Ways to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

Many people wonder why tomatoes do not blush in the greenhouse and mature poorly. There may be several reasons why tomatoes do not ripen in the greenhouse. Consider the main reasons in the article.

  1. Tomato ripening process
  2. Stimulation maturation
  3. Features of care
  4. Conclusion <

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Ways to accelerate tomato ripening in the greenhouse

The process of ripening tomatoes

In the first 30 days after the ovary, the tomatoes grow rapidly, and the next 20-25 days are poured and blush. A tomato that has been poured and acquired the red color is still on the bed, before harvesting. that the tomato contains a whole set of useful substances and has excellent taste.

There are types of tomatoes that have a yellow or green color. Check out the characteristics of the variety – perhaps it should not blush.

But if the variety must ripen in the garden, but it does not ripen in time, then there are certain reasons that arise when grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

Tatyanarlova (cand. S.-kh. Sciences):

There is another phenomenon. Gardeners may have noticed that a number of varieties of foreign selection, related mainly to early ripening varieties, are not tasty.They have few sugars, they are dense, but they lie for a long time. When breeding such varieties (or rather hybrids), they acted on the gene responsible for the color of the fruits. These hybrids turn red, and the red color of a tomato for us is an indicator of its ripeness when they are still in technical ripeness. That is, in fact, such fruits are still green, but already have a red color.

Causes of the appearance of unripe tomatoes

If you do not blush the tomatoes in the equipped greenhouse – we can conclude that they are missing something. What factors can interfere with the normal development of a vegetable crop and the fact that it does not ripen well?

  1. Air temperature. The optimum range is from 22 to 29 ° C. When hypothermia or excessive heating in the vegetable lycopene metabolism is lost. Tomatoes acquire a bright yellow color and will no longer turn red.
  2. Excessive sunlight will adversely affect the development of the plant: the fruits can simply burn out. However, tomatoes should not be kept in the dark.
  3. Microclimate. Avoid excessive humidity in the greenhouse and sudden temperature fluctuations.
  4. Density of planting. The distance between the bushes should be at least 30 cm. Tightly planted to each other, the fruits ripen unevenly.
  5. Fertilizer. Excess nitrogen leads to a delay in ripening and staining of leaves in gray-golden color.In turn, an insufficient amount of potassium in the soil leads to stiffness of the stems, which results in a backwardness in the formation of tomatoes with a properly mass.
  6. Variety. For each climate zone, there are the most suitable varieties of tomatoes. In places with predominantly cold weather, early varieties are preferred.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

In cold areas countries where there is a short growing season, you can grow varieties not only early in ripening, but also with a friendly return of the crop. In such varieties, only 1-2 brushes are laid, all stepchildren, delaying the nutrition of the plant, are removed in a timely manner. This allows you to get a full crop before the onset of cold weather.

Ripening stimulation

There are recommendations that can accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse:

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  1. Iodine deficiency will help fill foliar top dressing from a solution of iodine (35 drops) per 10 l of boiled water.
  2. In autumn, plants cannot receive enough sunlight.To maximize the warmth of your tomatoes, cut off any excess leaves from the bush and turn it to the sunny side. Remove all obstacles that prevent rays from entering. Budding during the cold season is rather unpromising, therefore it is recommended to carefully remove flowering buds. New fruits are unlikely to have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. When they arrive, move the plants to the warmest corner of the greenhouse or cover them with a cloth so that they do not freeze.
  3. Pinching and trimming brushes will also help when the vegetable does not ripen evenly. Cut the leaves and shoots to those areas where the fruits are already being sung and have already poured, and new ones will not form. In this way, you will save more nutrition for needy fruits, and they will grow faster.
  4. To protect the plants from infection, which can also cause overripening, treat the leaves with protective solutions: vitriol or alternative methods, garlic water diluted with alcohol – 2-3 times for a week and a half.
  5. If tomatoes do not blush badly in the greenhouse, ethyl alcohol helps to speed up the process. It is necessary to spray a few drops of it close to the root of the tomato. In the near future, the fruits that are lagging behind in development will catch up with the ripened specimens and will further develop faster.
  6. A popular procedure among vegetable growers is the reduction of the metabolism of the upper and lower sides of the bushes.To do this, the stalk of the tomatoes is cut and a metal wire is inserted into it.
  7. If you put an unripe fruit next to a ripe tomato, after a while it will begin to ripen faster due to ethylene. The statement is not scientific, but you can still try to speed up the ripening and redness in this way.
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Features of care

If all the tomatoes in the greenhouse do not blush, blame serves as the wrong care for them. In rare cases, it is the flaw of the variety itself.

Growing in a greenhouse has its own nuances. High humidity does not affect the formation of fruits too well, although they like the soil abundantly moist. Therefore, make sure that the level does not exceed the norm.

No artificial lighting can replace the plant with a natural light source. Nevertheless, try to provide the maximum that special lamps for hotbeds can give.

You can ripen tomatoes at the same time, subject to the following rules:

  • watering the soil: frequent, but dosed;
  • fertilizer soils: alternation of organics and minerals, the basis of nutrition is phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium top dressing;
  • weeding, timely weeds removed will facilitate a nightshade culture everywhere growth and development;
  • pinching and garter: removal unnecessary shoots and the formation of stems – a condition For a neat garden;
  • spraying: late blight, viral tobacco mosaic and gray rot are the main enemies of tomatoes.


Choose regionalized tomato varieties. They should be suitable for growing in your climatic zone – then ripening will happen on time.

To keep all the specimens in time, just follow the general rules for caring for tomatoes and be conscientious in their work.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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