Rabbit Eye Disease

Eye diseases in domestic rabbits are not uncommon. The organ of vision is rightfully considered one of the most important organs in herbivores in the wild. The structure of the eyes of these eared even allows you to see what is happening behind your back, thereby saving them from predators. Healthy eyes of the pet are wide open, shiny and very mobile. If the rabbit’s eyes are swollen or lacrimation is observed, then the animal is most likely to become ill.

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If the rabbit brings dirt into the wound, the process of inflammation can begin and the eye will swell. You can protect your pet from this by giving him first aid in a timely manner. The damaged eye should be examined and washed with a decoction on herbs. It is best to use chamomile or calendula for these purposes: such plants have antibacterial properties and minimize the risk of sepsis.

To keep the rabbit from constantly combing its muzzle, you should purchase a special collar. A similar device is sold at any pet store and will help to keep the pet from harming its health.

Causes of diseases of the organs of vision

Causes of diseases of the organs of vision

Allergies can become the second cause of swollen eyelids in a rabbit. If the eared eyes have reddened and the nose is blocked, it is necessary to check what new herbs or feed the animal had in the diet. Swollen larynx and hoarse breathing can also be a sign of allergy. A bright pink tumor may form on the eyelids.

Another common cause is an infectious disease. A rabbit can catch the virus during a cold or from another animal. It is necessary to check the general condition of the fluff: if he often sneezes and is prone to apathy, then, most likely, he was blown away. During the illness, the rabbit’s immunity is weakened, and it is vulnerable to various eye infections. Among them, there are 3 the most famous:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • myxomatosis.


Conjunctivitis is a disease in which the tear canal becomes inflamed. Most often, the disease comes after mechanical trauma, allergies, otitis media or the common cold. It is not necessary to keep the animal in a draft and at the same time it is necessary to carefully choose the litter for the rabbit. There should be no shallow trash and parasites in the hay.

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The symptoms of this disease are quite bright:

  • red proteins;
  • strong discharge from the eye;
  • swollen eyelids, the animal is not able to open its eyes wide;
  • baldness of the hair near the eyes and ears.
Conjunctivitis in rabbits

Conjunctivitis in rabbits

Conjunctivitis is not a fatal disease and can be easily treated with drugs and the treatment of affected organs with special solutions. It is necessary to carefully monitor the sucral female if she has at least one symptom of conjunctivitis.

The animal should not be treated on its own, it is better to consult a doctor. A neglected disease can cause severe stress in the animal, and the cubs die.


Keratitis rarely occurs alone, usually it manifests itself as a consequence of advanced conjunctivitis. An eyeball affected by this disease is delayed by a cloudy film, the eyelids swell and pus oozes from the eye.

Keratitis primarily affects the cornea of ​​the eye – inflammation occurs on the inside of the sclera and gradually captures the entire organ. After that, the disease begins to form ulcers, due to which the eye can continuously itch. If you do not intervene in time, the infected organ of vision will leak out in a few days.

First of all, this disease is dangerous because it prevents the medicine and rinses from reaching the mucous membrane of the eye due to the thin film. If the disease is already running before this condition, only surgery will help the animal. Removal of the film occurs under general anesthesia with special tools. Naturally, this is a lot of stress for the rabbit, so if the pet’s eyelids are swollen and abnormal red dots appear on the protein, it’s important to contact the veterinary clinic immediately.

For rabbit disease, consult your veterinarian

If you have a rabbit disease, you need to consult a veterinarian

The most unpleasant consequence of keratitis is an eyesore on an ill animal.This white body significantly reduces the visual overview of the rabbit and bothers him at the nerve level. That’s why you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic if you suspect this disease: with similar symptoms with conjunctivitis, keratitis is much more dangerous for the pet’s eyes. To prevent the risk of this disease, you need to carefully examine the eyes of the rabbit every month and arrange for preventive flushing. the most dangerous diseases among rabbits. The infection is transmitted by a virus called Poxviridae, which spreads through body fluids. The carriers of this disease can be:

  • insects and parasites;
  • infected rabbits;
  • a cage or aviary that has not undergone disinfection.

Myxomatosis has two forms: edematous and nodular.

The first form of the disease is characterized by increased discharge from the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and swelling of the nasal cavity. The body of the animal is covered with cones full of fluid. First of all, the muzzle and back suffer from this. The rabbit is depressed, eats poorly and cannot hold ears. Such individuals do not live longer than a week and are not suitable for treatment.

Myxomatosis in rabbits

Myxomatosis in rabbits

With nodular In the form of myxomatosis, the rabbit is able to survive and is even suitable for reproduction and eating. During illness, the furry face is covered with so-called nodules that resolve on the second or third day. Other striking symptoms of the disease are stuffy nose, hoarse breathing, swelling of the eyelids and wet hair. To treat myxomatosis, a lot of drugs are required. At the same time, the chance that the pet will survive is extremely small.

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On large farms, diseased individuals should be immediately removed from healthy individuals and cells should be sanitized. Myxomatosis epidemic can kill a whole herd of rabbits and cause a big loss for the rabbit breeder.

In the acute form, rabbits are disposed of without treatment. If the pussies have a nodular shape, then you can try to save him. At an early stage, antibiotics will help to overcome the disease, but there are very few chances with them. Only good immunity will help the pet survive myxomatosis.

Methods for treating eye diseases in rabbits

There are many methods for treating early-stage eye disease.

First, look at the pussies. If the rabbit’s eyelids are swollen and the eyes are stuck from the scab, soak the crust before instilling. To do this, gauze moistened with a 3% solution of boric acid is applied to the damaged area.

After the peel has become wet, it can be carefully removed with a cotton swab. For washing, decoctions or therapeutic solutions are used. To remove dirt and excretion you need a smooth movement from the ear to the nose. It is desirable that the water for the base of the solution be boiled and warm.

The affected area is washed at least 3 times a day. If the puffy eye is too much rotten, it is more advisable to use the services of specialists: there is a chance to cause serious injury to a sick eyeball.

The preparations with which you can prepare a solution for treatment are different. Some are easy to get at a regular pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription:

  • saline sodium chloride up to 1%;
  • furatsilin – one tablet per glass of water;
  • tea – pour one bag of boiling water and leave to infuse for 12 hours;
  • chamomile broth – brew a tablespoon of dry grass in a glass of water and add a spoonful of dried flowers; when washing, you will need to monitor the temperature of the broth: it should not be too hot;
  • ordinary boiled water.
Eye Disease Treatment

Treatment of eye diseases

There are also a number of drugs that are prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian:

  • Albucite;
  • Tetracycline ointment – an ointment based on strong antibiotics;
  • Tsiprovet ( ciprolet);
  • Levomycetin;
  • Futsitalmik (dissolves the hymen on the cornea, indispensable in the early stages of keratitis).
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It should be remembered that the treatment of the disease can help the rabbit maintain eye integrity. At the slightest doubt, you should contact your veterinarian: the life of the pet depends on it.

The eyes of farm rabbits swell for a variety of reasons, but this should be taken very seriously, because the animal’s discomfort quickly depletes it and the ailment can lead to death

Prevention of eye diseases

Monthly prophylaxis is required to minimize the risk of eye diseases. To do this, you must perform a few simple steps. First of all, it is necessary to control the location of the pet’s cage: a draft can cause conjunctivitis.

Treatment of rabbits for Myxomatosis (sour eyes, bumps on the ears).
How to treat conjunctivitis in rabbits
Is the MIXOMATOS rabbit or CONJUNCTIVIT sick?
Myxomatosis or conjunctivitis

It is not permissible to spray air fresheners near the eared and perfumes, while it is advisable to ensure that there are no painted surfaces nearby. Cleaning the domestic rabbit’s houses is worth twice a day.


The rabbit’s ration should be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins and mineral supplements. This will strengthen the pet’s immunity.It is also important to carefully sort the greens for complementary foods to avoid allergies or poisoning.

A pregnant female and rabbits require special care from the owner. In the first month of life, the cubs have not yet become stronger and often suffer from similar diseases. They need to rinse their eyes every week.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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