Features of Viennese rabbits

Breeding rabbits today is a fairly popular and profitable business, because animals are the owners of delicious meat and quality skins.

  1. Description <
  2. White and black representatives of the breed
  3. Content <
  4. Feeding <
  5. How to choose a rabbit on a farm
  6. Advantages and disadvantages

Description of Vienna Blue Rabbit

Description of Vienna Blue Rabbit

Viennese blue rabbit is one of the most common breeds in Russia and the CIS. This is not surprising, in addition to an incredibly attractive appearance and performance indicators, Viennese blue rabbits have a calm and obedient character, are not aggressive towards the owners.

Before you get a representative of the breed, you need to know its description better in order to be prepared for possible surprises.


Viennese rabbit is known for its dense, compact and slightly elongated body with well-developed muscles and strong bones. The back and chest of the representatives of the breed are quite wide. The blue rabbit has small ears, reaching 15 cm, with a pronounced rounding at the ends; saturated dark blue eyes.

The weight of animals varies from 4-5 kg, but there are exceptions when a blue rabbit grows to 6.5-7 kg.

To remember what it looks like rabbits charming breed Viennese blue, just once to look at their photos.It immediately catches your eye:

  • The presence of a thick hairline, painted in steel color with a bluish tint. The color is uniform and has no inclusions of black or white. Sometimes the cover can take on lighter shades in the abdomen. A fur coat is the most valuable material for light industry.
  • A slender torso (its length rarely exceeds 60 cm).
  • The rabbit’s underside is
  • Small slender legs.
  • Wide and round lower back.
Appearance of the Vienna Blue Rabbit

Appearance of the Viennese blue rabbit

After birth, the representative in question is characterized by rapid development and intensive growth. The weight of newborn animals is in the range of 70-80 g, but within 4 months it fully reaches the standard norm. If you start to feed them with appropriate feeds, then after 60 days one and a half kilogram animals can grow, and after another couple of months – rabbits weighing 4.5 kg. When the breed representatives are kept, there is a high increase and a good return on feed.

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In addition, the rabbits are quite productive and bring up to 10 animals at a time, provide babies with maternal care and the necessary qualities for proper and healthy development. Small pussies have a blue and fairly large skin with smooth and thick hair and a glossy sheen.

The high quality of the fur of the described animals is so amazing that the demand for its purchase only increases.

White and black representatives of the breed

Other no less famous rabbits This breed are rabbits in white and black. The Vienna true black rabbit has a similar characteristic of physique, head and ears. Its main advantage is the standard skin color of the crow and the elegance of the look. That is why every breeder wants to have a black animal. Unlike blue rabbits, animals have a larger head, especially in relation to the body, and a more pronounced back line. The animals are also characterized by the presence of a cat’s bend and small legs parallel to the body.

As for the white Viennese rabbit, it has a unique snow-white fur and bright blue eyes. The Hungarian rabbit has a similar description, but it has a large body weight and can be considered a giant. Representatives from Vienna are also quite large, but reach a weight of only 5 kg. The body is muscular, with a convex chest and a short head, while the neck is quite small. Like representatives of other colors, white is in demand due to its valuable and unique fur. In addition, the animals are able to quickly adapt to any territory and are not capricious in matters of content. Often they are bred even in especially severe climatic conditions.

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Gray fur is less in demand than the skins of the previously described colors. Often the American and black-brown rabbits are assigned to the animals of the breed, however, this is an erroneous opinion, because the representatives of brown colors are painted in 2 colors, and not in a uniform one tone.


The Viennese blue rabbit is unpretentious and quickly adapts to any situation, because the changing climate and other individual characteristics of its content will not frighten it. The animal is not demanding. So, it is enough for the rabbit breeder to choose the most convenient way of keeping: a barn, an outer cage or rabbitry. The best option is an outdoor cage, which can be placed in a barn or left in the open. In addition, it is allowed to change the placement methods based on the season, weather, the animal’s health status, etc.

The cellular conditions for keeping Vienna’s blue rabbits have several advantages:

  • possibility control over the spread of infections;
  • drawing up a specific and individual feeding regimen;
  • the ability to control mating and nursing;
  • convenience in disinfection and preventive measures.

Choosing this or that way of content, it is necessary to provide for the fact that the animal in the future will see be in a comfortable environment and was able to move freely and balanced feed.


In order for the rabbit to provide the owner with a high-quality skin, you need a balanced and proper diet. It is important to make the menu, taking into account the individual nutritional requirements of the animal. The main emphasis should be placed on the following:

  • The blue rabbit should receive a sufficient amount of green food and various bran. Feeding with fishmeal, whey and acorns will be very useful.
  • Providing the rabbits with juicy root crops, silage, garden fruits and melons (for example, watermelon, pumpkin, zucchini).
  • Feeding with hay, branches of willow, linden, shrubs.
  • Blue rabbits should not need food, filled with fiber and the necessary useful components.
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Dirt and dust should not penetrate into food, do not mold should appear. Leave it in the most convenient location for the animal. In addition, rabbits should be provided with free access to clean and fresh water.

It is especially important to monitor the condition of animals in autumn and winter, because it was at this time that the rabbits from the Viennese blue breed began to experience an acute shortage of nutrients and vitamins . In order to prevent diseases and worsening of the condition of animals, it is necessary to diversify feeding with concentrated feeds. When calculating the feed consumption is guided by the weight of the animal: 4 feed units are needed per 1 kg.

How to choose a rabbit for the farm

In addition to the blue color of the rabbit, it is important to pay attention to some more characteristics of the individual in order to grow a truly healthy animal.

  • The crawl should be mobile: if the animal is not active, you should consult a doctor.
  • The crawl should have a straight and graceful back. If it is hunchbacked or failed, this should not be considered a normal sign.
  • A fluffy must have a moving head, but frequent throwing and wrapping indicate problems associated with poor blood circulation of the brain.
  • The animal must have correct bite: the lower teeth should be clearly under the upper.
  • Rabbits from the Vienna Blue breed cannot have “bald” limbs – the legs should be down. The same applies to the condition of the skin: it must be thick, plush and cannot have white or other blotches and marks.

A rabbit can only be acquired after a thorough inspection, when all criteria defined. It is better to make a purchase from a trusted seller.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of this variety is only one: intolerance to stress and cheap, dirty food, which is quite reasonable and is suitable for characterizing any animal.

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Advantages include:

  • Good adaptability not only to climatic conditions, but also to feed.The first factor played a significant role in the distribution of the breed in Russia. In addition, aviaries, warm rabbitries, cages and sheds are suitable for breeding.
  • Fast weight gain from birth and the presence of pure meat after slaughter in the amount of 65%. To get diet meat, you need to start slaughter after 70 days after birth.
  • The presence of incredible and unique in color fur, characterized by a pleasant appearance and downiness. The skin of rabbits is considered very high quality, its large size is also amazing.
  • Quickly getting used to the owner and the absence of any aggression. The kids’s temper is so calm that they are sometimes used as decorative ones (which is not always appropriate, because rabbits need special care for their hair and a large living room).

Rabbits breed Viennese blue
Viennese blue rabbit
Viennese blue rabbit
Viennese blue rabbit
Rabbit breed Vienna white LPH Sailor
Vienna Blue Rabbits.

Vienna Blue rabbits, as it turned out, possess not only a pleasant appearance and calm disposition, but also other positive features. Tasty meat, high-quality animal fur, and environmental friendliness put Viennese blue rabbits on the podium of the best breeds.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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