Characteristics of Cherry Ira f1 tomatoes

Tomatoes – a unique culture that compensates for some of the difficulties of growing with its beneficial properties and taste characteristics. As soon as the “summer” season begins, vegetable growers have a question: what seedlings should be purchased this year? For those who like small fruits, Cherry Ira tomato is perfect.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruits
  4. Features of the cultivation
  5. Planting seeds
  6. Caring for sprouts
  7. Planting seedlings
  8. Fertilizing <
  9. Watering
  10. Diseases
  11. Prevention
  12. Conclusion <

Характеристика томатов Черри Ира f1

Characteristics of Cherry Ira tomatoes f1

Characteristics of the variety

The tomato Cherry Ira variety is the result of the hard work of Russian breeders who tried to create a crop suitable for growing both in greenhouses and in open areas. Mark f1 in the name of the plant once again confirms the high quality of the fruit.

According to the characteristic, the tomato of the described variety is a hybrid, medium-sized, highly productive crop . The plant falls into the category of “indeterminant”, that is, those in which the growth of the main stem is unlimited, therefore, with a stable temperature background (in the greenhouse), it can grow for 9-12 months.

Description of the bush

The official description says that the average height of the plant reaches 85-90 cm, in rare cases, Cherry Ira tomato f1 reaches a mark of 1 m. The bush is moderately sprawling, the leaves are medium-sized with a rich emerald color.The plant belongs to the standard type, which tolerates various diseases well.

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Description of the fruit

The general characteristic already tells the grower that this is a worthy variety that is suitable not only for pickling and whole fruit canning, but also for further processing into juices. Tomatoes have the following description:

  1. The fruits are egg-shaped, they ripen with brushes of 6-10 pieces each.
  2. Initially, their color is light green, during ripening they acquire a bright -red shade. In rare cases, Cherry Ira f1 takes on a slightly different color and becomes crimson-scarlet.
  3. The flesh is moderately dense, juicy, aromatic, with few seeds, the solids content is 4-6%.
  4. Since these are small fruits, their weight is corresponding to 30-40 g.
  5. They are very rich in vitamins and other useful substances, therefore it is recommended to use fresh fruits.
  6. Productivity: if you carefully monitor the development of the plant and follow all the necessary rules of care, from 1 bush you can collect up to 4 kg of tomatoes . If for 1 square. m, plant 3 bushes, the grower receives 11-12 kg of fruit. This is a fairly high indicator for the Cherry variety.

Harvested can tolerate transportation and can be stored for a long time. This feature is initially good for those who grow a product for sale.

Features of cultivation

If the gardener plans to get a good crop, he needs to prepare in advance everything necessary for planting seedlings. The plant has one specific feature: if it is not properly looked after, the tomato will lose its taste.

See also  The benefits of nitroammophoski for tomatoes

Planting seeds

Seeds can be planted in the second half of March. If you pre-soak them before planting in a growth promoter, the plant will grow much faster.

The soil into which the seeds will be planted also needs to be prepared. The best solution is to additionally fertilize it with organic and mineral substances. For sowing, small depressions are made, which are irrigated with water. To preserve the temperature balance, the container is covered with a film on top.

Care for sprouts

Для ростков необходимы освещение и поддержание температуры

Sprouts need lighting and maintaining temperature

The appearance of the first shoots indicates normal development, and also that the seedlings need good lighting. To do this, the container can be moved closer to natural light (window sill). If the weather is cloudy, the problem can be solved by fluorescent lighting. The ambient temperature should be 17-20 ° C, only under these conditions the sprouts will develop without deviations and, as a result, will give a good yield.

Planting seedlings

As soon as the leaves appear, you can begin preparing the soil in the open.

For better adaptation and to prevent disease, the soil is treated with special fertilizers. After that, the pick begins. This is a simple procedure, during which the plants are planted in separate containers to strengthen the root system.

Landing is carried out only when the weather has stabilized and there are no strong temperature jumps. This hybrid does not tolerate frost, so you should worry about preserving the bush in advance. Plant 3 plants per 1 sq. Km. m. The gardener forms a bush in 2 stems, the branches need support.

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Fertilizers should be applied during the period of intensive growth. This culture responds well to complex nutrition. During fruiting, it is better to use organics, because it does not adversely affect tomatoes.


Since cherry tomatoes Ira are recommended for cultivation in the southern regions, which are characteristic drought, you need to know some watering rules:

  1. It is best to irrigate the plants in the evening. If you do this in the morning, water falling on the leaves will cause sunburn.
  2. You can’t flood the bushes very much, because the resulting moist environment will be ideal for the development of bacteria.


The culture has a good resistance to disease, but is subjected to attacks of “Black Spot”. Another dangerous disease for Cherry Ira is the top rot of fruits. It has a fungal nature, therefore it spreads very quickly throughout the plant.


In order to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to reduce watering, treat the plant with a solution of calcium nitrate .

Cherry IRA, summer 2017
Ira in the greenhouse

If the grower grows tomatoes in the greenhouse, to prevent the spread of fungal spores the room must be regularly ventilated. If the bush began to destroy the codling moth, the solanaceous miner, the sawfly, they use Bison and Lepidocide.

See also  When and how to plant tomatoes for seedlings in Siberia


It is necessary to make efforts to make the tomato crop yield. Compliance with all rules, including watering regime and temperature are the key to successful crop cultivation.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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