Care for rabbits during growth and development

Newborn rabbits are in no hurry to leave their nests and are completely dependent on their mother. Taking care of the offspring is the primary task not only of the female, but also of the farmer who breeds rabbits at home.

  1. Content rabbits
  2. Preparation of the rabbit for childbirth
  3. The first days of the life of rabbits
  4. Caring for newborn fluffies
  5. Caring for abandoned rabbits
  6. Artificial feeding of abandoned offspring



Small rodents quickly grow and master in the conditions of a common enclosure, if care fluffy animals are not satisfactory.How rabbits are kept in the sky

Keeping baby rabbits

The process of giving birth to baby rabbits is a common thing even for small farms. The female nurses the offspring for several months and provides food for small rodents. the time that the rabbits spend in the cage in the nests, the farmer takes care of their mother. In the enclosure of the newly made mother of fluffies, there should always be clean water and feed saturated with vitamins and useful substances. It is not worth contacting the brood that is hiding in the nests. A common cause of female rejection of her own offspring is human intervention.

Rabbits are born completely blind and deaf. Feelings due to which the rabbits know the world around them are manifested gradually.At the age of the first few days, furry rodents open their eyes, with time the rabbits begin to crawl out of the nests. In the first weeks of life, rabbits have little strength, and the food of rodents consists only of rabbit’s milk. A balanced diet of the newly minted fluffy mother is the key to the health of the entire brood.

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The video “how young rabbits grow” will help a novice farmer learn about all the important stages of development of domesticated rodents.

After birth, furry animals (rabbits from one mothers) sit in the nest for a week. Gradually, the first hairline appears on the body of the animal. It is in the first weeks that the quality of the fur is formed, for which adult rabbits are valued. During this period, the immune system of an adult rodent depends on the nutrition and care of rodents. For mother rabbits, the mother is the only connection with the outside world, so an abandoned brood in most cases dies.

The death of a brood is a big loss for a novice rabbit breeder and an experienced farmer. In newborns, rabbits have a weak immunity, and without feeding their mothers milk their growth is significantly slowed. Before layering rabbits depend on their mother. If a female eats poorly in winter or summer, she must be fed with useful supplements after the birth of young animals. Without proper care, the rabbits cannot withstand seasonal diseases or epidemics.

In the case of refusal of the rabbits, their mother becomes aggressive and must be put away from small rodents.If a newly minted mother scattered rabbits around the cage, it is almost impossible to save the brood. Fluid stool in small rodents, malaise, and weakness are the first symptoms of a disease that is widespread. It is important for the farmer to provide the pets with proper care, otherwise the time and energy spent will not pay off.

Preparing the rabbit for childbirth

Rabbits themselves are curious animals. If small rodents grow without problems and complications, then already in the second week of life the rabbit gradually displays young animals in the aviary. The rabbits walk without assistance, and even if such sorties do not last long, the first instincts begin to develop in the young rabbits. Mom helps young animals learn and perceive the world around them. There are several ways to accelerate the growth of small rodents. Taking care of the young from the moment when the rodents leave the nests is a good time to change the regime of the mother and the young.

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An experienced rabbit breeder knows how important it is to strengthen the female’s body. While rabbits have the only source of nutrients and nutrients – mother’s milk, in no case can you put a mother on a diet. A balanced diet and a constant change of clean water in the drinker will allow young animals to grow up healthy and healthy. As soon as fur and teeth begin to form in rabbits, the farmer arranges the correct removal of the grown rodents.

Before giving birth, the pregnant individual settles in the farthest corner of the aviary.If the future mother behaves aggressively and moves away from the whole herd, there is not much time left before the birth of the rabbits. A man needs to take care of the protection of the expectant mother and provide her with everything necessary for a quick birth. The first step is to isolate the future mother from the rest of the herd. If the female has grown too long nails, they should be cut so that in the future the rabbit does not injure the weak young. Check the nests carefully so as not to frighten away the pregnant. The cage and animal are prepared one or two days before the birth of the rabbits and immediately after they are born:

  • the cage is cleaned: all litter from the cage and nests is removed (a large number of bacteria can remain in the litter and pathogens that would harm offspring with weak immunity);
  • after giving birth to dead rabbits and rodents with obvious deformations, you need to remove them from the nest while the rabbit eats or drinks water;
  • newborn rabbits do not need to be washed, just wipe with a clean, dry cloth, sun The mother will take care of the rest.
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The rabbit is a caring mother for the animal brood. She protects the young, helps him to know the world and grow up without threats from adult rabbits. As soon as the rabbits begin a full separate life, the rabbit leaves the young and returns to the common enclosure. There are several safe ways of removing young animals that do not bring much stress to the female. What you need to know about small rodents?

If the rabbit gives birth for the first time, you should not talk about the health and usefulness of the young in advance.

There is a high risk of losing rabbits during the first birth of the rabbit at a young age. It is difficult to bear healthy offspring for a young rabbit. The size of the future herd is entirely dependent on the farmer, who protects the rabbit from increased stress and constant problems with young animals. The rabbit breeder should know how to behave in cases when the rabbit ate bad food or was poisoned. The human reaction rate determines the health of young animals.

The first days of rabbit life

Rabbits begin to crawl out of their nests independently no earlier than on the 7-8th day of life. Fluffy rodents grow in different ways, depending on the breed and feed that they feed on after being removed from the rabbit. Breeding of young growth ends on the 40th day. If the rabbits are not ready for withdrawal, the period of their precipitation is extended by no more than a week. In the first days of life, rabbits look lethargic, weak. Fur appears in a day or two, eyes open after 10 days. Small rodents with 16 incisors are born.

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To prevent the mother from trampling the young, it is not worth equipping the small nests. The more space the rabbit and small rodents have, the faster the young growth starts. Fluffy animals begin to hurt if there is little space in the cage or a lot of litter that the farmer did not clean on time.If rabbits squeak for a long time, the rabbits throw a brood and become aggressive. It’s in the interest of the farmer to take care of the health of the brood. If you plant alien rabbits from a new rabbit to a new-born mother, young animals can die. Females rarely accept alien rodents.

A photo of small rodents shows how quickly young growth overgrows with fur. Any other rodent develops much longer. So that the female does not scatter large rabbits, it is necessary to wean the grown brood on time (it should be transplanted into separate aviaries). The temperature and purity of the cell are determined by the person who helps the newborn grow faster.

Newborn rabbits. Movie 1
VERY Cute rabbits . SELECTION. Fall asleep on the go.
Rabbits are 14 days (two weeks)
Not all rabbits are, tenants

Newborn Fluffy Care

azhno not only to comply with the desired temperature in the cell, but also to check the food and water that they drink females.

Crawley are separated by a cage (another aviary, allocated for all stages) until get stronger. Maintain the temperature in rabbitry up to 18 ° C. Regardless of what time of the year the female gives birth, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime in the aviary. Rabbits that develop fever and fever are in a cool cage.

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The cub will survive the coldest winters and the hottest summers with a caring mother, if the farmer provides all the necessary conditions:

  • The nest is checked at least once a day. If several rabbits are in a single cage, all rodents should be examined. If the baby is gaining worse weight, the amount of vitamins in complementary foods should be increased. You should not hurry to plant young animals.
  • For the first couple of days, young growth is protected from any draft or hypothermia. Due to the low temperatures in the aviary, the ears and paws are frostbite in the young. With the mother of rabbits, things are even worse: a healthy fluffy mother has diseases that worsen the work of internal organs. Preserving the rabbit is the primary task of the farmer who cares about his own household.
  • The mother should be handled with caution, because from the first days after the birth the rabbit behaves aggressively towards the person. It’s not worth disturbing the female again.
  • If you frighten the rabbit, you can harm both the female and the young. It depends on the farmer’s first steps how quickly the rabbits grow and get stronger.

As soon as the eyes open (in the first 7-10 days), the rabbit looks at the world around him, explores the space in which he will have to live. A newly born female needs special conditions without harsh sounds and noise. You can pick up rabbits that have grown up. It’s not worth disturbing the rabbit once again.A good rodent scent helps the mother to smell odors from a person’s hand. How often can a cell with young animals be cleaned?

It is possible and necessary to clean the aviary, to ventilate the place where fluffy rodents live, but not more than once a day. To completely clean the cells, young animals and the female should be deposited. Such human behavior brings a lot of stress to the rabbit. If you can avoid unnecessary irritability of animals, then problems with young animals will not arise. At any age, rodents need care and attention from the farmer.

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Care for abandoned rabbits

Artificial feeding is a topic that worries many farmers. In farming, it so happens that from the first days of life, the little rabbit becomes an abandoned mother. There are fewer problems with adult rabbits, because after the challenge, a person needs to organize the right feeding. What if the small rodents are abandoned by their mother?

If the rabbits are not enough mother’s milk or the rabbit has left the brood, what should I do? At a young age, wrinkles form in rodents from malnutrition, so that in children due to lack of sugar in the body or from dehydration, stretch marks appear on the skin. It’s easy to see such signs, because the little rabbit has a little fur. Well-fed rodents are always chubby, with clean eyes and a wet nose. What if babies are short of milk?

A few days after the birth (at an early age), rabbits can refuse to brood. The female can be frightened, because of the disease the rabbit may be too weak. The female often loses milk. It is difficult to cope with a starving rabbit, and in a few days such a rodent will die. Dead rodents are even more stress for the rabbit.

Causes of the rabbit’s alienation:

  • physiological characteristics (milk is missing or the female becomes ill);
  • increased stress (brood was born dead or too weak);
  • hormonal disruptions in the mother’s body;
  • complications after childbirth.
See also  What and how to feed rabbits

The abandoned female should urgently be weaned from offspring , in this case, the solution is to plant the baby on another female. If the rabbit’s problems are related to hormonal failure, she should organize a mating. A veterinarian examination will help determine the exact diagnosis and, if possible, eliminate the problem. A mixture for artificial feeding is prepared by one’s own hands or a farmer buys ready-made mixtures in a special pharmacy.

The proportions of the mixture do not change. If a person cares about the health of the brood, he must be sure of the quality of any component of artificial milk. How much mixture should rabbits be given?

Artificial feeding of abandoned offspring

How much should abandoned offspring be cared for?It is necessary to separate the female from the young animals only in extreme cases, if milk does not appear within 1 day or several days, the farmer buys a mixture: milk powder, which is prepared at home. The video instruction will help to prepare the mixture correctly and save the youngsters from starvation within just one day.

The mixture for feeding small rodents consists of:

  • quarter liter of milk;
  • one chicken yolk (medium-sized egg);
  • one teaspoon of molasses;
  • liquid vitamins (1-2 drops).

For 2-3 days, rabbits manage to adapt to a new diet. On artificial feeding, young animals in the future will bring a lot of profit for the whole farm. If rodents cannot switch to a new diet during the day, they will not be able to avoid the death of the brood. For small fluffy animals, maternal care is a big stress.

Every day, rodents depend on the farmer who breeds them in food, as water, in grooming. Feed the left young growth carefully. Fractional nutrition every 4 hours will help rodents survive and not choke on food. It is not easy to leave abandoned animals, because such a task is a test for a novice farmer.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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