Proper pepper watering

Having his own plot for planting or growing vegetables at home, the gardener seeks to get a good tasty crop. But some cultures may have problems. Most often, this applies to bell pepper. You can wait for a quality crop only if all the agrotechnical features are fulfilled. Proper watering of the pepper is extremely important.

  1. Why pepper needs plentiful watering
  2. Basic watering methods
  3. Basic watering rules
  4. How to water the crop
  5. Watering in heat
  6. How to water during the flowering period?
  7. Watering and feeding
  8. Conclusion

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Proper pepper watering

Why pepper needs abundant watering

No matter where the plant is grown in a pot on the windowsill, in the greenhouse or in covered ground, it is important to pay special attention to watering it.This crop does not tolerate drought and can easily die from it.In addition, this applies to both bitter and sweet bell peppers. In unfavorable time for planting (in dry weather) part of the seedlings may not take root and die.

In addition, sweet pepper, with insufficient watering, may not pass to fruiting. Flowering showered, and not having time to pollinate. Originating fruits are often ugly and unpleasant in taste. Such a crop is unsuccessful. But, if the right watering of pepper is organized from the first days from planting, the gardener will be able to avoid all these problems.

Basic methods of watering

After planting the seedlings, it is important to pay attention all care features.There are several ways to moisten the soil and leaves of seedlings:

  1. Surface method. Watering pepper with this method is best in regions with a hot arid climate. After planting seedlings in a row, a special groove is organized, which serves as a place for collecting fluid. After watering, the groove is filled up so that the water does not evaporate.
  2. Drop watering (irrigation). It is used only in open ground. Special hoses connected to the filter and dropper were held to the place of plantings. Water flows slowly under the root of the plants, which is why the topsoil does not become heavy. The drip method is the most popular because because with such irrigation there is no need for regular loosening of the soil.
  3. Intrasoil irrigation. It is carried out using pipes laid in the open ground. The advantage of this method is the use of any water. The fact is that getting into the soil, it is cleaned by soil microorganisms.
  4. Sprinkling. It is carried out by special irrigation devices connected to the hose. Its advantage is the ability to simultaneously irrigate most planted crops. But the weakness of the method is insufficient soil moisture, which is why this method is rarely used in regions with hot climates.

Each gardener can choose for himself a suitable method, given the appropriateness of its application, depending on culture conditions.It takes into account both the place where the pepper was grown and the climatic conditions.

Basic watering rules

In order for the culture to grow healthy and actively bear fruit, it is important to take into account some agricultural rules. The most important of them are:

  1. The soil should be saturated with moisture to a depth of 50-60 cm.
  2. It is necessary to make a special hole so that the water does not spread over the area, but gets to the root system plants.
  3. It is necessary to use both watering and irrigation.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.
  5. Only use warm, settled water.

Watering according to these rules is necessary for every gardener who wants to get a big high-quality crop. In addition, there are requirements that should be considered in the dry summer months, as well as when the crop blooms.

How to water the crop

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Regular watering

The gardener needs to know what to water pepper, considering three main criteria – norm, timeliness and regularity. The volume of fluid is determined by the age of the bushes, as well as the climatic conditions of cultivation. Before flowering, watering pepper should be moderate. The main thing is to prevent drought. But with the opening of the first flowers and before the formation of the ovaries, it is often necessary to water pepper.

Before flowering begins, experts recommend watering the crop once every 7 days. This is best done in the morning or evening, pouring 2-3 liters of fluid under each bush. The water used is warm (but not hot), preferably at room temperature. The norm is 13 liters. per sq.m. It is also important not to forget about the need for loosening. The root system needs not only moisture, but also air.

Watering in the heat

In the heat, vegetables need regular watering even more. A large amount of moisture evaporates, which negatively affects the plant itself. Water pepper during this period should be more common than in spring. It is important to do it right. It is necessary to increase the regularity of the procedure, but do not exceed the recommended volume standards. It is best to water pepper daily, pouring 2-3 liters of water under each bush.

There are also requirements for the time of day. The culture is watered in the morning, before the onset of heat. The fact is that water falling on the stem and leaves during the daytime can cause sunburn.

How to water during flowering?

Procedure during flowering differs from the usual norms. The fact is that for the formation of ovaries, the plant needs to receive a lot of energy. Therefore, you should know how to water pepper during this period:

  • can be watered 2 times a week using a rate of 11 liters. liquids per sq.m. or 1 time, at a rate of 16 liters. per sq.m.;
  • water temperature must be between 26-28 ° С;
  • only the root method is used.

Watering and top dressing

Pepper top dressing is closely related to its watering. Indeed, root crops are used for this crop, that is, a properly conducted event includes the preparation and use of fertilizer in the form of a solution.

Some gardeners mistakenly assume that it is possible to fertilize the culture with potassium permanganate. But, this is not so. Potassium permanganate is an excellent prophylactic against diseases and pests. And it is used only for plant protection, but not for fertilizer.

The main types of fertilizing should be balanced and as safe as possible. One of these is a nettle broth. It contains a large amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. But, most of all, such a culture suffers from a lack of nitrogen. You can make up for it using a solution with urea or mullein. Fertilizer with ammonia can also be used, which is one of the best sources of nitrogen.

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When growing a vegetable, it is important to consider not only the frequency of watering, but also how much moisture the bushes will consume for their effective development.This indicator varies depending on the age of the seedlings, the place of cultivation, as well as the climate. Various methods of soil moistening (surface, subsurface, drip and irrigation) can also be used.

Peppers should be watered frequently, especially during the hot season. In dry weather, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out, which can not only reduce the chances of getting a good harvest, but also destroy the crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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