Description of the variety of tomatoes Hali-Gali

Yield and Description of the tomato variety are the selection criteria for planting. One of the promising hybrids for cultivation both in closed ground and in open beds is Hali-Gali tomato.

  1. Description <
  2. Characteristics of tomatoes
  3. Growing tomatoes
  4. Transportation of fruits
  5. Conclusion <

Описание сорта помидоров Хали-Гали

Description of the Hali-Gali tomato variety

The fruit hybrid was created by Russian specialists, it is registered, its cultivation is widespread in the fields of the country. Especially it is recommended to plant Hali-Gali tomatoes in the Far East and the North Caucasus Here they zarek perfectly have established themselves as open ground plants.


Hali-Gali tomatoes have a number of positive qualities:

  • high yield;
  • long-term fruiting;
  • preservation of presentation and taste during long-term transportation;
  • resistance to viruses and diseases of tomatoes.

An indicator of the Hali-Gali tomato variety is its high productivity. This is especially true for tomatoes planted in greenhouses. The greenhouse creates a favorable microclimate, which contributes to productivity.

Description of the variety indicates that the plant has round fruits with a small neat “nose”. With proper planting by the square-nesting method and proper care, about 8 kg of fruits are collected in the beds and from 15 kg or more in the greenhouse.

Characteristics of tomatoes

The tomato variety is considered universal. It is suitable for canning, for salting and for fresh use. Winter preparations are obtained not only tasty, but also beautiful, thanks to the specifics of the fruits.

See also  Verlioca tomato variety

Fully red, with a shiny skin that is not damaged during pasteurization and with a neat nose, many tomato lovers will like them. The shape and durability of the fruit makes this hybrid convenient for preservation.

Growing tomatoes

Растение нуждается в пасынковании

The plant needs to be planted

Growing tomatoes is not difficult. 2 months before planting in the soil, the seeds of the Hali-Gali variety are sown for seedlings. Subject to temperature conditions, shoots appear within 25 ° С. When planting tomatoes, they make sure that the plantings are not thickened: 3 bushes per 1 sq. Km. m is enough.

The yield that the tomato gives depends on the formation of the bush. Be sure to pinch the plant, leaving 2 powerful stems that are desirable to tie. The height that the fruit stem reaches can be more than 80 cm. Between the 5-7 leaf, the first inflorescence is laid. Each flower gives a fruit, upon ripening, large, weighing up to 300 g.

According to the description, the Hali-Gali tomato gives excellent performance when observing crop rotation.

The best predecessors of this variety are:

  • pumpkins;
  • green crops;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • legumes.

According to the characteristic described by the hybrid is resistant to disease. The Hali-Gali plant is attacked by viruses, like any tomato, but the tobacco mosaic virus and late blight cannot damage it.

See also  Varieties of Tomatoes Cream

When cultivated properly and fertilizers and fertilizers are applied, the variety bears fruit for a longer time.

Transportation of fruits

These red, tasty tomatoes are well tolerated, so they can be transported to areas not suitable for cultivation. Even with very long journeys, tomato f1 does not lose its tomato smell and taste. At the same time, integrity is maintained: there are no dents or wet spots on the surface of the fruit, rot or charm are completely absent, as in other less stable varieties.

Tomati Khali-Gali F1.Code
Varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse. Garden World site
Harvested tomatoes. Tomato Andromeda F1.


Proper care, compliance with all recommendations and rules makes it possible to grow excellent fruits. It is enough not to forget in time to feed, water and weed the beds, then the plant will thank a plentiful and tasty crop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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