When to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse

Timely planting of a tomato in a greenhouse and proper care of them will increase the yield by autumn. It is important to understand the favorable timing of landing. so1 “>

  1. Why grow tomatoes in the greenhouse
  2. Preparations
  3. When should I plant tomatoes?
  4. Construction <
  5. Growing conditions
  6. Age of seedlings and their appearance
  7. How to plant tomatoes
  8. Conclusion

Высаживание томатов в теплицу

Planting tomatoes in the greenhouse

Why grow tomatoes in a greenhouse

Growing tomatoes has many features. Some gardeners prefer to plant crops in the open field, while others prefer to plant crops in greenhouse conditions. With proper plant maintenance, building a greenhouse will bring many benefits. The fact is that in a greenhouse it is easier to create microclimate conditions. In addition, in the air, due to evaporation, a large amount of carbon dioxide is contained, which favorably affects the planted crop.

Another advantage of greenhouses is the protection of plants from diseases and pests. With proper care, nothing will threaten the bushes. The main thing is that the transplantation of tomatoes to a permanent place of detention takes place at a favorable time for this.


The organization of planting tomatoes in a greenhouse includes several main stages. Special attention is paid to the preparation of the structure. It is necessary to create favorable conditions in the place where the gardener plans to plant tomato bushes:

  1. It is necessary to determine the design features of the structure.Today, gardeners make structures of polyethylene, glass and polycarbonate. The most profitable last option. The fact is that a polycarbonate product has high strength and this design will last on the farm from 3 to 10 years.
  2. Tomato bushes need not only carbon dioxide, but also fresh air. You should think about the location of window leaves and doors in the room beforehand.
  3. It is important to consider the location of garden tools and the irrigation system (installing a water barrel or modern drip or automatic irrigation systems). This is necessary so that the planting of tomatoes, as well as crop care activities, are convenient for the gardener.
  4. Install lighting devices (artificial lighting is an integral part of organizing favorable growing conditions).
  5. Prepare the ground. Light loamy or sandy loamy soil types are suitable for tomatoes.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Window and transom in the greenhouse is a prerequisite for creating a normal microclimate for tomato. Tomato responds poorly to high humidity. Optimal for him is 45 -50%. In an enclosed greenhouse after watering, air humidity rises to 80-90%. This can lead to the development of fungal and bacterial diseases.

Plant tomatoes only in places where they were not previously grown. Previous crops belonging to the same Solanaceae family can lead to infection by similar diseases and pests and to the subsequent death of tomato bushes. With the beginning of spring, it is necessary to properly fertilize the soil. It is best to use humus and charcoal for these purposes. Fertilizer consumption is 6-10 kg of humus per 1 sq. M and a glass of coal in the same area.

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To remove harmful microorganisms, before disembarking the plants, the soil should be disinfected. The most effective way is spraying the soil with potassium permanganate and copper-containing compounds. Only after such processing can we start planting tomatoes.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Not only soil, but also need to be disinfected all greenhouse designs. In indoor conditions, many diseases develop very quickly. Before the next season, the greenhouse is fumigated with a sulfur saber. To do this, it is hermetically sealed for checkers burning time and aired after 2-3 hours.

When should I plant tomatoes?

Before planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, it is necessary to determine a favorable time for this.They depend on the characteristics of the structure, the temperature of the air and soil, the age of the sprouts, as well as on their developmental characteristics.

It is also important which seedlings are used: self-grown or purchased. With plants grown at home from seeds, it will be easier. The gardener can independently calculate the time for sowing seeds and growing seedlings in the required time.


When preparing to transplant a crop grown from seeds into the greenhouse, the choice of favorable terms will depend on the design features greenhouse.

With a polycarbonate structure and properly conducted preliminary agricultural activities, it will be possible to plant tomatoes at ie in April. But, those who will make a greenhouse for tomatoes from film or glass will have to plant seedlings in early May. The fact is that polycarbonate is not only more durable than glass or polyethylene, but also has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

The larger the area of ​​the greenhouse and its volume, the better it holds the temperature. Small greenhouses cool quickly at night.

Growing conditions

There are other features of choosing the right time for transplanting tomatoes into the greenhouse. They relate to the temperature regime and the method of growing seedlings.

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When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse:

  1. You can start planting if the temperature of the air and soil is stable. The minimum values ​​for soil are 16 ° С, for air 20 ° С.
  2. In April, if the premises are equipped with an additional covering layer of polyethylene or a heating system is installed. Without additional equipment, planting is carried out in May.
  3. If the seedlings have passed the hardening procedure. Grown seedlings will be less demanding of the new conditions, if it is transferred to a cool place for 7-10 days. It is best to gradually increase the length of stay of young bushes in the cold so as not to harm them.

Quenching can be carried out at home. You can take out pots with bushes on the balcony or loggia. On the first day, stay in the cold is limited to 30 minutes. In the following days, hardening can be increased by 1-2 hours. But, one fate follows fate. If the sun shines brightly through the window on the balcony, the seedlings should be obscured to prevent burns on the leaves.

We plant the tomatoes in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or other material in pre-fertilized soil, pour over warm settled water and mulch. The latter procedure is necessary so that moisture is stored longer in the ground.Active evaporation can negatively affect the habituation of young bushes to new conditions. Further care measures are carried out only after a few days.

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The age of the seedlings and their appearance

Provided that the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate, you can plant nightshade without fear of spring frosts . Planting dates will be determined by the characteristics of plant development. The fact is that different varieties of tomatoes have their ideal age for planting:

  • ultra-ripe – 25-30 days;
  • early-ripening – 30-35 days;
  • early and mid-early – 35-40 days;
  • mid-late and late – 40-45 days.

The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of counting days when buying already grown seedlings. Therefore, gardeners rarely use it. More often they monitor the state of the bush:

  • 6-8 well-developed leaves;
  • powerful stem;
  • branched root system.

According to gardeners, it is better not to grow seedlings: when the first buds appear on the bushes, planting becomes impossible. Any change of conditions will lead to a reset of flowering and death of all nightshade.

How to plant tomatoes

The process of planting in the greenhouse includes:

  1. Digging holes. For stubby bushes, a checkerboard arrangement of holes is suitable. For tall bushes, consider the distance between the stems. Effective seedlings are 60-70 cm from each other.
  2. Placement of seedlings. The bushes are carefully immersed in holes and sprinkled with a layer of fresh soil of 4-5 cm.
  3. Digging at an angle. We recommend planting them at an angle, which favorably affects the formation of additional roots.

There is no need to additionally fertilize the soil, as top dressing is included in the correct preparations. The introduced wood ash and humus will give young Strength plants for active growth in a new growing place.

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The favorable time for planting tomatoes in greenhouse conditions depends both on the structure itself and on external and age-related seedling features. It is best to use a polycarbonate greenhouse, and plant only those bushes on which 5-7 leaves have appeared. The most suitable time for a nightshade transplant is 3-4 weeks in April or early May.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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