How to make a cage for a decorative rabbit on your own

Keeping rabbits in the apartment or own house has its own characteristics. In many ways, they are related to where the pet will live, eat and walk. It is necessary to equip the animal with its own corner, where it will be comfortable to stay awake and relax. For these purposes, you will need a cage for a decorative rabbit.

  1. What should be the cage for a decorative rabbit?
  2. More about sizes
  3. Some tips from experienced breeders
  4. What you need to build a house for decorative rabbits
  5. Making a house for decorative rabbits
  6. Another popular option for building a house for rabbits

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Cage for a do-it-yourself decorative rabbit

Cages can be bought at the zoomag If you decide to build a house for the animal with your own hands, you should know what materials to get and how to make it the most correctly.

What should be the cage for a decorative rabbit?

Cages for decorative rabbits, which are sold in specialized stores, are not cheap. The only way out is to start making a home for your pet yourself. But without proper knowledge of how big it should be and from what materials should be made, doing this is inappropriate. In addition, the constructed cell should not occupy much space in the room of an apartment or house. It should be convenient for a person to approach the animal, feed it and clean the cage.

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Decorative rabbits – animals are fragile and tender.It is necessary to provide them with the most careful care so that these pets are not bothered by health problems, development, etc. In many ways, this care depends on the main habitat of the eared, so the cage for decorative rabbits is made just for their convenience. So, special attention must be paid to the floor of the house. It is best to use a plastic pallet. Metal lattice surfaces can harm the animal, injure its paws. In addition, a soft litter will be required.

The content of decorative rabbits at home without the territory allotted for them is impossible. In addition, the arrangement of a separate house with everything necessary allows you to maintain order in the home. The fact is that most of the animals have an animal instinct to mark territory, as well as relieve themselves outside their habitat. In their own home, they are clean and can even hold themselves back for hours. But once they get out into the open, they leave marks everywhere. This is the reason why a novice breeder needs, in addition to building a cage, to teach a pet to walk in a tray. In addition, these 2 devices are easy to connect together so that the animal can go about their business when it suits him.

Read more about sizes

If the cell is for a new Pet is expensive, no need to give up. Making yourself a house for the eared speaker is simple and even fun.

And the first thing the breeder will encounter when planning the design of the cage for decorative rabbits is the right size. Whether it is worth keeping a little fluff in a small cage, largely depends on whether there is enough space for movement. The minimum size, by all standards, should be 4 times the size of the animal itself. If your house has a lot of free space – it does not matter. A large cage or even an aviary can cause a pair to be found for your pet.

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Cages for decorative rabbits are often made to certain standards. The simplest and most popular do-it-yourself cell models have the following dimensions:

  • 100 cm long and 50 wide;
  • 100 cm long and 60 wide;
  • 80 cm long and 60 wide.

We must not forget about the most suitable height for the animal structure.

The upper floor should be located at such a height that can allow the animal to stand on its hind legs. In addition, some breeders prefer keeping their pets in two-story cages. Is it worth making such a house for a rabbit, the owner himself determines. A structure of several tiers should also have a length, width and height suitable for free movement.

It is also important that even the largest sizes of the house for a decorative rabbit will not replace his freedom of movement around the expanses of the apartment, so you need to let the animal out for several hours a day. If this is not done, the decorative rabbits begin to hurt, they show signs of obesity and disrupt the activity of internal organs, and this is a direct path to death.

How to make a cage for a rabbit. Two-story penthouse runaway hare.
How to do 2- x floor cage for the rabbit.
How to make a cell for a decorative do-it-yourself rabbit.

Some tips from experienced breeders

When building cages for decorative rabbits, you must consider the advice of already experienced owners of such pets. The fact is that ignorance of the characteristics of the animals themselves can lead to serious problems in the future. Therefore, deciding to create a house for a pet on its own, it should be borne in mind that:

  • Decorative rabbits move only on a flat flat floor on which there is a litter. These animals have no pads on their paws, like other pets. Without them, the rabbit will be uncomfortable moving around the grill, or some uneven surfaces. In addition, the softness of the bottom of the house allows you to avoid inflammation of the limbs of the animal.
  • The cell can not be painted or covered with any other synthetic toxic substances. We must not forget that these pets love to chew on everything. And such a human error can even cost the animal’s life.
  • Only durable materials should be chosen for the construction of the cage. The reason is the same: animals gnaw everything that comes in their way.
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If the newly-made owner of the rabbit has any doubts about the design features of the pet house or any other questions, you should go to the store with ready-made cells. You do not need to buy anything. The fact is that specialized eared goods are made in accordance with all standards.Having studied several models, it is easy to translate their similarity to the most of those materials that are on the farm.

If you do not succeed in doing what you want, do not give up. On the Internet there are a large number of manuals and tips from already experienced breeders on how to build a home for your own pet. It remains only to prepare everything you need and follow the step-by-step instructions.

What is needed to build a house for decorative rabbits

At the time of construction, the person should have the most important thing – a drawing future construction. If it is, you should search for the necessary materials. For these purposes you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden beam;
  • metal mesh;
  • canopies (loops) for the future doors;
  • linoleum or other litter option.

It is equally important to prepare the tools:

  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal;
  • saw on wood.

For construction, you will also need a construction tape measure or sewing centimeter to correctly calculate the required dimensions of a future structure. Having prepared everything you need, you should start assembling the frame of the future cell. But, before that, markup should be done. How many centimeters in length, in height and in width will be the house for the animal, depends on the chosen model of the structure.

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Some breeders may have questions about which litter is best for animals. Decorative rabbits are sensitive to any materials. But often what is convenient for them brings unnecessary trouble to a person. Pets feel good on the floor, covered with newspapers or natural fabrics. Some breeders prefer to put sawdust on the floor in the cage, but from such materials a lot of garbage spreads around the apartment. There is no ideal option, everyone chooses for himself what he likes best.

Making a house for decorative rabbits

Building a cage for decorative rabbits does not belong to complex, difficult tasks . Anyone with at least a little command of ordinary tools can handle it: a hammer, a saw and a screwdriver. The cage for pets is made as follows:

  • From the previously prepared bars, the frame of the future house for the rabbit is built. All wooden elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws.
  • The floor is cut out of a plywood sheet to the specified dimensions and nailed to the bottom of the finished frame.
  • The frame is wrapped in a metal mesh. Its edge is fixed from one of the corners of the structure with the help of nails.
  • On one side of the house, a place for the door is selected. Awnings are screwed to the wooden frame, to which the door leaf itself should later be screwed.
  • The door frame is assembled, which is fitted with a net.She should be hung on a loop and check the correctness of her work.
  • A roof is being made. It is best to make it removable, which will facilitate easy access for feeding the rabbit, as well as cleaning his house.
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After all these steps are completed, you should proceed to another important part of the construction: the arrangement Pet’s future residence with everything you need. Proper maintenance of a rabbit requires a person to perform several important actions for the life of an animal. The owner of a big-eared must provide him with comfort when eating, resting, and also hiking when necessary, so a feeder, a drinking bowl and a tray should be installed in the house made.

It is equally important to find a suitable place for the house. It is better to install it on the floor so that the eared one can go for a walk on its own. In addition, in this place the air should move freely, forming the necessary ventilation. Drafts should be avoided at the same time. Animals are very susceptible to living conditions and from any such human error they can be injured or ill.

Another popular option for building a house for rabbits

Decorative rabbits love space, and they it is important for the owner to provide it. In search of a solution to the problem, where to find a suitable corner for these animals, some things and pieces of furniture that have not been used for their intended purpose for a long time can help. One of these is a wooden table.If somewhere in the country, in the pantry or in the barn there is this unnecessary item, he should give a second life.

The novice breeder was lucky if he managed to get a rectangular or square table with four legs. Its design already has the necessary wooden supports, which will serve as a frame for the construction, as well as a cover (countertop). Man can only:

  • Strengthen the construction of the future house with the missing wooden lintels. The beam is screwed to the table legs using self-tapping screws.
  • Screw the canopies for the future door to the table leg.
  • Fit the structure with mesh.
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table grid. If the pet’s house is located against the wall, one side of it can be sheathed with boards or plywood. The same actions are carried out with a doorway. Each pet owner can choose a convenient and economical version of the model of the future building.

A cage from the table has a lot of advantages. One of them is the ease of cleaning. In order to clean the floor in the house, you just need to move it. And if linoleum is used as the basis of the litter, it will also be easy to get from under the table to wash and dry in the sun.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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