Choose pepper varieties for the Leningrad region

The cultivation of sweet peppers in such a difficult region for gardening requires careful selection of varieties. In the 70s of the last century, pepper varieties were developed for the Leningrad region. Some of them not only manage to ripen in the conditions of a cool summer, but they will also surprise you with high productivity and large-fruited.

  1. Region features
  2. The best varieties of pepper
  3. Mastodont
  4. Bagration
  5. Barguzin
  6. The best hybrids
  7. Pinocchio f1
  8. Elephant F1
  9. Conclusion

Выбираем сорта перца для Ленинградской области

Choose pepper varieties for the Leningrad region

Features of the region

Leningrad region territory with cool summers, small the number of warm days and the lack of light, oxidized soils. But modern I have allowed science to obtain varieties that are suitable for cultivation in the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg.

Peppers are grown in this area by seedlings. Seeds for seedlings are sown in late February and early March. Planted seedlings are planted after 65-70 days into the greenhouse. It is important to choose varieties that will correspond to the climatic conditions of the region. Pepper varieties for the Leningrad Region should have the following qualities:

  • early maturity (90-125 days);
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • undemanding to the quality of the soil ;
  • low light requirements;
  • high productivity.

The best varieties of pepper

Domestic varieties are derived taking into account all the qualities that pepper should have for this region. They also have a special advantage over hybrids, which is that the seeds from the harvested crop can be sown in the next season. Plants from these seeds will be more stable and adapted, and the fruits will retain their varietal qualities.

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Refers to early ripe peppers that ripen 110 days after seed germination. For 1 square. m. you can plant 3-4 bushes. 8-12 fruits are formed on one bush.

Characteristic of the bush

  • semi-determinant type;
  • the bushes grow 0.8-1.5 m.;
  • the central stem is well developed;
  • the lateral branches are spreading with medium leafiness;
  • the leaves are elongated-oval green;
  • the bushes require garter to strong support.

Characteristics of the fruit

  • cuboid, three-chamber;
  • weight 200-250 g;
  • walls 7-8 mm thick;
  • dark red color.

The mastodon is cold-resistant, undemanding to lighting, highly resistant to tobacco oh mosaic.


Сорт порадует вас ранним урожаем

The variety will please early harvest

Refers to early ripe varieties of sweet pepper, in which the fruits reach technical maturity after 105-115 days, and biological after 125-130 days. Suitable for thickened planting, 6-8 plants per 1 square. m. On the bush 8-10 fruits are tied, which gradually ripen over 3-6 weeks.

Characteristics of the bush

  • the bush is semi-determinate;
  • height 0 , 9-1.2 m.;
  • spreading branches;
  • to increase productivity requires the formation of two main stems.

Characteristics of the fruit

  • spherical shape with clear edges;
  • four-chamber;
  • walls 6-8 mm thick;
  • weight 160-200 g ;
  • bright yellow.

It has a crispy, juicy pulp and a sweet taste with a moderate pepper aroma. Ideal both fresh for summer salads and for preservation.

Bagration is a high-yielding, productive variety that allows with square. m. collect 7-9 kg of fruit. It has a high resistance to such diseases:

See also  Characteristics of Kubyshka pepper
  • verticetsileosis;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • apical rot.

Sown Bagration peppers seeds for seedlings in March; seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse in May.


High-yielding sweet pepper, which begins to ripen in 95-110 days from mass emergence. Plant up to 5 bushes per 1 square. m. 6-7 wilted fruits are tied to the plant.

Characteristic of the bush

  • bush erect, powerful;
  • semi-determinant, up to 110 cm high;
  • branches are not thickened, pinching is not required;
  • requires garters to support.

Characteristics of the fruit

Плоды универсальны в использовании

Fruits are universal in using

  • conical shape with a sharp end;
  • walls 5-7mm thick;
  • weight 180-200 g, length 15-17 cm;
  • color yellow.

The fruits are not thick-walled, but have a sweet and pleasant taste, suitable chickpeas for drying, preserving and preparing various dishes and sauces.

Among the best varieties for this area are also noted: Prize, Intervent, Nafanya, Snegirek, Country, Antikvar, Kudesnik.

The best hybrids

Hybrid peppers combine the best qualities and show their productivity and quality even in difficult climatic conditions.

And many of them are suitable for cultivation in areas of risk farming. The only drawback of hybrids is that it is rarely possible to obtain peppers from the seeds of a grown crop with the same characteristics as in the first generation.

See also  Description of Ramiro Pepper

Pinocchio f1

Super early hybrid sweet pepper that begins to ripen 95 days after sowing the seeds. For 1 square. 5-7 plants can be planted.

Fruits on the bush grow elongated drooping with average weight, but 12-17 peppers are tied on one plant.

Characteristic of the bush

  • bush of a semi-determinant type with limited growth of lateral branches;
  • grows 70-90 cm tall, sprawling with medium leafiness.

Characteristics of the fruit

  • conical elongated shape;
  • wall thickness 5-7 mm;
  • weight 90-120 g;
  • dark red color.

Pinocchio pepper has a good presentation and transportability. Differs in high productivity, productivity is more than 8 kg / sq. m. Resistant to tobacco mosaic and apical rot.

Elephant F1

Thick-walled hybrid with an early ripening period (95-105 days) and high productivity. The bushes are medium-sized, semi-determinant up to 1.1 m high. Optimum thickening when planting 4-5 plants per 1 sq. Km. m. On each bush, from 7 large fruits are formed.

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Characteristics of the fruit

  • prismatic;
  • three-chambered with clear edges;
  • weight 200-250 g;
  • size 11×9 cm ;
  • wall thickness 7-10 mm;
  • red.

Elephant F1 peppers have a crispy and dense flesh with a rich taste. Universal culinary purpose. It is characterized by long storage at a temperature of 2-7 ° C.Fruits can be stored for 2-3 weeks.

See also  Rules for preparing soil for seedlings of pepper

Among the hybrids, sweet peppers that are well recommended for cultivation in the Leningrad region, the best species are noted: Centurion F1, Isabella F1, Belladonna F1, Cardinal F1.


A large selection of varieties adapted for cultivation in difficult climatic conditions allows you to get a quality crop in the Leningrad region. By cultivating the best of them, you will be satisfied with the result.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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