is disturbed constipation, diarrhea;
  • ambiguous appetite, puffy for days can not look at his favorite delicacy set in front of him;
  • eared sheds plentifully, his hair is brittle;
  • eye the shell is muddy;
  • the rabbit becomes lazy, tired and lies a lot;
  • the animal scratches under the tail and eats booty on the ground.
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As soon as the symptoms showed up it’s time proceed with treatment and select the appropriate remedy. However, amateur performances are not welcome here. For advice, it is better to contact a veterinarian who examines the pet and gives clear instructions. At the end of the course of treatment, prevention is desirable.

Diagnosis of the disease

It would seem that it is easy to determine the type of parasite and the type of infection. As already mentioned above, worms can be excreted, but larvae do not always end up in feces. To get the answer for sure, it is worth repeating the test for 3 days. Of course, there is another way, cleaner: the blood of an infected rabbit in the study shows that the number of antibodies has increased in order to defeat the parasites. Eating an infected eared dog with a changed blood composition is prohibited.In order for the animal to recover, it is necessary to undergo treatment and prevention.

Treatment of worms

Worms in rabbits and treatment should be carried out as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. Various drugs are used against this unpleasant problem. You need to give medicines that the veterinarian will prescribe. Most often, a remedy for worms is prescribed to farm rabbits, which is administered subcutaneously or taken orally. In prevention, they are not considered so often. The most effective drugs include Shustrik, Albendazole and Gamavit.

Shustrik is not in vain called that. It helps to cope with the problem quite quickly, so it is believed that this is a good suspension. If the pet is actively fighting off, not wanting to take the medicine, a good option is to dilute the drug with food.

Albendazole and Gamavit take the second place in the rating. These drugs work great in a duet. The first fights against worms, while the second strengthens the immune system. If anthelmintic is treated with such drugs, then the signs of the disease in a decorative rabbit pass quickly. Give them alternately on different days. An overdose is dangerous for the rabbit’s health, therefore, before soldering or giving the animal Pirantel, Tetramizole, Dronten, etc., you need to study the instructions for use and consult a veterinarian.

Self-treatment with the above drugs is possible only after consultation with a veterinarian.Any medicine for domestic use should be given to animals with special responsibility.

If the rabbit is very tight and he’s already preparing to leave for the next world, when his internal organs are affected and it comes to the liver, intestines, heart, need to give Albendazole. This drug did not cope with such tragedies. Only in no case can you pull.

You also need to vaccinate rabbits against worms. To combat an unpleasant ailment, a drug from worms for rabbits is used, like Levamisole. It is used both orally and in the form of injections. Before vaccination, the rabbit needs to be mentally prepared, and also a better diet.

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Worms in rabbits, how to define
Prevention and treatment of worms in rabbits. Helmites. Worms.Coccidiosis
Treatment of helminths in rabbits. Cysticercosis and passalurosis.

Treatment with alternative methods

If some remedy does not give the desired results, you can use herbal medicine. Treatment with folk remedies has been famous since ancient times. Tansy and wormwood are an excellent analogue of medicines for worms. If the season does not allow finding these herbs, there is needles: the rabbits will consider it a delicacy. For prophylaxis after a course of treatment, it is also necessary to add these plants to the diet.


Wormwood not only cleanses the intestines, to some extent it can be used to sweep the body with this herb. It copes with poisoning, and also serves as an excellent anthelmintic drug. The tool has the right to stand on the same pedestal with Albendazole. Wormwood not only cleans the body of the rabbit from parasites, but also stimulates the appetite. Moreover, wormwood treatment helps absolutely everyone, not just rabbits. For quick action, wormwood is mixed with fragrant hay, medicinal herbs are introduced into the daily diet in an approximately 30% ratio.


Treatment with alternative drugs is good because it is not as harmful to the rabbit’s body as the use of drugs. Tansy, like wormwood, is also treated by people.She is also miraculous, only her appearance inspires confidence more. Tansy ideally complements the summer bouquet of medicinal herbs, rabbits will be delighted with the diversity of the diet. Tansy is given in the same quantities as wormwood. With diseases associated with worms, and with the depletion of immunity, you can drink pets a decoction with tansy. Such methods should be done when the disease is in its infancy.

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A great weapon for war with worms is needles. Only, unlike analogues, needles are a winter plant. If there is no tansy and wormwood on hand, a spruce plant is always welcome, in order to gobble up the pets. Only there is one nuance: it is necessary to collect needles strictly at a temperature below 20 ° C. In warm time, the needles are full of essential oils, with an overdose of which it will only get worse. All stocks of herbs must be collected before flowering. Infusion of several herbs should be given to rabbits for a couple of days. It is also extremely important not to forget to monitor the cleanliness and freshness of the pet’s water.

Prevention from worms in a rabbit

Prevention from worms in rabbits should be strictly observed and carried out immediately after acquiring a pet . During the course of treatment, an insulator is required. Fluffy will only be happy to spend sick leave in peace and quiet. Thus, it will be possible to protect other inhabitants of rabbitry from a similar fate. Cleaning the cells must be done with gloves – this is a factor of personal safety.Feces are immediately thrown away, and the place of their recent stay is thoroughly cleaned with chlorinated water or boiled over with boiling water.

Hay must be dry, processing must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. If the big-eared tipped the drinker onto the litter, it should be changed immediately. In the damp, microbes start and the larvae spread, then they will not be washed. Prevention is usually carried out in March and August. This period as well as possible contributes to a full recovery.

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It is possible to carry out prophylaxis both with folk remedies and with drugs, in both cases it is advisable to do this 1-2 times a year.

Worm medicines are given in for 3 days, followed by 10 days of rest and again 3 days of prevention. Better to go through it than save a pet from the clutches of death. Prevention is by no means a waste of time, because parasites without proper treatment penetrate the muscle tissue, heart and even the mucous membranes of the eye, after which saving the rabbit is fraught with failure. It’s better to treat it once again to be sure of the health of the fluffy pet.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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