Feeding peppers after planting in open ground


Pepper seedlings required planted in soft and rich in minerals soil, but after 10 days the fertile land is noticeably depleted, because the bushes absorb all its strength. In order for the plants to continue to develop correctly and stably, feeding pepper after planting is mandatory.

  1. In which cases is feeding
  2. Application of fertilizers in different periods
  3. Vegetation <
  4. Flowering and fruiting
  5. If growth slowed down
  6. Feeding differences
  7. in the greenhouse
  8. in open ground
  9. Mineral fertilizers
  10. Conclusion <

Подкормка перцев после высадки в открытый грунт

Feeding peppers after planting in open ground

In what cases are fertilizing done

Fertilizing pepper after planting and should be carried out in a timely manner and with a strict dosage of fertilizers. Both the lack of mineral substances and their excess lead to negative consequences.

The choice of mineral fertilizers depends on the need for plants in them. Determine which trace element is in insufficient quantity in the soil , simply. To do this, you need to carefully consider the seedlings on the site.

  • If the upper leaves are covered with reddish veins, and the lower ones become sluggish and yellow, the plant lacks phosphorus.
  • If a lot has appeared on the bushes dry sheets, curled into tubes and falling, potash fertilizers are applied to the soil. Also an indicator of the lack of the named trace element is the forcing in place of fallen leaves of small and very light shoots.
  • Thin and gray inside leaves on seedlings indicate that the plant needs to be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers. The lack of this substance also leads to the fact that the seedlings cannot develop a sufficient root system.

It is not necessary to apply mineral fertilizers unnecessarily: this forms powerful shrubs with luxurious foliage, but with a complete lack of ovary. The reason for this is an excess of nitrogen.

Fertilizing at different periods

Regardless of where the seedlings are grown, remember that fertilizing the soil with different types of minerals needs to be alternated. Some gardeners prefer to use complex compounds.

Seedlings need to be fed several times during the season. The application of any fertilizer after planting is carried out only after they take root, and all subsequent fertilizers as necessary.


Peppers should be fed after planting after 10- 14 days Time depends on the appearance of the plants. It is not worth fertilizing unrooted seedlings, since their weak root system dies from an excess of substances. Then, instead of the expected benefits, the plants will be irreparably damaged.

The main fertilizer during the formation of the bush is urea and sodium humate. Nutrient liquid is prepared from:

  • 10 l of water;
  • 25 ml of liquid humate or 2 tbsp. l powder;
  • 5 tsp urea.

The last of these substances dissolve for a long time, so they should be poured with a small amount of water and left overnight.

Flowering and fruiting

Particular attention is paid to feeding seedlings during fruiting and the formation of the ovary. To attract bees, plants are treated with the following composition:

  • 10 l of cold water;
  • 20 g of boric acid;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.
Обязательно подкармливать растения во время завязи плодов

Be sure to feed the plants during fruit set

Loose components are dissolved in water, and the resulting liquid is applied from the spray gun under the root of the plant and on its trunk. Do not be afraid that pests will gather on pepper: boric acid will scare them away. This substance also acts as a growth activator, because boron is not found in all complex fertilizers.

During the period of active fruiting, plants must be watered with organic fertilizers. An effective infusion of bird droppings or cow dung.

Nutrient mass is prepared from 1 kg of organic matter and 10 liters of water. The infusion time of the mixture is 48 hours. After this time, feeding is carried out. For this, 1 liter of infusion is dissolved in 10 liters of pure non-chlorinated water and seedlings are watered with this liquid at the rate of 500 ml for each bush.After fertilizing, the bed is watered abundantly.

If growth slowed down

It happens that plants need fertilizer at the moment the first ovary has formed. Sometimes it happens that with successful external signs of buds, the ovary falls, and the plants themselves slow down growth. In such situations, nitrogen fertilizers should be used. These substances are applied every 10 days until the first ovaries are formed.

As soon as the plants form fruits, gardeners often notice stunting and the absence of new shoots. To avoid this and preserve the pods, complex mineral fertilizers with phosphorus are introduced into the soil. This element also helps to resist drying out of the crown. The multiplicity of multi-complex fertilizer application is unlimited, and the frequency is 14 days.

Feeding differences

Feeding greenhouse pepper and plants in the open ground has a number of fundamental differences. They relate to a greater extent to the frequency and frequency of the introduction of minerals and organics. Nutrient mixtures for plants in greenhouses do not differ in composition from substances used on ordinary beds.

In a greenhouse

Soil in a greenhouse is fertilized with nitrogen substance before planting peppers in a permanent place . The best option is compost or well-rotted cow dung. The application rate of the substance is 10 kg per 1 sq. Km. m. If nightshade previously grew on the site, potash should be added along with nitrogen fertilizers.

  • After the seedlings are taken, it must be fertilized. Usually this is done the first time 2 weeks after disembarkation. After applying fertilizers, the site must be watered, and the next day they are loosened, providing air access to the roots.
  • You can feed peppers a second time after planting in the soil about a month after the first application of fertilizers. Usually, during this period, plants actively throw buds, on some early varieties and hybrids the first ovary is even visible.
  • The third time you need to feed pepper after planting seedlings should be at the time of formation of the fruits. The choice of a gardener can be either root or extra root. There are also no unified recommendations on the use of this or that fertilizer. Nutrient mixtures should be selected, depending on the needs of the plants.

In the open ground

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Prepare the soil for planting in advance

Peppers get more minerals in the open ground because rainwater gets on them. At the same time, natural watering can harm plants, because often the sun comes out right after the rain, and pepper leaves get burned. Only plants with developed foliage can withstand external influences. To do this, there should be enough potassium in the soil.

  • Seedling beds are prepared at least 2 weeks before planting.The best fertilizer for this are potassium-phosphorus mixtures. They are made at the rate of 50 g per 1 square. m. Plants that fall into fertile soil will receive the first dose of nutrients.
  • The second top dressing of pepper after planting seedlings in open ground is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the first. During this time, the plants will grow strongly, but still do not form flowers.
  • The third time the seedlings are fertilized during the budding period. All subsequent fertilizer applications are carried out as necessary.

Mineral fertilizers

Pepper dressing enhances plant growth and is used to prevent a number of diseases:

  • To prevent root rot under the bushes of pepper make dry wood ash at the rate of 1 kg per 5 square meters. m.
  • To control pests and as mulch use dry sheets of plain black tea. As an ovary growth enhancer, it is recommended to dissolve 300 ml of strong tea leaves in 10 l of cold water, and then spray the plants with this solution. It is advisable to feed seedlings in the evening or at any time of the day in cloudy weather.
  • To combat apical rot, it is recommended to use a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. The nutrient is applied at a rate of 500 ml for each bush.


Correct and timely fertilizing the soil helps plants to form healthy bushes, and also to set the maximum number of fruits. Strong seedlings are resistant to disease and can resist pests. Fertilized plants always give a rich harvest, and their fruits are necessarily obtained massive and thick-walled.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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