Rules for planting peppers and tomatoes in one greenhouse

Not always work organize a separate greenhouse for each crop for onions, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes and so on. What to do if this is not possible, because not all plants can grow nearby, some of them absolutely can not be planted together. Is it possible to plant peppers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse, will such a neighborhood harm the crop?Today we will talk about whether such a neighborhood is allowed, what are the peculiarities of growing such crops in one greenhouse, and so on.

  1. Growing features
  2. General rules
  3. Conditions for boarding
  4. Organization of boarding
  5. Separate crops with film
  6. Landing without separation
  7. Recommendations
  8. Diseases and pests
  9. For
  10. Slugs

Правила посадки перцев и помидор в одной теплице

Rules for planting peppers and a tomato in the same greenhouse

Features of cultivation

As already mentioned, ideally, each crop should be grown in a separate greenhouse, but technically it is impossible to do this for many reasons. Today we will talk about the simultaneous cultivation of pepper with tomatoes.

It is worth mentioning that both plants belong to the same family – nightshade, which makes such a neighborhood possible in principle.If we were talking about the parallel cultivation of cucumbers and tomatoes or potatoes and onions, everything would be different here, since the plants belong to different families: a tomato, as already mentioned, to the nightshade family, and cucumbers to the pumpkin family, about this indicates a large number of seeds inside the vegetable.

See also  Growing Chili Peppers at Home

Despite the fact that peppers and tomatoes are representatives of the same family, each crop requires special growing conditions, so we will talk about the differences in agricultural technology of each vegetable.

Basic rules

It is said that belonging to the same family does not mean that they get to grow under the same conditions. We list what are the requirements for agricultural technology in pepper and tomato.


  • Growing seedlings tomato requires relatively low humidity indicators, it is desirable that the hygrometer does not rise above 60%, only so that the seeds successfully pass the germination stage after sowing or planting
  • In no case should tomatoes be poured, categorically it must not be watered so that water gets onto the tops
  • As far as ventilation is concerned, there is no need to be afraid, drafts, on the contrary, should have a maximum of
  • The temperature in the greenhouse should be in the range of 22 to 24 degrees above zero, lowering the temperature is critical


  • The seedlings of pepper are quite easy to adapt to various conditions of humidity, bear fruit, both at low rates and at significantly high
  • When watering, frequent watering is allowed, the plant is not afraid of direct moisture on the leaves, which cannot be said about tomatoes
  • The culture does not require frequent ventilation of the greenhouse, it can bear fruit even if it is stagnant air, it is better to prevent drafts
  • The ideal temperature for growing culture is an indicator of about 27 degrees, the conditions remain unchanged for open ground conditions
See also  Characteristics of Cherry Cherry Tomatoes

Planting Conditions

so that the plants do not interfere with the growth and each other’s development, it’s worth approaching the preparatory stage as responsibly as possible, that is, choosing the right plant varieties, as well as carefully studyingplanting scheme for each of them, only after that plant seedlings.

The first thing to take care of is to properly prepare the soil for seedlings, namely fertilize it with minerals and microelements as much as possible. In addition, do not forget that both pepper and tomato belong to those cultures that love warmth and light. For this reason, the soil should be generously flavored with peat, because this substance is able to retain heat for a long period. This is especially true if the landing was carried out in late winter – early spring, when the probability of frost is still real.

В первую очередь нужно подобрать совместимые сорта

First of all, you need to select compatible varieties

In addition, do not forget about the most important stages of growing pepper and tomato, namely, to carry out pinching, forming bushes in time and fertilize the plant, the compatibility of cultures will also depend on this.

Of course, all this applies to a greater extent to tomatoes, eating pepper does not require mandatory bush formation, especially when it comes to tall bushes. For example, the variety Baby can not be formed. Here it will be enough to comply with the standard requirements for care, watering, bait.It is especially worthwhile to carefully monitor the condition of the bush during flowering, it is very likely that pollen can be accidentally shaken off during the grooming procedure, which will call into question the fruit ovary.

See also  The best varieties of salad bell pepper

Planting arrangement

We got the answer to the question whether it is possible to grow peppers with tomatoes nearby. Now we learn how to realize all those agrotechnical conditions that are presented to one and the second vegetable. If you don’t have the opportunity to allocate separate greenhouses for each of the vegetables, you should familiarize yourself with two options for solving the problem that are most often used in practice.

Separate the culture with a film

Most simple and easy to implement is the separation of the growth of two vegetables using the simplest film. When pulling it, it is important to consider the fact that it is pulled from ground level to the roof itself. Thus, you will be able to create the very microclimate that was written about earlier in order to maximize the chances of a rich harvest.

However, it should be said that the film creates a barrier to the penetration of air, so you need to take care so that a constant flow of air is provided to the tomatoes. Also, one of the requirements is the organization of separate entrances, usually they are equipped at the ends. An important condition is the fence not only of airspace, but also of the ground.As for the location of the beds, they should be placed in such a way that they are located on different sides, separated by a passage in the middle. If making such a passage is problematic, then you can divide the growth of crops using a sheet of slate or metal.

See also  Characteristics of the variety of peppers Fat

Planting without separation

You can place peppers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse and without pulling the film. To bring this option to life, you need to learn how to properly use the territory of the greenhouse. As for the pepper, it is better to plant it in the southern part of the greenhouse, since it is considered more heat-loving. Tomatoes are recommended to be planted in the center and on the north side. Moreover, you should not refuse a place near doors or windows, as the culture is absolutely not afraid of drafts.

In this option, it is allowed to plant not only peppers and tomatoes. Also in this greenhouse, you can add radish and beans, as well as garlic, celery and parsley. The exceptions are peas, eggplant, onions and dill, they negatively affect the growth of tomatoes. It is worth saying that eggplant is one of the most moody vegetables in cultivation.

В теплице важно разместить растения правильно

In the greenhouse, it is important to place the plants correctly

With this use of the greenhouse, the main rule should be taken into account: in no case do not plant hot peppers next to a sweet variety, for example, Bulgarian, just like cucumbers cannot be planted together with eggplant onions, their compatibility is close to zero.


In order for the plants to better adapt to such a neighborhood, a number of rules should be observed:

  • The greenhouse itself should be on south
  • The beds are recommended to be placed in the direction from north to south
  • The height of the beds should not be lower than 20 cm, while the top layer of soil must be discarded, just like for open ground
  • In order to maintain heat in the soil, it is necessary to fertilize the earth with manure, for the same purpose it is recommended to equip the greenhouse with the simplest heating system, even in May there may be frosts
  • In order for air to penetrate in the soil is better, it is recommended immediately after harvest to sow green manure in the ground, this will positively affect the structure soil
See also  When is the best time to plant tomatoes for seedlings

Diseases and pests

It’s worth saying that with the simultaneous placement of pepper and tomatoes in the same greenhouse there is a chance that the plant will be affected by parasites, for example, aphids or slugs. We learn how to deal with this problem and how it can be prevented.


As mentioned earlier, problems can arise when placing pepper and tomatoes at the same time. First, consider the defeat of aphids. This problem most often occurs in the summer, namely, in the last month. If this problem happened, it’s worthwhile to choose an effective remedy that will once and for all save you from the invasion of a flying insect.

The Healthy Garden Drug

Currently, the “Healthy” drug fights this problem best. garden”. In order to destroy aphids, it is necessary to dissolve the “Healthy Garden” powder with water strictly in accordance with the instructions, and then carefully spray the tomato bushes with peppers.

It is best to spray in the evening, as the aphid is most active. If the procedure was carried out correctly in accordance with the instructions and on the calendar, the pest will disappear on the second day.

Fitoverm (or Spark Bio)

This is also a drug with good reviews, it will help in as soon as possible to get rid of aphids, subject to planting peppers and tomatoes in one greenhouse. After spraying with Fitoverm, the drops of the drug are absorbed by the leaves, accumulating it in the cell sap. Its advantage is that in addition to the actual struggle, it has a protective function, that is, it protects the plant for another three weeks.

See also  Growing Peppers Caliph F1

Moreover, the action of the Fitoverm applies not only to aphids, but also to other pests, both flying and not. Do not be afraid that after spraying the vegetables will not suitable for consumption, it’s not. Already on the third day after spraying, you can eat pepper and tomato.


When planting pepper and tomato at the same time, a common problem slugs and snails may appear on the beds. tomatoes eat much, but sweet and bitter peppers are a favorite treat.If you find holes and tunnels on vegetables, you know these are slugs.

The problem can be solved with the slate that spread the tunnels between the beds. Late in the evening on such an obstacle the same pests will gather, you just have to turn the fence over and crush the slugs. It is recommended not to remove the killed parasites, since the next day their relatives will come to eat up the remains, without reaching the green leaves. So in a few days you can get rid of all parasites.

As a conclusion, it must be said that peppers and tomatoes in one greenhouse can get along, their compatibility is high, since they belong to the same family and require similar conditions of detention , which cannot be said about the neighborhood with cucumbers.You are required to comply with the recommendations described above, then you can harvest vegetables without damage or loss.

See also  Feeding peppers after planting in open ground

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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