Features of the black-fire rabbit

A rabbit with black fire became famous in the early 19th century. It was obtained by crossbreeding with a Belgian giant breed. Currently, black fire rabbits are known for their large size, ability to jump and unforgettable color.

  1. Description <
  2. Breeding rules
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  4. Food <

Description of the black fire rabbit

Description of the Black Fire Bunny

The description of a person born in the year of the Fire Rabbit is similar to the description of animals. What kind of black rabbit is he?


A black rabbit has an average body weight , which ranges from 2.5-3.5 kg, the animal has a wide body, a refined back, as well as a cre with straight and straight legs. A small head is complemented by straight ears. The rabbit’s fur is a real value, because it is painted in a unique color with shine and a glossy effect. In order not to get a fake animal, you must pay attention that the distribution of the true breed has black and bright yellow color is always the same.

  • The uniform monophonic yellow-red color has the entire lower body. The color covers the abdomen, breast, inner side of the legs, frame around the ears and eyes, lower jaw.
  • The entire “top” of the animal is covered with a solid black color.
Rabbit appearance

Appearance of the rabbit

Sometimes you can see a brighter border around which yellow hairs can be found.

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According to European standards, a black-fire rabbit can include shades of blue, brown, squirrel. Culling animals must be: having:

  • white blotches on the body or gray in color;
  • a dense body;
  • heavy;
  • curvature in the skeleton;
  • pale color without pronounced contrasts;
  • uneven fur density, bald spots and friability of the skin.

Black-and-red crawl has an independent and peculiar character, which is very difficult to confuse.

Breeding rules

A black-fire male can start mating already in half a year age , While the rabbit gains this ability after 5 months after birth. To determine the onset of puberty, it is enough to pay attention to the behavior of the female: her aggressiveness rises sharply, she begins to bite, drag hay, tear down fluff from her chest. If there is no time to observe the behavior, you can put the rabbit in the male’s cage – she will begin to chase the rabbit and take up a mating position.

As soon as a black-red baby is born, the female begins to pay all attention to him, licking and covering her down in the nest. A newly made mother has the opportunity to feed 7 animals in a high-quality manner, her milk is formed after the birth of the offspring.

Mostly affectionate and handmade black-fire crawl becomes not only an object for enriching the owner, but also an excellent decorative pet that adorns any economy.


Although the black-red animal is small, it can only live in a large cage in order to fully satisfy its increased activity. Representatives of the breed can fully develop only in free space.

The advantage of keeping animals is their strong and persistent character, because kids can withstand even frosty winters, while maintaining high-quality fur and all the necessary characteristics. When choosing a cage, preference should be given to options with a solid floor, so as not to injure the limbs of animals.

Caring for a black-fire rabbit

Caring for a black-fire rabbit

A fire crawl requires compliance with several care rules.

  • Keeping the room clean and hygienic. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and dryness of the cell, as well as regularly and often change the substrate. Regular cleaning keeps the high-quality valuable fur normal.
  • A balanced and healthy diet. Like a human being, a rabbit needs a full-fledged menu that guarantees health and a beautiful skin.
  • Clean and fresh water, which will be freely available and plentiful.
  • The room is closed from drafts and other climatic changes.

Let the fire crawl and have good immunity, regular inspections are still necessary for him. Animals are easily amenable to procedures, therefore it is not difficult to vaccinate and vaccinate them and it is necessary to preserve offspring.


It is necessary to feed the representatives of the breed in the same way as their relatives. The only difference is felt in the amount of food consumed by the female after the birth of the baby. Due to the need to feed the small rabbit, the rabbit needs several times more food. During the period of feeding offspring, the female needs to be fed 3-4 times more, giving preference to herbs, oats, clover. In the winter, it is better to switch to the use of legumes, potatoes, silage and root crops. Concentrates also increase by almost 90%.

See also  How to feed rabbits in winter

Black-fire rabbits of the breed
About black-fire rabbits
Black Fire Rabbit – breed description
Black-fire cro ! Iki

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For a normal diet is enough specialized of high-quality animal feed or carefully collected grain mixtures. Plus, every meal should be saturated with minerals and vitamin components, animal protein. A crawl of any age needs tree branches in order to maintain hygiene in its mouth. With a well-designed diet, the crawl will provide the owner with delicate and dietary meat, as well as a shiny and glossy gun.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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