Characteristics of the rabbits of the breed Butterfly

Today, there are many different breeds of rabbits. Each species is unique and has its own unique color. Rabbits of the Butterfly breed quickly gained popularity due to the color of their coat.

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  2. Positive traits
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  4. Pet policy
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  6. Breeding

The unusual colors of the dwarf rabbit Butterfly are very different from those of other breeds. Representatives of this species aroused the interest of many people. The breed got its name due to unusual patterns on the sides.


Characteristics of the Rabbits Butterfly says that their fluff is always invariably white. It is believed that the constant white color is somehow related to where the breed came from. Rabbits Butterfly came to us from England, from the north side of the country.In order to somehow hide from predators and be invisible in the snow, nature endowed them with such a coloring. Black dots are a threat, advice to the enemy not to come close.

Today there are many subspecies of Butterfly rabbits:

  • French Butterflies;
  • German Butterflies;
  • butterflies from Czechoslovakia;
  • French laughter;
  • Rhine motley.

To get such an unusual breed, breeders had to cross several species of DNA such as Flanders, Giant, Blue Vienna Giant.They decided to improve this breed only in terms of production characteristics. Now the breed of rabbits Butterfly is the best in terms of productivity and meat quality.

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Earlier, the eared weight did not reach 3 kg, but after long and hard work, specialists were able to make one fluffy reach a weight of 5 kg. Today, this is considered the minimum indicator for rabbits of this species.

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Appearance of the rabbit

Black patterns are located on the side of the body. The patterns on the head and sides are almost identical, but on the back there is a long black strip 2 cm wide. Black color can also be seen around the eyes and ears.

The ears of the eared one are colorless, they are always transparent. If the claws of the animal are yellowish or cloudy, the pet is sick or lacks calcium.

There is a very simple and interesting pattern on the face of the animal: there are 2 black spots on the right and left sides. One such arrangement of spots on the face resembles the constellation Cassiopeia. Others, on the contrary, see a butterfly that spreads its wings to go on a heavenly flight.

Rabbits Butterfly with spots can be seen in the photo not only with a black pattern. Experts say that rabbits exist not only with black spots, but also with blue, yellow, gray.Such a variety of colors is explained by the fact that the Butterflies were crossed with the Flanders breed, which by its nature has many different colors in its collection.

Positive features

Representatives of this species give good skins and soft tasty meat. The fur has a very elastic structure, looking shiny and soft. The coat is short and smooth. Spots on the skin of the animal give the animal a special elegance and sophistication. Any fur products of representatives of this breed are in demand and quickly disperse.

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Adult individuals grow large and have a strong skeleton. The head is small, it is easy to determine the floor. The head of the female is slightly elongated, while that of the male is more rounded and larger.

The physique of the animal is very good, its body is powerful and strong, muscular. On average, the length of the body can reach 60 cm. The chest is deep and wide, its volume is 49 cm. The animal’s paws are strong, due to them the eared ears can pick up speed up to 80 km / h and jump above one meter.

Adult weight individuals range from 3 kg to 5 kg. Males by nature are larger than females.

Decorative rabbits of the Butterfly breed with proper care and a well-formed diet live more than 5 years.


If you decide to start this species for participation in exhibitions, you need to choose and grow an ideal specimen of the breed.External characteristics that are considered a gross violation of the breed standard:

  • the border that is around the eyes connects to the patterns of the nose, ears and muzzle;
  • if the female does not observe dark circles near nipples;
  • this species should have dark eyes, if the pet is light, then it is not of a pure breed;
  • the legs and stomach should be crystal white if there is stains, this copy is not suitable for exhibitions.
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Description and characteristics of rabbits Butterfly with photo – frequent guests on livestock sai ah, that is not surprising, because the variety is very popular.

Breed rabbits butterfly needs proper feeding to gain weight evenly and properly. The dwarf breed can be kept and raised at home.

Pet keeping rules

How long the rabbit will live and how healthy he will be depends on what conditions the farmer created for him .

Keeping these pets is easy. Some veterinarians claim that the rabbit Butterfly does not need a large space, but sometimes it is necessary to let it out for a walk around the house or the street. If you walk with him on the street, you need to do regular vaccinations so that he does not catch an infection.

There is an opposite point of view, according to which the rabbit Butterfly needs a large space even in the cage: it is a very active type of rabbit, and even when it is in an enclosed space, it must jump and run.

None that, no other opinion is scientifically confirmed. In one, rabbit breeders agree: aviaries do not carry any danger to the health of the animal. Pets will feel great on the balcony, in the aviary, cage or paddock.

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Rules for the care of rabbits of the breed Butterfly

The cage should be where there are no drafts: the animal easily catches a cold. Very often, such a disease develops into pneumonia, and the chances of a pet surviving are only 35%.

If pets live in an open space in the household, this greatly affects their coat: it becomes more dense, thick and warm, but loses its brightness.

Most rabbit breeders combine 2 types of keeping: for autumn and winter, mix long-eared into an enclosed enclosure, and in spring and summer – into an open area. Such changes have a positive effect on the health and immunity of the pet.

It’s easy to find videos on the Internet about rabbits of the Butterfly breed, about how to properly maintain and feed them. Breeding and keeping rabbits of the breed Butterfly is not difficult, the main thing is a nutritious diet with vitamins.


Rabbit Butterfly is absolutely not a whimsical animal in terms of nutrition. It is enough just to keep it in small summer cottages. You can give twigs of fruit trees, vegetables or greens. In this case, you must clearly choose the time of feeding. If you feed the animals for several days at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., then this should continue further, otherwise the kids may refuse to eat, as they have missed their standard meal. Hay before feeding should be carefully examined to prevent poisonous herbs.

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This species loves fresh herbs: tansy, alfalfa, clover, dandelions, parsley, dill and unripened corn. Also for the growth and development of animals it is very useful to give boiled potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets. It is advisable to combine the tops with other products.

Also, the pet must have mixed feed (dry food) in the diet. It contains healthy vitamins for adults. Future mothers need to be fed only with quality products.

This breed is prone to obesity: if the animal weighs more than 7 kg, it must be switched to a diet: give more vegetables, hay, but less dry food.

Main feeding rules:

  • the puss should always have access to drinking water, especially if there is dry food in the diet;
  • Butterfly should be fed 2 times a a day, no less: only with proper nutrition it is possible to get excellent skins and meat;
  • you must not forget to give vitamins daily to your pet;
  • rabbits must constantly bite, bite or chew something – in the cage must always contain apples, carrots, absolutely any solid food;
  • poor foods or leftovers from the table are strictly forbidden to give live here;
  • the pet cannot be overfed: it can adversely affect meat and the breeding of future offspring.

Breeding the species

Breeding this breed is not difficult, the main thing is to follow all the rules. Females are very prolific, they can give birth to 8 to 12 babies. Moms take great care of the offspring. Moms who feed need plenty of food.

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Farmers are breeding these pets, as the breed is very productive and famous for its excellent qualities. The breed of Butterflies is perfect for those who appreciate beauty and sophistication. Excellent meat, fast growth and easy breeding at home are the main characteristics of the species. A representative of this species lives for more than 5 years.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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