Colorado potato beetle insecticide

Among the insecticidal dressers that are effectively used by summer residents when growing potatoes in a personal plot, the Taboo preparation from the Colorado potato beetle. He helps gardeners not only against this future crop-eating parasite, but also effectively fights wireworms, protecting them from growing potato shoots.

  1. Characteristic of the drug
  2. Main components
  3. Forms and volumes of release
  4. Compatibility
  5. Principle and effectiveness actions
  6. General application
  7. Practical tips for using the insecticide
  8. Before planting
  9. During the landing process

Инсектицид Табу от колорадского жука

Colorado potato beetle insecticide Tabu

Characteristic of the preparation

Tabu drug stands out among many properties of insecticides at a low price and recommended by cottagers with the already beloved fungicide Prestige effectiveness, ease of use and high reliability.

Main components

Designed against the Colorado beetle and wireworm insecticidal the chemical “Tabu, VSK”, like Prestige, is based on a substance called imidacloprid, which is part of the class of moderately toxic neoniktinoidov.

As part of a universal disinfectant, together with a toxic substance dangerous to the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm go thickener and surfactant, providing reliable adhesion of funds.

It simplifies the process of protecting potato tubers with the preparation, the coloring component included in its composition, which is absolutely harmless to the vegetable, but allows you to visually see the area that has already been sprayed with an insecticidal agent. After applying the composition, the treated area turns red.

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Forms and volumes of release

Most often, the product is available in the form of a liquid suspension with a high concentration. It is bottled in volumes of 1 and 10 liters, used for industrial purposes. For private consumers, there are 10 ml containers.


The instructions for the insecticidal product do not provide for its joint use in protecting potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm. However, many experienced gardeners add preparations with fungicidal action properties to the finished working composition to create additional protection against fungal diseases.

Principle and effectiveness of action

In the protective mechanism of the effect of the drug on pests laid the phased perception of the active substances of the insecticide by the potato culture, which is typical for herbicides:

  • planting tubers are impregnated with the product,
  • with the growth of the plant, the poisonous substance grows into young green shoots.

When a pest enters the body, the toxic substance of the drug does not act at a neurotropic level, affecting the activity of its nervous system.Initially, the action of the active substance leads to digestive and motor paralysis, ending with respiratory paralysis. A day after ingestion, the pest has no chance to stay alive, its death occurs.

Taboo insecticide is a real poison for Colorado beetles and wireworms, a single use of which is enough to reliably protect young seedlings of the planted potato from gluttonous pests.

The properties of the taboo insecticide help to control pests when growing both potatoes and other plant crops – cereals, sunflowers, legumes, flax, beets and corn.

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General n application line

Препарат защитит растения от нападок насекомых

The preparation will protect plants from insect attacks

According to the instructions to “Tab, VSK” which describes in detail the composition and safety measures when using it for processing vegetable crops, there are two possible ways to process potato tubers from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm:

  • the first involves spraying potatoes prepared for planting tubers immediately before planting them in soil,
  • in the second, processing GSI during landing of potato tubers in the wells.

Regardless of the preferred method of processing potato tubers, any method you choose is guaranteed to achieve the desired result, creating reliable protection for the plant against pests.

Drying, insecticidal at the place of processing of potato tubers the preparation forms a protective film on the potato, which does not crack for a long time and maintains its integrity even when transporting vegetables, therefore the composition can be used at any time before planting.

t standards for the classical processing of potato root crops for a certain period before planting, and directly during planting:

  • against the Colorado potato beetle You will need 8 ml of the finished product per liter volume of water, you need to process the tubers, the flow rate of the prepared mixture per 100 kg of root vegetables, potatoes are about a liter,
  • the bottom of the bed of the bed furrow is processed against the wireworm during planting, the consumption rate will be about 10 liters per 100 sq. m of planting area, while for working liquid You will need 4 ml of Tabu per 100 sq.m.
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Practical tips for using the insecticide

The gardeners using the Tabu drug treat their planting material with one of two possible ways, while observing simple rules.

Before planting

The preparatory procedure for processing potato root crops before planting them in the soil attracts summer residents with ease of implementation. You can immediately process a large number of potato tubers in a minimum amount of time. Efficiency and effectiveness in this case is preserved:

  • the amount of taboo required by the instructions is diluted initially in a small volume of liquid (approximately 200g of water), and then brought to the desired liter volume,
  • vegetables they are laid out horizontally on a tarpaulin or plastic film coating, sprayed on top and manually turned over, the tubers are mixed with mixing until they are evenly painted in red,
  • root crops are planted in soil only after they have completely dried.

The diluted working staff used in this case is usually enough for 100 kg of potato root crops.

Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle 2017
Taboo remedy for the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm
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During planting

In an insecticidal preparation Ta Tabu, unlike the Prestige fungicide, which is similar in its properties, has the additional possibility of processing planting material embedded in the wells:

  • dilute the composition in the required amount initially in a liter volume of water, shake it thoroughly, subsequently finishing the working liquid up to 10 liter volume,
  • root crops laid in an earthen hole spray Taba at a rate of approximately 30-35 ml each.
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Using a method of protection that retains its active effect from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm for at least 60 days, do not exceed the concentrations indicated in the instructions for the drug so as not to increase the risk of soil toxicity.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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