Characteristics of Golden Kenigsberg Tomatoes

Tomato Golden Koenigsberg is an indeterminate tomato variety, crop growth continues throughout the growing season. It is very popular among vegetable growers and gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and excellent taste. The variety of Siberian breeding, therefore, is distinguished by endurance and frost resistance. The tomato gives a high yield, the fruits are large and fleshy. The variety description and characteristics allow you to create a complete picture and make a choice.

Description of the tomato

Official description and descriptions grade says that with the right care will grow tall shrub, usually it reaches 1.5 meters in height in the open field. In greenhouse conditions it reaches two meters height, its productivity increases. There are few leaves on the bush, they are of the usual form, green. Fruits are able to set in different weather conditions. The plant is characterized by increased resistance to late blight, which is very important in northern latitudes. This is a huge advantage of the Siberian variety.


Tomatoes of this variety are considered mid-season, and they can grow and bear fruit not only in the south, but also in the northern latitudes.Siberian breeders have worked wonderfully and developed a new universal variety that brings normal yields both in the greenhouse and on the open ground.
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Koenigsberg Golden Fruits

The fruit is oblong, similar in shape on the eggplant fruit. Tomatoes are abundantly located on the branches, their weight is on average 350 g. The color of the fruit is yellow, pink, orange, red bright, sometimes striped, indicating a high concentration of lycopene antioxidant. This component is carcinogenic, prevents the development of malignant cells, and reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. In order to enhance the benefits of lycopene, fruits are recommended to be consumed with vegetable oil. Tomato contains vitamins, glucose and fructose and various trace elements (iodine, magnesium, manganese) and mineral salts. Due to this, the Golden Koenigsberg tomato is widely used in dietary nutrition, as well as for the prevention of various painful conditions.

Cultivation of crops

Gardeners and vegetable growers plant seeds for seedlings in March. The first shoots appear after 2-3 weeks. The appearance of 2-3 leaves on plants suggests that tomatoes need to be dived. Disposable plastic cups filled with peat-humus mass are ideal for this. Tomatoes are planted in open ground in May when the weather is warm enough. The age of seedlings during planting it in the ground should be at least 65-70 days.Plants can be planted in the greenhouse and greenhouses earlier, since there they are not afraid of night frosts and cold. Then the crop can be obtained faster.

Features of agricultural technology

The feedback from practicing vegetable growers indicates that the best yield of tomato Golden Koenigsberg can be achieved by forming a bush in two stems, and the second the stem should move away from the first. All other shoots are regularly removed, it is best to do this when they are up to 10 cm high. You can remove no more than two stepsons a week, this will save the tomato bush from stress.
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In order to limit the height of the plant after emergence 8 brushes pinch a growth point. On each brush 5-6 fruits are tied, this is enough to make them large and have time to ripen. The plant ceases to spend energy on the growth of the trunk, and directs them to filling and ripening of fruits. Congestion of the bush with brushes leads to the fact that tomatoes lose weight. The bottom leaf on the crop is also gradually removed, this helps to aerate the soil. Reviews of vegetable growers indicate that those who planted plants rarely, not more than 3 bushes per square meter, received the highest yield. Despite the fact that the variety was bred for cultivation in open ground, many farmers and gardeners grow it in a greenhouse, which is why the yield is only increasing.To choose the best planting option, just follow the rule: the distance between the rows can be 50 cm, but between the bushes in the rows should also be at least 35-40 cm.


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The variety needs to be garter

The culture of this variety Do not need separate care. They need to be watered if the weather is dry and the plants do not have enough moisture. To provide oxygen access to the roots, the soil on the beds is regularly loosened, weeds are tilled and crops are cultivated. Do not forget about feeding and garter. This variety is tall, so to prevent breakage of the stems in the second or third week after planting, they are tied to the supports.
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  1. Sagging of the stems will begin already during the formation of the ovary, it is at this time that the garter should begin.>
  2. Do not use a wire or a scourge for a garter, the weight of the fruit will pull the branches down and a thin rope will damage the stem. It is better to use fabric ribbons with a width of 1-1.5 cm.
  3. You can’t squeeze the stem tightly, the garter should support it from sagging but not limit the possibility of growth.
  4. The supports should be selected high, taking into account the fact that the tomato will grow and it will be necessary to tie sagging branches with fruits. An untimely plant that is tied can bend or simply fall to the ground.

Application of fruits

The fruits are used fresh, they are very tasty in salads and suitable for harvesting for the winter. Tomatoes have a dense consistency, so they can be stored and not spoiled for a long time. Variety Koenigsberg Heart-shaped, no less famous than Kenigsberg, is grown exclusively for fresh use and for the preparation of salads. Description of the variety: its fruit is heart-shaped, red, very large. Therefore, it is not suitable for conservation in general. Some fruits grow up to a kilogram each and give good yield. These varieties are great for adjika, lecho and various salads.


Tomato Koenigsberg Zolotoy has a high resistance to late blight, but in greenhouse conditions the plant is affected by the Summit rotting fruits.
A small, dry spot appears on top of an unripe tomato, which increases in size and turns black. The fetus then slows down in growth and begins to blush ahead of time. The leaves and stems remain intact disease. In the northern latitudes, it affects crops exclusively in greenhouse conditions, in the south, a painful condition is also observed in open ground conditions, and it does not spare peppers. The cause of the disease is still not clear.Scientists differ on this point: some believe that the cause of the disease is lack of moisture, very dry and hot air. For this reason, the plant loses moisture, the fruits begin to wither from the top, they are affected by pathogenic microorganisms. Some experts attribute the cause of the disease to a lack of calcium in the soil. If the affected skin of the fetus is dry, then there is no bacterial infection, if it is wet, pathogenic microorganisms are present in this process.

Vertebrate Prevention

It is difficult to talk about vertebrate rot preventive measures since the etiology of this disease has not been fully studied. Experts recommend the following measures:
  • use moisture-resistant soils for growing tomatoes, for this purpose they add peat mixture or turf to too light soil, which helps to retain moisture;
  • do not overdo the fertilizer when feeding;
  • provide the plants in the greenhouse with enough light, removing the stepsons and leaves at the bottom of the plant in time;
  • regularly water the tomatoes;
  • remember to mulch the soil with straw, compost, mowed grass, which helps maintain moisture;
  • layer of mulch oval every 7 days;
  • in hot weather it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouses, shade the tomatoes with a light cloth or whitewash the ceiling and walls of the building, if they are glass.
Some scientists are of the opinion that the disease state is carried by seeds. They recommend soaking them for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before sowing. This method not only disinfects the seeds, but also stimulates their germination and allows you to have good seedlings.


The advantages of the Golden Konigsberg tomato are that suitable for cultivation in the northern latitudes, where the climate is more severe and other varieties of tomatoes freeze or do not have time to ripen. The description of the variety indicates that in open ground it is characterized by increased resistance to painful conditions.

Keningsberg golden tomato variety
GOLD KENIGSBERG variety. Tomatoes from Fedor.
Tomato variety Golden Koenigsberg
Tomato variety KENIGSBERG GOLD
Tomatoes Zolotoi Koenigsberg and Grusha Chernaya Favorite varieties of customers, orange and black tomatoes bo her

Growing a tomato of the Golden Kenigsberg variety does not require excessive efforts, it is just necessary to water and tie up the plant, as well as carry out weeding on time. With proper care from each bush, you can get more buckets of tomatoes that are distinguished by excellent taste and are suitable for harvesting for the winter. Several bushes will fully provide tomatoes for the family during July-August. A tomato of this type will decorate the gardener and amateur gardener and bring a good harvest.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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