How to feed rabbits in winter

If you want to get a rabbit, you need to consider all the features of the pet’s nutrition. How to feed rabbits in winter is very important, because it is at this time of year that animals need energy and warm nutrition.

  1. Required Products
  2. Eating Rabbits
  3. Norms and Regime
  4. Diet during mating season
  5. Features of the nutrition of rabbits
  6. Useful Tips

Rabbits are animals that they constantly eat, and therefore their feeder should always be filled with something tasty.

What feed rabbits in winter

What feeds rabbits in the winter

What to feed rabbits at home in the winter? It is important for a decorative rabbit to give all the necessary vitamins that can be obtained both in supplements and in fruits. Be sure to give hay in the winter, as the animals warm them.

Depending on the season, the problem of nutrition is solved quickly if the diet is properly composed. Pay special attention to the winter season. In winter, you can feed your pets foods prepared in the summer.

Required Products

Rabbits are moody in terms of feeding. The main thing is that feeding rabbits in the winter is balanced and complete. Even in winter, they need to get enough vitamins, like in summer. Their diet should consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the amount of food should not decrease with changing seasons.

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Products consumed by rabbits in the winter include:

  • hay;
  • various branches of trees (spruce, juniper, aspen);
  • an Apple.

In no case should rabbits be given plums, cherries, peaches, as they are very toxic to animals. Everything else, namely potatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas, barley, millet and other cereals and legumes, should be reserved not only for the whole family, but also for rabbits. Winter feedings in rabbits can not do without specialized mixtures and feeds that are sold in pet stores.

An important factor is that often eared there is a need for salt. You can solve this problem by buying a salt stone at a pet store. Rabbits are pure animals, they remain clean both in nutrition and in taking care of themselves, therefore, if you decide what to feed the rabbit in winter, you also need to take care of the quality of the products. In winter, pussies drink a lot, so the water in the cells should always be clean and plentiful.

Eating Rabbits

You need to systematically feed the rabbit in the winter. If you give food at different times, pets will not know exactly when to wait for feeding, and therefore they will do just that.

Experts recommend feeding male fur at least 2 times a day, because due to daily work, owners often cannot feed rabbits 5-6 times a day. Animals pay attention not only to food, but also to dampness and dirt. If sanitary standards are not respected, rabbits often get sick, and weakened immunity leads to death. All this must be taken into account.

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One of the varieties of feeding is legumes. There is no need to abuse it anyway. The transition from summer fruits and vegetables to winter heavy products should be gradual. Animals must first get used to new types of food. You cannot suddenly start feeding hay on December 1, everything must be done gradually for healthy development. Since animals are bizarre, even hay should be given special attention. It should always be fresh, and it directly depends on how to store it. It is necessary to dry the grass so that the wind passes through the blade of grass. Such hay will always remain fresh.

If the hay is overdried, flour can be made from such material. To do this, you need to evenly put the grass in the bag and after the expiration of the drying period, grind it into flour.

In winter, feeding rabbits should include carrots. Pets prefer sweet varieties. You can mix carrots and cabbage or carrots and beets. As for the branches, all this must be collected from the beginning of summer. The feeding process does not take much time for farmers, as the female spends about 5 minutes a day feeding the rabbits. To prevent food spoilage, you cannot leave it in the feeders for a long time. It is better to put hay, which eared can nibble.

For home feeding, do not replace hay with straw, as the amount of useful trace elements and vitamins in them is different. Hay for rabbits is much more useful. At night, rabbits eat their waste, because their digestive system is designed in such a way that the rectum is able to remove beneficial elements from the same hay from the body. When animals eat it again, the assimilation process is facilitated. Also, rabbits can eat homemade food: porridge or soups. At the same time, food should not be greasy for them.

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Feeding rabbits outdoors in the winter should be more high-calorie. Also in winter, at home, people are given food about 2-5 times a day, since they eat little. So that the food does not freeze, they give a new one.

At home, rabbit bait should be done as often as necessary. During molting, pregnancy, and simply wintering, people are given vitamins and mineral supplements.

Mating Diet

This period in rabbits is one of the most important in life, so in winter conditions it is worth paying attention to their diet, which should contain fiber, the necessary vitamins, proteins and minerals. All this is found in products such as barley, vegetables, fruits, flour. The proportions are as follows: for 100 g of rabbit food you need 30 g of cake / bran, 15 g of protein and 4 g of mineral supplements. If you overfeed any foods, they are unlikely to please healthy children.

A month before mating, you can give 90 g of food, no more. During the mating season, attention should be paid to the so-called succulent feed. These include carrots, beets, cabbage, onions. It is necessary to take into account one more feature of rabbits during this period: the time of their feeding. Since the females are ready for mating, this process takes about 4 hours in the morning. Do not give food at this time.

Indicative diet of men: flour – 15 g; hay – 150 g; succulent feed – 200 g; feed – 50 g. Females: flour – 8 g; hay – 200 g; juicy food – 225 g; Serving – up to 60 g. The amount of food is also calculated depending on the weight and size of the animal. Do not feed all people equally. Such food allows animals to remain active and energetic in the cold season, as well as safely complete the mating process, which is important for the future healthy generation.

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Features of the nutrition of rabbits

In small decorative rabbits rarely see any activity besides nutrition. In summer, feeding rabbits is much easier due to the availability of products. In winter, the process is a little more complicated.

Rabbits are herbivores, grass is the basis of their nutrition.

However, there are several types of grass that rabbits are forbidden to eat. These are celandine, hemlock and milestones. All these herbs are toxic and poisonous to rabbits; it is forbidden to give them. Otherwise, eared will be followed by diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract.

From the fruit, you can give a piece of apple. It is important that the apple is grown on its site, as store fruits or vegetables are stuffed with chemicals to extend shelf life. It is better to remove the skin, remove the seeds. You must first pour the apple over with boiling water.

Useful tips

Pay attention to the room for rabbits. Animals are whimsical and neat. Not only should their house be clean, it is also important to observe the room temperature and its illumination (not too bright, but not too dark). Eared do not like when it is too hot or cold, which is also important to consider, since all this affects their health. For fattening rabbits, food and water must always be kept warm. It is on warm water and food that the animal practically does not spend energy, which means that the weight will increase.

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How long can rabbits live? The age of the decorative rabbit is about 15-19 years. A case was recorded on our planet when a rabbit lived to be 20 years old. If you feed the eared with a balanced and proper food, you can significantly extend their life. To prevent food from freezing in feeders, food should be given in small portions. Before giving the animals food, make sure that the fruits or vegetables are of proper quality.

Do not give individuals rotten or dirty foods. A bowl of food should be placed directly in front of the animal, although their eyes are designed so that they can observe what is happening behind, while looking forward.

To summarize, it should be said that although caring for rabbits is a lot of difficulties, these pussies delight the eyes of absolutely everyone. With the right approach to the conditions of keeping and feeding, you can raise healthy and active pets.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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