What to do if the rabbit’s eyes become inflamed and fester


The organs of vision of home eared should be wide open, shiny and mobile: the rabbit’s viewing angle is much higher than that of humans, and therefore the owners should take the problem seriously when the rabbit’s eyes fester.

  1. Where in the eyes of the rabbit pus
  2. Causes of souring in rabbits
  3. Conjunctivitis <
  4. Keratitis <
  5. Myxomatosis
  6. Treatment of eye diseases in rabbits
  7. Prevention of eye diseases in rabbits

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The rabbit’s eyes are festering

If you find such a problem in a rodent, you should immediately consult a specialist. There are many reasons why rabbits have festering eyes.

From where in the rabbit’s eyes pus

Pus can indicate infectious diseases, drafts or mechanical injuries of the eye. Affect the health of the eared and the conditions of detention. Fine debris and dust can cause inflammation, sometimes fester eyes of a rabbit.

To prevent this, you need to clean up your pet’s cage more often and review the food. If infection has already occurred, you can wash the affected area with decoctions of herbs or tea.

Causes of sour eyes in rabbits

The most common cause is eye injury. The rabbit can accidentally run into a twig or blade of grass, and then start violently combing its face with its front paws. If dirt gets into the eye, inflammation will begin and, as a result, pus is released.First aid rendered on time will be able to save from this. The damaged eye should be inspected and washed with a decoction of herbs. Cope with this chamomile or calendula, which are famous for their antibacterial property.

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You can not let the rabbit comb his face, because from contamination of the wound can begin sepsis and the animal will die. In some cases, you should even buy a special collar for animals, which is sold in any pet store.

The second reason that the rabbit’s eyes turn sour is an infectious disease. The pet can catch the virus during a cold or allergies, so you should carefully monitor the conditions of the decorative friend. If a rabbit has a stuffy nose, it often sneezes and does not show activity, then most likely the rodent blew. Along with catarrhal diseases, unpleasant eye infections can also come to visit. Among them, three are most common:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • myxomatosis.


Conjunctivitis is a disease associated with internal inflammation of the eye. The occurrence of the disease is promoted by mechanical injuries, allergies, otitis media or the common cold. It follows that the cage should not be in a draft, and the feed must contain dust and sawdust.The most common symptoms of conjunctivitis are:

  • redness of the protein part of the eye;
  • strong discharge of pus and a sacrum;
  • swelling of the eyelids, inability to open eyes;
  • baldness in the corners of the eyes.

Conjunctivitis is treated with medications and frequent washing of the affected area with decoctions of herbs. If the symptoms were seen in a pregnant rabbit, it is impossible to treat the animal on its own, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

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The disease itself is not dangerous, but due to possible stress, the rabbits can die. Pain and discomfort weakens pussies.


Keratitis and conjunctivitis are considered paired diseases, but the first is much more dangerous. Keratitis can also occur due to eye injuries or colds, but most often it affects the eyeball if the treatment for conjunctivitis has been delayed.

This disease is associated with inflammation of the cornea and covers the eye with an impenetrable ceiling, narrowing the visual horizon of the animal. Eye drops do not fall under the film and cannot be removed by washing. At this time, the infection begins to progress rapidly: protein and the pupil affects a huge number of ulcers. If you do not intervene in time, the sore eye may leak out in a few days. The eyelids also swell strongly and the eyes stick together from the dried crust.

If abnormal red dots on the surface of the eye become noticeable, you should not try to treat the animal, you should immediately consult a doctor.At this stage of the disease, rabbits can only be saved by surgery. The symptomatology of keratitis is not very different from conjunctivitis: cloudy discharge from the eyes appears, the eyelids swell and bright reddenings of the cornea form.

An unpleasant consequence of keratitis can be a thirst that will remain in the rabbit for life. That is why you should go to a veterinary clinic at the first suspicion of a similar disease: it is almost impossible to distinguish diseases according to their symptoms on their own. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to carefully examine the rabbit’s organs of vision and provide eye prophylaxis.

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Myxomatosis in a rabbit ov – treatment, symptoms, vaccination.
How to treat conjunctivitis in rabbits


Myxomatosis is an acute infectious disease that is included in the list of the most dangerous for rodents. The causative agent of this infection is the virus Poxviridae, which spreads through the circulatory system of living organisms.

  • insects and parasites;
  • infected individuals;
  • inventory or cage containing a sick stomach e.

The disease has two forms: edematous and nodular.

With the edematous form of myxomatosis, increased discharge from the eyes, acute purulent conjunctivitis, swelling of the nasal cavity. A lump full of fluid may appear on the body of the animal, most often on the face or back. The rabbit has apathy and poor appetite, it is not able to hold ears. Such individuals live no more than a week.

The nodular form of myxomatosis is easier to carry, and there is a 50% chance that the rabbit will be able to survive. During illness, the animal’s muzzle is affected by the so-called nodules, which then resolve. The following vivid symptoms are stuffy nose, hoarse breathing, purulent discharge from the eyes and wet hair.

Treatment of acute myxomatosis is often not considered productive.

It is important to remember that the disease can easily cause an epidemic and destroy the whole herd. Ill rabbits should be immediately removed from healthy rabbits and the cells disinfected. In an acute form, a sick individual is not treated, it is more humane to utilize the animal immediately.

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If the pet has a nodular form of the disease, then you can try to cure the rodent. In the early stages of the disease, antibiotics can overcome it, but there is very little chance of recovery. A rabbit can be saved only by good immunity.

Treatment of eye diseases in rabbits

There are many ways to put the sick eyes of a pet in order. First, you should pay attention to the condition of the affected area. If the eyelids stick together, then they should be soaked before instillation or washing. To do this, apply a moist cotton to the closed eye. Sometimes a 3% solution of boric acid is used for this purpose. A cotton swab should be used to rinse the eyes themselves. It must be thoroughly saturated with a decoction or therapeutic solution, after which, with smooth movements from the ear to the bridge of the nose, wipe off all the discharge. Water, which is used as the basis for the solution, must be boiled. Rinsing should be done at least 3 times in knocking. If the rabbit’s eye is too rotten, it is better to leave the flushing to specialists, otherwise there is a risk of accidentally damaging the diseased eyeball.

As for the solutions and decoctions for treating the eyes, if they are acidic, some of them are readily available and can be used without a doctor’s prescription:

  • Furacilin – 1 tablet per 250 g of water.
  • Saline of sodium chloride up to 1%.
  • Chamomile broth – brew 1 tbsp. l dry herbs in boiling water, after which dried plant flowers are added.
  • Tea – pour one bag of boiling water and leave for 12 hours.
  • Ordinary boiled water.
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If the disease continues to progress, then most likely the pet will be prescribed a number of such drugs:

  • Albucite;
  • Tsiprovet (ciprolet);
  • Futsitalmik (dissolves spitting on the cornea, indispensable in the first stages of keratitis);
  • Tetracycline ointment (ointment based on strong antibiotics);
  • Levomycetin.

Timely treatment can save the beast eyes, and in some cases life – do not postpone the visit to the veterinarian. All medications must be given in a dosage prescribed by a specialist or written on the packaging of the drug.

It is impossible to independently determine which infection struck the furry eyes, why the eyes in rabbits become inflamed and fester. And therefore, if the rabbit has noticeably festering eyes, it is better to immediately contact a professional who is able to determine the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Prevention of eye diseases in rabbits

Any risk of catching the disease can be significantly reduced if preventive treatment is carried out.

To prevent cases, the rabbit has a festering eye, it is enough to follow simple maintenance rules and a number of sanitary standards. Their observance will not make you later wonder what to do, how to fix the situation. The rabbit’s cage should not be in a draft or near toxic substances with a pungent odor (paint, air fresheners, perfumes). Another rule is to clean the pet’s home 2 times a day.

Balanced food and greens will not only replenish the desired complex of vitamins, but also strengthen the rodent’s immunity. Feeding herbs should be reviewed to avoid allergies or poisoning. Rabbit eyes should be washed every week. The body of young in the early days has not yet matured and is susceptible to similar diseases. Adults are examined once a month. This necessary set of rules will allow the rabbit to remain sighted and healthy for a long time.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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