Varieties of breed dwarf rabbits

A rabbit is an animal that lives next to people from ancient times. The progenitor of domestic breeds is a wild slider, not a hare, as many mistakenly believe. ReachGoal (‘sood’); “>

Table of contents
  1. Decorative ears
  2. Dutch crawl
  3. Short haired crawl
  4. Dutch fold crawl
  5. Foxes
  6. Lion head
  7. Angora lion
  8. Germelin
  9. Squirrel <
  10. Gnome rex
  11. The smallest type of rabbit
  12. Features of the care of decorative rabbits

Breeds of dwarf rabbits

Dwarf rabbits

Today rabbits are bred on all continents. If they were kept only for dietary meat and fur, now eared ears are stored in apartments as pets. Dwarf rabbit breeds have been specially bred for this purpose.

Decorative eared ears

Dwarf rabbits – breeds not intended for meat and fur. The variety of species allows a person to choose a rabbit as a pet, like a cat or a dog. The breeds of decorative eared ears are distinguished by their attractive appearance and calm playful character.

First of all, domestic rabbits are classified by weight categories:

  • dwarf;
  • medium;
  • large.

Wool is the second indicator of classification.Representatives of the species can be long-haired, short-haired and with a hairline of medium length. Today, every lover of decorative animals, looking through lists of dwarf rabbit breeds with photographs, can choose for himself a pet that is attractive in all respects to its taste. We turn to the consideration of popular representatives.

Dutch krol

The Dutch breed is distinguished by an interesting color. The lower part of the trunk of such pussies and limbs, the ears and part of the muzzle are painted in a color scheme that matches the color of the eyes. The rest of the body is white. The Dutch breed is one of the oldest. The first mention dates back to the 15th century.

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The Dutch breed of rabbits is appreciated for its cute character. Animals very quickly adapt to a person and live with him, quickly find a common language with children. The body weight of decorative rabbits is only 2 kg. The back of the body and ears can be painted in any color. The Dutch breed is subdivided into more than 20 species according to color scheme, among which individuals of black, blue, several varieties of brown color are found.

Shorthair crawl

This breed is also called color dwarf. Representatives of the species are very small in size, their weight ranges from 1-1.5 kg. The color scheme can be very diverse. At least 60 varieties are distinguished by color. The colored dwarf is distinguished by a small, but lean physique.The legs and neck are very short. The coat is very soft, shiny, short.

Shorthair Dwarf Rabbit

Shorthair dwarf rabbit

The most popular of the varieties is the white Oto. Its color is notable for the fact that on a snow-white body there is one single speck of black. The spot has a continuous shape without irregularities, interruptions and frames the eye of the animal. Individuals of chinchilla, sand, black and other colors enjoy considerable popularity.

Domestic dwarf rabbits of the breed Shorthair rabbit are rarely aggressive. However, during puberty, a change in the behavioral line is noted, and the fluffy can bite. After sexual intercourse, aggressive behavior will completely disappear. Representatives of the species are appreciated for traits such as curiosity and high activity.

Dutch fold crab

The peculiarity of this species is hanging ears. Unlike the English breed, the length of the ears of the Dutch is small and they do not drag along the floor. The shape of the muzzle is slightly flattened, which together with the hanging ears gives the appearance a special charm.

Dutch fold rabbit

Dutch lop-eared rabbit

Of all the lop-eared domestic rabbits, the Dutch breed is the smallest. Pets are non-aggressive.They lead an active lifestyle, very playful, which makes them excellent companions for children. The breed is represented by individuals of black, brown-gray, white and other colors.

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Fox rabbits

Dwarf fox – this is the second name of this species. Its main feature is long red hair, which makes animals look like little foxes. The length of the pile is 4-7 mm. Forelegs are disproportionately short.

Fox dwarf rabbit

Fox dwarf rabbit

The body weight of an adult is 1.3 kg. Most often you can meet individuals of 3 colors: agouti, chinchilla, red. Such rabbits need more careful care. What the eared will be like depends on chance and luck, because each individual is distinguished by its unique character. Someone comes across very calm pets, and someone is rather rugged, which needs to be approached.

Lion’s head

From one name it’s clear that the animal has a certain resemblance to the king of beasts. Indeed, his head is framed by a lush mane, while the pile throughout the body is a bit more modest in length. The body of the rabbit is elongated, and the ears are small. For some individuals, the presence of black rims around the eyes is characteristic.

Rabbit lion head

Rabbit Lion head

Coloring can be the most diverse. Individuals are lightweight. Have a friendly character. Representatives of the breed are highly active and are happy to take part in games.

Angora lion

Domestic rabbits of this species are considered to be the most fluffy breed. Pile is even on the ears, which is not quite common for a rabbit family. It is these representatives who are not only kept as pets, but also make it possible to obtain threads of excellent quality that are made from their wool.

Rabbit Angora Lion

Angora lion rabbit

The most common color is red-brown. Individuals of this breed need special care. The condition of the hairline must be monitored very carefully:

  • constantly comb out;
  • if the hair began to fall on the eyes of the pet and close the review, it must be trimmed.
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Unlike other representatives, the dwarf breed of long-haired rabbits does not lead a highly active lifestyle. The animals, like soft lumps, are calm and friendly. Unreasonable aggression never appears in their behavior.


The dwarf breed of Germelin rabbits in Russia is not very widespread. The average body weight of these crumbs is 1 kg, it is very rare to meet one and a half kilogram representatives. The fur color is snow-white, and the eyes can be red or blue.

Dwarf rabbit Hermelin

Dwarf rabbit Germelin

Corps of the correct form. Thin ears are erect. The shape of the muzzle is slightly flattened, which makes them look like cats of the Persian breed. Pile no longer than 2 mm, fits snugly to the body. Individuals of this breed tolerate heat very poorly, and therefore, they have spread for the most part in Scandinavian countries. The rabbit is completely not picky in food and care. The character is peculiar, so the owner will have to work hard to find the right approach to his pet.


The name speaks for itself: the appearance of rabbits is similar to squirrel. Mini-rabbits were bred relatively recently in Germany. The body has proportional shapes, it is firmly folded.

Rabbit Squirrel

Squirrel Rabbit

In comparison with other representatives of dwarf breeds, protein is a rather large species. The weight of such rabbits can reach 4 kg. The color of the abdomen and lower part of the tail is much lighter than the color of the rest of the body.The head is not very large, the beads of eyes are gray in color.

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Dwarf Rex

A mini-rabbit with a royal status, occasionally you can also hear such a name as plush. In appearance, the fur of animals resembles plush or velvet. Animals have a non-standard structure of the hairline, which makes them more vulnerable to diseases of the dermis. Weight can range from 1.5 to 4 kg.

Dwarf Rex

Dwarf Rex

The body is elongated. The eyes are large, set close. The hind limbs are much longer than the front. Representatives of the species have completely undeveloped antennae. He has a calm lifestyle and is not particularly active.

The smallest type of rabbit

Minor is the smallest member of the rabbit family. The mass of an adult individual often does not exceed 1.1 kg, ears – up to 6 cm. The body length of Minors is literally 20-25 cm.

Dwarf Rabbit Minor

Dwarf rabbit Minor

When breeding the breed, one of the main tasks was to obtain mini-rabbits with a complaisant character. Animals are non-aggressive and get along well with humans. The content is practically no different from caring for other breeds of dwarf rabbits.

Features of caring for decorative rabbits

Before you start a mini-pet, you need to study the information on breeding and proper maintenance of decorative rabbits at home. The first question that beginner rabbit breeders ask is: how many mini-rabbits live? The life expectancy of animals is 6 years, but with good care increases to 12. Today, a couple of hundreds of species of small rabbits are known. Just look at their cute photos, you will immediately want to get a fluffy eared one home.

Care for decorative rabbits

Caring for decorative rabbits

Before buying a rabbit, you should purchase it in a store or make a cage on your own. The size of the rabbit house should be 4 times the size of the eared one. Rabbits are animals that lead an active lifestyle, so the cage is intended only for relaxation and for needs. The pet should spend a lot of time moving.

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The maintenance of rabbits includes several aspects:

  • a properly selected diet;
  • sufficient walking;
  • vaccination.

Vaccinations can prolong the life of the pet. In fact, rabbits are a painful species, and even elementary diseases are fatal. Plus, frequent infectious diseases of rabbits lead to infection of humans and other pets.You need to clearly follow the vaccination schedule to increase your pet’s immunity.

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Diet plays an important role in the formation of immunity. In rabbits, the digestive system is not arranged like in other animals.Their stomach does not have enough muscle to push food into the intestines on their own, which is why rabbits constantly chew on something. In addition to a balanced diet, rabbits should be given access to sufficient water. Caring for decorative rabbits is easy if you follow all the rules.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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