Jeepsey Pepper Characteristics

Among many Dutch varieties, Jeepsey pepper is very popular. It is distinguished by a super-early type of maturation, unpretentiousness to conditions and ease of care. Resistant to weather changes and suitable for growing everywhere in the middle climatic zone.

  1. Characteristics of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Care
  5. Watering and loosening
  6. Feeding <
  7. Garter <
  8. Diseases and pests
  9. Diseases
  10. Pests
  11. Conclusion

Перец сорта Джипси

Jeepsey pepper

Characteristics of the variety

The variety of Gippsi pepper is ultra-early, the first fruits reach biological maturation in 55-65 days from Seedling planting seed: To get an early harvest in a greenhouse, seeds are sown in early February and are not picked.

It has a stable yield, from one bush you can collect 2-2.5 kg of pepper per season. The variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and in the open ground. It has a universal table setting, suitable for fresh consumption, cooking and canning.

Description of the bush

The bush of this variety is low, reaches a height of 50-60 cm, medium-branched . Stems are fragile prone to mechanical damage. The surface root system is not deeper than 25-30 cm in the ground. The leaves are medium in size, wide, and rich in green. The shape of the sheet plate is elongated, the surface is smooth.

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The bush blooms 60-70 days after sowing. The flowers are small white, male and female type. Flowering is long, does not stop until frost. Peppers are self-pollinating by nature, but cross-pollination is possible. It is often pollinated with hot pepper, so it is better to plant such species in different beds at a distance of at least 10 m from each other.

Description of the fruit

Fruits of the Gipsy variety are not very large but have a beautiful even shape and uniform size of the entire crop. The average weight is 100-120 g, has a length of 10-12 cm, and a width of 5-6 cm.

Characteristic differences of the fruit:

  • the skin is thin, dense with a wax sheen;
  • the shape is conical, evenly narrowed to the tip;
  • the wall thickness is 4-6 cm;
  • the flesh is crispy, uniform;
  • is divided into three chambers;
  • seeds are light yellow;
  • the taste is sweet, they contain 7.5% sugar.

Peppers are considered technically mature when painted in cream-yellow color, fully ripened fruit has a deep red color. The seeds of Jeepsey pepper have good germination of 75-80%.


Sweet pepper Jeepsey f1, according to the description, is undemanding to care for, but proper agricultural technology will allow you to get well-developed bushes , high productivity and smooth, regular shape fruits. Peppers need regular moderate watering, loosening the soil, weeding, fertilizing with fertilizers and a garter.

Watering and loosening

The first watering is carried out at the time of transplanting. Planting holes are shed with water, and when moisture is absorbed, young plants are planted. After 3-5 days, watering is repeated.

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Throughout the season, the bushes are watered according to the scheme once a week until the time of mass fruiting. When the first batch of fruits began, watering was stopped. Resume after harvesting at the beginning of repeated flowering.

Among the basic rules for high-quality watering, it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Water for irrigation should be settled and warm (above 22 ° C).
  2. Watering is carried out in the morning or evening.
  3. Water the bushes under the root carefully so as not to erode the soil.
  4. For watering one bush, 2-2.5 liters of water is enough.

A beneficial effect on the growth of soil loosening. This will help saturate the earth with oxygen, which improves gas exchange processes and increases the flow of nutrients.

Loosening is carried out after irrigation. And also after the rain. The depth of cultivation depends on the stage of plant development. Before flowering, cultivation of row-spacings is carried out to a depth of 5-7 cm. When the bushes begin to bloom, increase the depth of cultivation to 10 cm, and by the period of fruiting to 14 cm, and gradually reduce to 5-7 cm.


Перцу требуется обязательная подкормка

Pepper needs obligatory top dressing

Gipsy f1 pepper grows well when it is provided with enough nutrients. Fertilizing during the growing season is carried out three times. This will be enough to provide plants with the necessary amount of microelements.

See also  Growing pepper in the open ground

Top dressing is carried out:

  1. 20-25 days after transplanting.
  2. At the beginning of mass fruiting.
  3. Two weeks after the second.

Fertilizers during growth are best applied in a liquid state. Organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for feeding peppers. During fruiting, it is better to use organic fertilizers, as it is eco-logical.

To fertilize plants, you can use herbal infusion, manure, bird droppings, mineral fertilizers.

  1. Herbal infusion. For cooking, take 2-3 kg of various fresh herbs (nettle, dandelion, lawn grass, medicinal herbs), pour 10 liters of water and leave for 5-7 days for fermentation. The finished infusion is mixed with water in a proportion of 1:10 and watered or sprayed with bushes.
  2. Bird droppings. Chicken or pigeon is well suited, 250 grams of litter is enough for 10 liters of water. The solution is insisted 3-5 days, sometimes stirred. Add 0.5 l of prepared bait to a bucket of water. Watered around the bush at a distance of 20-30 cm from the trunk, avoiding contact with the leaves.
  3. Mineral fertilizers. Superphosphate is used together with urea. Take 10 g of each fertilizer and dissolve in 10 l of water. Bushes are watered in the afternoon. For one bush, ½ liter of solution is enough.

It is important to remember that all top dressing must be applied on previously moistened soil, and the dosage should be kept during preparation.


This variety requires a garter. According to the description, jeepsi bushes f1 have fragile stems that can be damaged under the weight of the fruit and from the wind. To tie plants near each bush at the time of transplanting, establish a support. For this grade it will be enough to drive in stakes 60-70 cm high. Tie the main stem with fabric strips in several places at different heights. It is not necessary to pull the stem strongly to the support, the garter should hold the plant, but not restrict free growth.

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Diseases and pests


Gypsy is highly resistant to tobacco mosaics.

Requires preventative treatment from late blight, sclerotinia, gray and vertex rot, and bacterial spotting. Prevention improves plant immunity and also increases resistance. For this treatment, iodine, peroxide, biofungicides can be used.

Iodine or peroxides are used to spray bushes, 1 tbsp. l the drug is dissolved in 10 l of water. Processing is carried out every 14-21 days.With biofungicides, Trichodermin or Haupsin can be used. They are used in accordance with the instructions, observing the dosage and method of use.


Pepper, like other nightshade nights, can be affected by pests such as:

  • spider mite;
  • aphids;
  • whiteflies.

To prevent pests, use herbal infusions that have the ability to scare them away. For this purpose, wormwood, onion, potato tops are suitable.

  1. To prepare the infusion, take 200 g of onion husk or wormwood and pour 10 l of hot water, insist 3-4 days. The resulting infusion is sprayed with bushes and watered the bed.
  2. Simply prepare the infusion from potato tops, you need to take 2 kg of green leaves and stems and pour 10 liters of warm water, leave for 2-4 hours. Spray the plants thoroughly.
  3. You can add liquid soap (30 g per 10 l) to the infusions, which will help to evenly coat and stick the product to the leaves.

In case if such folk remedies did not give the expected result, you can use special insecticides (Actellik, Aktara), following the instructions in the instructions.

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Gypsy is well established among the varieties of easy to care for with regular and high yields. This bell pepper is suitable for providing the market for ultra-early products. Despite its small size, it has an attractive presentation. Ideal for industrial and domestic processing.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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