Verlioca tomato variety

Tomato verlioca f1 or verlioca plus is a determinant precocious hybrid variety of tomato. Verlioka F1 is a very viable variety of tomatoes and is not amenable to various diseases. The verlioca tomato looks very beautiful, the fruit is red, fragrant and juicy. Full ripening occurs after 95 105 days after emergence of seedlings. Such a variety reaches a height of 1.5 meters and is considered stunted.

  1. Description of verlioc tomatoes
  2. Pluses of the verlioca cultivar
  3. Cons of the variety of verlioca varieties
  4. Preparation of seeds for planting
  5. Proper planting
  6. Care and cultivation of Verlioc tomatoes
  7. Formation of tomato bushes

Сорт томата верлиока

Variety of tomato verlioc

The stems need to be tied up and constantly stepsoned, then you can get a good harvest. One brush of tomatoes has from 5 to 8 fruits. Each fruit weighs from 8 0 to 90 grams. Before you purchase this type of tomato, it is recommended to study the reviews of other gardeners about this variety, see the description, photos and video. Only in this case you will know for sure whether to plant tomato verlioca in your climatic zone and which there are planting features.

Description of verlioca tomatoes

The new variety of verlioca quickly became popular among gardeners, both for use in salads and for canning. The rich red color of tomatoes attracts a lot of attention. When fruiting begins, the leaves are almost invisible, as they are covered with ripe red tomatoes. When canning, tomatoes are placed in a jar of any size and with any neck.The new hybrid is resistant to diseases and poor climatic conditions. Due to the slow growth of the Verlioc variety, plant care is simplified.

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The new hybrid variety has a height of one and a half meters. The fruits are large and can weigh up to 130 grams. This kind of tomato has amazing stamina. Verlioca hybrid grows slowly, but as they say correctly. The formation of fruits is uniform. The yield of a new variety is up to 20 kg per square meter. It is not difficult to grow seedlings and even a beginner in this business will cope with this. Due to the fact that the plant is early, it is necessary to sow seeds by the end of February or at the very beginning of March. The first crop can be harvested already in June or July.

Pluses of the Verlioc variety

The characteristics of the variety are generally very good and, if grown correctly, Verlioc tomatoes can produce a good crop.

  • The percentage of fruit ovary is high.
  • Tomato always has a marketable appearance.
  • Tomatoes are in great demand among buyers, so it can be grown in large volumes for sale.
  • The advantage of this variety is that even in poor climatic conditions it gives a high yield.
  • The fruits themselves with elastic and thin skin Tsey. It is she who protects the tomatoes so that they do not crack, after ripening.
  • The tomato pulp is not watery, of moderate density, sugary and very tasty.
  • Salads can be made from tomato verlioca, added to borscht and soups, to hot dishes and just eat as a side dish.
  • Due to their appearance and size, they look very good if they are pickled, salted or canned.
See also  Rules for watering tomatoes

Cons of the Verlioc tomato variety

  • Tomatoes require constant mineral replenishment.
  • The plant is overloaded with ovaries.
  • Due to the voluminous fruits, a low level of resistance is obtained, plantings can get sick.

Preparing the seeds for planting

for the seeds to sprout perfectly, it is recommended to check their suitability before landing. Lay out all the seeds on paper and select the largest and undamaged. Before growing, it is better to hold the material for planting in potassium permanganate. Seeds that come up are bad, so you can’t sow them, because they will not grow. To improve germination and uniformity, soak the seeds by applying some kind of nutritious preparation. Some gardeners use root solution.

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Carefully prepare the seeds for planting

It will not be superfluous to saturate the planting material with oxygen. For this you can use a compressor for aquariums. The compressor must be lowered into a jar of water, and then put the same seed there. This procedure very well helps the shoots of plants.In order not to run into a fake, seeds should be purchased only in specialized stores. Store a bag of seeds at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees.

Proper planting

Like all tomatoes, the Verlioc tomato variety has a good characteristic and such tomatoes can be grown using sowing seeds in open ground or seedlings. If you live in a warm climate zone, you can plant the seeds immediately in open ground. When planting in the central part of Russia or in Siberia, it is recommended to first grow seedlings from seeds in home or greenhouse conditions. This practically does not affect tomato productivity, so you can choose any method of planting seeds. The only thing if we take into account the numerous reviews and descriptions of tomato verlioc, experienced gardeners argue that when seeds are planted immediately in open ground, the plants become more hardened and in some cases have better resistance to common diseases and pests.

See also  The optimum temperature for growing tomatoes

To to grow good seedlings correctly, you must follow certain rules so that the results of the work will surely please you and lead to success. If you have already grown zucchini, carrots, cucumbers cabbage or something from leguminous plants in your garden, it is in this place that verlioc tomatoes will be planted correctly. By winter, you need to dig up and fertilize the land. This can be done using bird droppings, humus or ready-made compost.You should try to make the soil become loose, do not let air through and help fertility. This should be done before planting.

Be careful that the soil must be adjusted with the correct amount of acidity. You should also observe the density of landings. Up to ten seedlings per square meter with such a frequency should be planted. If planting is made with insulation, tomatoes need to be watered abundantly. Calculation: on one bush from four to six liters of water. The soil cover must be mulched in order to prevent overheating and excessive moisture evaporation in the greenhouse. In the greenhouse it is necessary to maintain the same temperature level. Humidity must be constantly monitored so that the tomatoes are not affected by late blight.

Care and cultivation of verlioc tomatoes

  • After planting the tomatoes in the greenhouse, they should be watered abundantly. For watering, it is recommended to use at least four, six liters of water per bush. Only in this case, you can get a good yield and produce a full-fledged cultivation.
  • The temperature level in the greenhouses should be the same, and the humidity under constant control.
  • Humidity should be no more than 60%. Soil moisture from 70 to 80%.
  • Watering a tomato is done in the evening and always warm water. It is recommended to irrigate as the soil cover dries in the greenhouse. You can use the drip irrigation method.The advantage of this method of irrigation is that a special device doses and regulates watering.
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Formation of tomato bushes

Verlioca is a hybrid variety, so you need to form yourself plant as one stalk. Ovaries appear on the stems, somewhere from 5 to 10 pieces. The place from which they grow goes into shoots from the sides. After the appearance of inflorescences, the upper stems need to be pinched to make them basic. It is recommended to leave a few leaves, skipping the last inflorescence. In the future, the stepson becomes the main stalk. This is the remaining process, which is located in front of the third inflorescence. The formation of the bush is necessary in order to remove excess growths on time.

In order not to injure the tomatoes during pruning and to harvest a plentiful crop, the following rules must be observed:

  • Seedlings are formed as one or two stems .
  • It is necessary to periodically pinch, especially during growth.
  • 1 or 2 inflorescences should be left on each stem, plus this measure will improve the development of the bush and fruits and give a more abundant crop.
  • It is recommended that you do the tying.

Verlioc’s tomato
Seeds from the author Blagovest, Verlioka plus, Eupator, Rosamarin, Sicilian pepper
Tomatoes Izhevsk Eupator, Grandmother’s gift, Krasnobay, Verlioka plus

If you can taking all the tips into account, you will have a good chance to get a wonderful tomato crop from each bush.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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