Chinchilla rabbit is an animal whose main production is fur. The name of the animal was due to the similarity of appearance with the same rodents.
- Short description
- Characteristic <
- features
- Care and maintenance
- Feeding <
- Fur
At the moment there are 2 species of these rabbits, by weight they are small and large. A small one can weigh up to 2.7 kg, and a large one weighs 4.7 kg. These animals are common in all countries. Skins are successfully used in the outerwear industry.
Short description
Chinchilla rabbits have an excellent ability to adapt to almost any temperature, which allows them to breed both in hot countries and in cold countries. They are unpretentious to feed. Keeping is also not very important for these animals.
At one time, the female can lead up to 10 rabbits. Female chinchilla rabbits give a large amount of milk for growing offspring, which allows to achieve almost 100% survival of young animals. The average life expectancy of rabbits of the chinchilla breed is about 10 years.
In Russia, a variety of Soviet chinchilla was bred. Its ancestors were European and American breeds. From these animals you can get not only high-quality skins, but also tasty meat.Rabbit fur coats for chinchilla are very popular in our country, therefore breeding these rabbits is a productive business.
The body of the rabbit has a compact, but muscular appearance . The body length can reach 62 cm in males and 55 cm in females. The chest is wide, slightly extended forward. Her girth in the male is about 40 cm, in the female – 35 cm. The ridge is strong, the muscles are well developed, the head has an elongated shape, the ears are straight, stand. The eyes are large, can be of different colors: blue, gray or brown. The back of the body is rounded, the back is straight and strong.
The female can be identified by the characteristic fold under the chin. The average weight of chinchilla rabbits is 4.5 kg. The skin color of the standard of this species is gray, turning into blue. The lower tier of the hairline has a blue tint that shimmers into milk. The next tier is white, the last is black or brown. The hair of an eared animal is soft, elastic. The lower part of the animal and the area around the eyes has a lighter shade, and the tips of the ears and tail are darker.
Distinctive features
A beginner who wants to buy this rabbit should pay attention important differences, so as not to be mistaken.
- Behavior.A normal healthy rabbit is active and very mobile, does not sit still. If the animal is lethargic, sleepy, then it’s not all right with its health.
- Appearance. Outwardly, the eared beast is distinguished by its musculature, which, although compact, is well developed. The color of the coat is between gray and blue. Ears, eyes, nasal and oral cavity should be clean, without any discharge. If in doubt, you can find videos and photos on the Internet, where you can see more closely these animals.
- Documentation. When purchasing a rabbit from private owners or on a farm, the buyer has the right to request documents for the animal, including a vaccination statement and a recent health certificate. If the farmer cannot provide rabbit health documents, you should invite a veterinarian to buy, who can determine whether the animal is healthy.
Care and maintenance
It’s easy to take care of the chinchilla, the main thing is to adhere to some principles.
- Keeping chinchillas is best in cages. In the summer, you can keep animals outdoors in the aviary, in winter – at home. The temperature should not be lower than 13 ° С and not higher than 20 ° С.
- Drafts, sudden changes in temperature, rain are the causes of catarrhal diseases of rabbits, which often lead to death.
- where eared animals live, it should be well and often ventilated. The place should be dry, with adequate lighting.Cleanliness must be at a high level to avoid various infectious diseases.
- Direct sunlight can harm rabbits. Animals can overheat, get heat or sunstroke. In winter, when darkness prevails, it is advisable to leave lighting longer than usual, since a lack of light helps to reduce immunity, and in some cases even leads to sterility.
- Cages can stand in 2 floors if there are a lot of rabbits. One-story cages can be mounted on pillars of about 75 cm. The metal bottom usually consists of cells measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Sometimes double aviaries are constructed, in which there must be a partition. The nest compartments are made of wood, as is the roof material.
The normal development of rabbits depends on proper nutrition. Juicy foods, coarse, green, animals, concentrated, food waste, as well as vitamins and minerals should be included in the diet of chinchillas. In summer and spring, rabbits need a lot of green food. Vitamins and micronutrients, which are enough in greens, will fully satisfy their needs.
The most suitable herbs for feeding are plantain, clover, sunflower. But this does not mean that you can’t give anything else.
The best branches of bushes for rabbits are currants and raspberries, trees – apple, linden. Also a good choice is a mixture of grains.
In winter and autumn, you need to give preference to warm food and water. Food should be high-calorie. Dry herbs, hay, twigs, grains – that is the basis of the diet in the cold period. Green feeds are replaced by succulent ones. A more detailed description of the content can be found in the video about breeding chinchilla rabbits.
Fur Products
Chinchilla Fur Coats very popular all over the world, but the price is very high.Eared chinchilla breed animals are just a godsend for breeders raising pets for fur.
Having seen a fur coat or a fur vest in the photo, where the basis is rabbit fur, it is impossible to distinguish them from chinchilla products. Customer reviews prove that fur coats from long-chinchillas are in no way inferior to expensive rodent products.
If you are interested in chinchilla and rabbit, their characteristics are available on the Internet for review. Breeding such beautiful animals at home in order to get high-quality fur for a fur coat, the breeder must know about all the subtleties and nuances.