When to cut leaves from tomatoes

Cutting leaves from tomatoes is extremely important when cultivating a crop. Consider how to carry out the procedure correctly.

  1. Importance of trimming
  2. When to prune
  3. How to prune
  4. Form a bush
  5. Determinant variety
  6. An indeterminate variety
  7. Superdeterminant variety
  8. Conclusion <

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Leaf pruning tomato

Importance of pruning

Tomato leaves are one of the plant’s most important organs, responsible for processes such as:

  • absorption of nutrients in substances;
  • respiration;
  • temperature control;
  • evaporation of moisture.

Leaf pruning in tomatoes improves air circulation bush. The procedure helps the plant redirect forces from growing greenery to the formation of fruits and prevents the development of putrefactive diseases.

When removing excess green mass, the fruits become larger, their ripening time decreases.

When to prune

Pruning leaves of tomatoes is carried out, taking into account a number of recommendations.

  • First Pruning Dyat during dive seedlings. The lower plates are torn off so that 1/3 of the total mass remains. Do this to strengthen the root system.
  • Pruning is done if the seedlings are too long. In this case, it is correct to cut off the lower greens, and put the seedlings on the ground and deepen.
  • First of all, old leaves of tomatoes are torn off: they turn yellow and often become stained, which contributes to the development of fungal diseases. The spots are especially dangerous for tomatoes growing in the greenhouse.
  • The greens growing in the darkened part of the bush take little part in photosynthesis, therefore they are also removed.
  • The greens growing below the first are removed. fruiting brush. This procedure has a positive effect on the development and quality of the fruit.
  • Cut greenery over the grown fruits. Tomato fruits themselves participate in the process of photosynthesis, so they do not need an extra shadow.
  • Remove one half of the plate if this part is in the shade and is not involved in photosynthesis.
  • It is advised to remove new shoots , since they take away the strength of the plant and contribute to the improper development of the fruit.

If the seedlings are grown according to all the rules, they look good, do not prune them!

How to trim

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Follow the recommendations

  • Pruning is done with disinfected scissors or secateurs. Also, the leaves are torn off, pressing the base up, carefully so as not to damage the stem.
  • The frequency of the procedure depends on the speed of development of the seedling. The yellowed lower leaves are harvested about once every 15 days. Pruning of the bulk begins after the formation of small fruits. Sluggish foliage is removed as it appears. In greenhouse growing conditions, pruning begins earlier.
  • Pruning is done in the open in the morning. So, for a day the wound manages to dry out and drag on, which does not allow the development of gray rot. In the evening or on a rainy day, pruning of tomatoes is not performed.
  • Leaf pruning of tomatoes in a greenhouse is carried out at any time. The only condition is the cancellation of ventilation on this day.
  • At most 3 leaves are removed at a time.
  • After harvesting from the first brushes, prune to the second, and then to the third fruit ovary. Above the third brush, it is better not to prune, as if left without greens, the seedling will die.
  • At the very end, cut off the top of the bush. Choose one ovary, leave a little green on it, remove everything else: this way the tomato spends more energy on nutrition and fruit growth.

Only remove the diseased, injured or old foliage! Do not get involved in pruning. All plant leaves work to form the crop.

Formation of the bush

The formation of the bush depends on the tomato variety:

  • determinant;
  • is determinant;
  • superdeterminant.
See also  Proper planting of tomatoes

On a tall variety, 1-3 stems are formed, the stepson is left under the first flower brush. To remove it correctly, press the base against the stem and pull it up so as not to damage the stem. The lower leaves are removed until the height from the soil to the foliage is about 30 cm. Cutting off will prevent fungal diseases, provide light and air access to the plant stem.

As soon as about 8 brushes have formed on the plant , cut off the apex.

Determinant variety

The determinant variety is distinguished by the formation of a fruit-bearing brush after a 5-7-leaf plate. Having formed 4-5 brushes, these varieties stop growth. To extend the fruiting period, the growth point is transferred to the lateral shoot.

Identifier variety

The determinant tomato variety forms only one shoot. The first fruit-bearing brush is formed after a 10-11-leaf blade. To increase productivity, remove side shoots. Removing stepchildren is done after the formation of one flower brush on them. This procedure is performed once a week.

Superdeterminant cultivar

The superdeterminant cultivar is characterized by early maturity and small growth, not more than 60 cm. The first flower brush is formed after 6-7 leaves. After the formation of 4 inflorescences, the growth of shoots is limited.There are three ways to create a superdeterminant variety:

  • remove all side shoots and form one stem;
  • leave the stepson from the first inflorescence and get 2 stems;
  • form 3 stems, if you leave the stepsons of the first and second inflorescences.
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When and how to crop Tomato truth
Cutting leaves from a tomato. Do I need to remove leaves from tomatoes.
TOMATO leaves: to delete or not? Basic rules for trimming


Pruning tomato leaves is an important procedure to ensure a good harvest, it improves the access of light to all fruits, and reduces ripening time. Circumcision is also important as disease prevention, especially in the greenhouse.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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