How to introduce corn into the rabbits ’diet and is it possible to give leaves and ears

Corn is a valuable cereal feed in the rabbit diet. Breeders actively use it to feed their pets for slaughter, as it is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and has a high calorie content. Is it possible to give corn to rabbits and in what form, the breeder decides, but its benefits are undeniable.

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Is it possible to give corn to rabbits

Proper care and good nutrition play an important role in raising rabbits. Corn and cobs play a role not only in nutrition, but also in warming the jaw muscles in the diet of farmer fluffies.

The value of corn in the diet of rabbits

Corn refers to annual cereal plants. It has a powerful, well-formed stem up to 3 m high and hard elongated leaves with notches at the edges. In the axils of the leaves during fruiting there are cobs with grains.

The value of corn in the form of fodder is that it is rich in everything necessary for the normal development and growth of rabbits. It contains the following elements:

  • proteins – 8-13%;
  • fats – 5-9%;
  • carbohydrates – 65-78%;
  • fiber – 2-5%.
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In addition, the described product contains B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, PP, H, as well as potassium, strong, sulfur, copper, phosphorus and iron.

Corn kernels are well absorbed by rabbits and contribute to their normal digestion. Due to its high fiber content, the product enhances intestinal motility.

Harvesting corn for the winter

In addition to ears of corn for the feeding of livestock, green tops of plants are also used. Stems and foliage are harvested after ripening of cobs and fed to rabbits or harvested for the winter. From cobs at the stage of milk maturity, stems and leaves, silage is harvested. In addition to corn, it can include clover, alfalfa, meadow herbs and young winter wheat.

To preserve green silage use salt or lactic acid.

They help to preserve all the beneficial properties of plants. For feed preparation, trenches are torn up to a depth of 2.5 to 3 m and a width of 4 m. The walls are made at an angle and finished with concrete, brick or boards. You can also dig concrete rings into the ground. The green mass is tightly placed in silo pits and covered in such a way that air and water do not get inside. You also need to make sure that the land does not get on the feed, since contaminated silage is not suitable for food.

Before chopping the shoots, they must be sorted, all rotted and diseased plants must be removed. With the correct harvesting of corn for silage, it is perfectly preserved until the new season of young greens.

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In addition to silage, it is recommended to prepare leaves in a dry form.To do this, they are separated from the stems and dried in the shade. Leaves of young corn can be given to rabbits in unlimited quantities.

How to feed rabbits with corn

Nutrition of rabbits is a guarantee of good health and their normal development. Rabbit farmers seek to get nutritious meat and quality rabbit skins. The fur is very popular in the modern market. Feeding rabbits with corn helps to build up a smooth shiny fur with a good undercoat.

Corn should be introduced gradually into the diet, allowing the animal’s digestive system to get used to new food. Some features should be kept in mind:

  • Corn and corncobs are given to young rabbits, whole or milled, at 70-150 g per individual. Crushed cereals animals eat more willingly.
  • Adult rabbits can be given whole ears, young growth is recommended to feed with crushed grain.
  • The stems of the plant can be eaten at any stage of its development, but very stiff stems giving rabbits is not recommended. They digest cellulose poorly and there will be no sense in such food.
  • The leaves of this crop are easy to harvest for the winter. They will be a great addition to hay in the autumn-winter period.

It is believed that corn for rabbits is the main component of the diet, but this is not so.

Using it as a monocorm leads to obesity and metabolic disorders.Females tend to grow a fat fold on the chin, eating only grain feeds. This is useful during the stroll, as the area of ​​the sternum increases. It is from this section of their body that the rabbits fight down to warm the nests and warm the rabbits. In other conditions, excess fat collar can irritate the animal. Rabbits can bite themselves, causing injuries and wounds.

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Before feeding, you need to prepare the grain:

  • ears are washed and chopped if necessary, crushed corn cannot be harvested for future use, because of the high it may run rancid;
  • whole grains are soaked for 2-3 hours, should not be left in the water for a long time, it may become acidic;
  • the leaves of the corn slightly wither and crush.

It is recommended that decorative rabbits be given corn no more than 2 times a week, in order to prevent the formation of obesity internally authorities. In small quantities, it is useful for digestion, and rabbits eat it with pleasure.

Corn in the diet of puppet rabbits

Corn ears are given to rabbits during the day in tandem with vegetables grass or hay. The puppet rabbits need enhanced nutrition. In the third period of pregnancy, the largest mass of embryo growth is observed. If the breeder wants to get healthy and strong offspring, he should take care of the rabbit’s diet at this stage of pregnancy.

Giving fresh corn is not recommended for animals preparing for mating. Due to the high calorie content of grain feed, the pet quickly grows fat and loses interest in reproduction. The question of whether it is possible for rabbits to get corn during mating is a moot point.

Is it possible to give rabbits corn after okrolyanie? During the first week after giving birth, the rabbit needs to regain its strength, and the babies need nutritious milk. During this period, corn cobs for rabbits will be most welcome. It is better to give corn in crushed form along with other grains at the rate of 100-170 g per individual.

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Can rabbits get corn. Rabbit breeding at home
Corn (plants are useful and poisonous for rabbits).
than to feed rabbits for fast growth, grain mix!

Corn in the diet of young animals

In addition to mother’s milk, vegetable feed should also be included in the diet of young rabbits, starting from 1.5-2 months of age. they willingly eat young juicy corn shoots, they are rich in vitamins and fiber and are very useful for the growing organism. Small quantities of corn leaves are given to rabbits. Do not give to cook boiled corn for rabbits.

Like any other new food, rabbits are introduced to young rabbits gradually, observing the reaction of the cubs. You need to exclude the plant from the diet if:

  • feces become too soft or diarrhea begins;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • the animal becomes lethargic and lethargic;
  • allergic reactions are observed.

You can to feed farm rabbits with young corn, dairy? Most breeders prefer not to give milk to young rabbits. The fact is that young ears of corn contain a high level of corn, which can negatively affect the digestion of pussies.

Boiled corn is also not always liked by farm rabbits.But if you introduce such a product, gradually starting with the two-week age of pussies, you can make it part of the diet.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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