Can rabbits be added to the diet in cabbage

Rabbit breeding is a livestock industry that provides people with healthy dietary meat, as well as fur. Often breeders raising rabbits ask whether rabbits can be given cabbage, and whether they eat it.

  1. Benefit and harm
  2. How to determine the norm
  3. Varieties of cabbage
  4. Diet of decorative rabbits
  5. Additional recommendations

Cabbage in the diet of rabbits

Cabbage in the diet of rabbits

The key to successful breeding of these animals is proper nutrition, which includes nutritious foods of plant origin. minerals and substances of mineral origin. This vegetable is especially rich in vitamin C, which is 10 times more per 100 g than in carrots. Rabbits love vegetables with white skin, but sometimes they inflate.

Benefit and harm

Is it possible for rabbits to have cabbage, is it beneficial or harmful? The answer is simple: you just need to be very careful and know how much and how much to give it eared.

This vegetable belongs to the plants of the cultivation method of cultivation. Its use for the normal development of the animal is obvious. This useful vegetable preserves minerals and many vitamins for a long time, so the plant can be stored for the winter period. These animals use cabbage leaves with pleasure, as they are juicy and fill the body with moisture.The leaves also contain:

  • vitamins of group B (B1, B2);
  • vitamins C, PP;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • phosphoric elements;
  • calcium;
  • folic acid;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.
The benefits and harms of cabbage

The benefits and harm of cabbage

Cabbage to rabbits can be harmful. Fresh head of cabbage promotes the work of the glands of the stomach, so feeding animals in large quantities with this vegetable is not recommended because of problems:

  • bloating;
  • digestive system upset;
  • weakening of the body.
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Most often, serious breeders have debates about whether decorative rabbits can be given cabbage. The thing is that if the breed of farm eared horns is more seasoned in terms of food, then decorative fluffy requires a special approach in choosing a menu. diet. You can start with one leaf a day, gradually increasing the dose.

How to determine the rate

The eared eat this vegetable willingly. Can rabbits be given cabbage daily? It is possible, but in small quantities, otherwise the animals will stop eating another food, as a result of which the intestinal microflora will be disturbed and flatulence of the active form will develop.Rabbits need to be given slightly withered leaves, but they should be discarded, because they negatively affect the development of young animals and provoke diseases.

Rabbits are allowed to feed cabbage according to the scheme for one individual:

  • young individuals: 100-200 g in winter, 300 g in summer;
  • mature individuals: 300-400 g in winter, 500-600 in summer

Often in pets, an upset stomach occurs after eating a white variety. In this case, it is important to review the main menu of the eared speaker. Perhaps you need to balance such a vegetable with an increase in dry food.

Varieties of cabbage

You can give vegetables of different varieties:

  • white cabbage;
  • Peking;
  • colored;
  • kohlrabi.

The most juicy fodder vegetable is kohlrabi, especially its leaves.

Such a cabbage must be given to rabbits, since this species is distinguished by the content of a large number of microelements and vitamins. Fuzzies eat this kind of vegetable well because it contains a lot of glucose and fiber. Can rabbits be fed white cabbage? Yes, it is well absorbed, and feeding can be either fresh or in the form of a silo.

Varieties of cabbage for rabbits

Varieties of cabbage for rabbits

Many breeders often wonder if rabbits can use Chinese cabbage.Veterinarians do not just advise but insist on using this type of vegetable, because its leaves:

  • have medicinal properties;
  • significantly increase the functioning of the immune system;
  • improve intestines and stomach;
  • help in the fight against bowel cleansing;
  • prevent digestive problems (constipation).
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If possible, give rabbits the Beijing variety is recommended more often than others, so you need to think about the issue of growing it at home in the garden.

White and cauliflower in Astiki eaten both fresh and boiled. A head of cauliflower contains such a substance as glucoraphanin, which is no longer in any other kind of vegetable. This microelement makes it possible to protect the mucous membrane of the rabbit’s stomach from changes, and also prevents the development and reproduction of harmful bacteria that lead to various diseases.

In winter, it is recommended to feed rabbits with sauerkraut rich in vitamin C and various minerals . Rabbits with sauerkraut copes no worse than with fresh leaves. It is necessary to feed in such quantity: 100-200 g per adult per day. It is also important to consider the size of the rabbit.

Decorative rabbits ration

Decorative pets are also recommended to add Brussels sprouts to the diet.Moreover, during maturation, it should not be treated with fertilizers.

It is not necessary to feed the decorative rabbits with the described vegetable very often, since it contains a lot of calcium, which leads to kidney diseases. It is recommended to start adding cabbage leaves to decorative rabbits at the age of 3-4 months.

Additional recommendations

Recommendations for the diet of rabbits:

  • You can not give rabbits stumps and leaves that are near her. Their use leads to an upset stomach and diarrhea.
  • It is not recommended to add red-headed cabbage to the rabbits ’diet, as animals may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chilled cabbage the most dangerous for rabbits: they do not have useful substances.
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Crawl is an animal that loves succulent food, as it is a source of minerals, vitamins and fiber. But you must always remember that feeding rabbits succulent plants, it is very important to stick weft dosage, depending on the size and age of the animal.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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