Characteristics of Japanese varieties of tomatoes

Japan is a country with an amazing crop culture. The land of the rising sun is a leader in the cultivation of rice. But, not many people know that tomatoes occupy a separate place in the agricultural activities of the Japanese. Japanese tomato varieties have not only excellent yield indicators, but also amazing taste.

  1. Popular varieties of Japanese tomato selection
  2. Description and description of Japanese tomatoes
  3. Japanese Crab
  4. Japanese Truffle
  5. Japanese creeping
  6. Senkara
  7. Tisato
  8. Features of growing tomatoes
  9. Expert Advice
  10. Diseases and Pests of Japanese Tomatoes
  11. Conclusion <

Характеристика томатов Японских сортов

Characteristics of Japanese tomato varieties

Japanese Tomatoes Elections include a wide variety of hybrids. Today, every gardener can choose a variety suitable for cultivation with certain external and taste characteristics.

Popular varieties of Japanese selection tomatoes

The main suppliers of Japanese varieties are two firms: Sakata and Kitano. Reviews say that these suppliers have earned the respect of customers not only for the quality of planting material but also at affordable prices. The Japanese line of tomato seeds includes a wide variety of hybrids suitable not only for open ground, but also for growing in greenhouses. Indoor tomatoes are also popular. But, due to different climatic features, not all Japanese varieties have received their recognition in Russia.Best of all, they took root in domestic gardeners:

  • Japanese Crab tomato;
  • Japanese Truffle;
  • Japanese creeping tomato;
  • tomatoes Senkara;
  • Tisato tomatoes;
  • Japanese Rose.
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TMAE 683 f1 tomatoes deserve special attention. This hybrid is ideal for domestic climatic conditions. It can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

The main advantage of this variety is that the fruits of TMAE can be tied even with sudden cold snap. In addition, the productivity of the Japanese is impressive. From one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of delicious, aligned vegetables.

Characteristics and description of Japanese tomatoes

Growing Japanese tomatoes is a very interesting and entertaining task. Today, each owner of a land plot can choose a variety suitable for certain characteristics. Some of the foreign hybrids have low growth rates and can be grown in a room or on a balcony. Others are intended only for street planting.

For a beginner gardener, a large assortment of “Japanese” can frighten, confuse, and be misleading. Tomatoes recommended by sellers do not always meet the requirements that the consumer expects of them. Therefore, experts recommend that you first familiarize yourself and study well the “novelty” of the domestic market before making your choice.

Japanese Crab

The popularity of tomato Japanese Crab is due to the taste of its fruits. Such a tomato is very sweet, its pulp is dense and has almost no seeds. Such a description of the vegetable makes it ideal for making cold snacks. In addition, the connection between the name of the variety and the vegetable itself is interesting. The fact is that the shape of the tomato resembles a crab, since the fruit of this hybrid is slightly flattened and has prominent protrusions on top.

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Domestic gardeners growing this Japanese tomato variety distinguish such features:

  1. The bush of such a tomato is tall. The stem height, with proper care, can reach 160-170 cm.
  2. This “Japanese” has large thick green leaves. But the impressive landscaping does not overshadow the brush of pink tomatoes.
  3. The yield is high and long. When grown in a greenhouse, you can have a good supply for the winter, because such a variety actively yields crops until mid-autumn.
  4. Resistance to immunity to diseases and pests. With proper care, the risk of rot, tobacco mosaic and other diseases is minimal.

A person who decided to plant this hybrid on his land needs to go through the standard period of growing seedlings from seeds and diving them. It is not worth immediately starting sowing in open ground, because the chances of emergence are minimal.

Japanese Truffle

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Fruits of this variety can change their color

Characteristics of tomato Japanese Truffle is its advantage. The fact is that the fruits of this plant, in addition to their amazing taste, can change their color depending on the duration of ripening. So, a tomato tied to a bunch of grapes may be pink, but after a few days – bright red. Moreover, overripe, such a tomato turns black.

The description of this variety also has its own characteristics. The bush of this hybrid is vigorous, with dense landscaping. Fruits resemble a pear in shape. Their pulp is dense, with a minimum number of seed chambers. The skin is not susceptible to cracking. Such qualities of tomatoes make them suitable for transportation and long-term storage.

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Japanese creeping

Description of the tomato Japanese creeping makes this variety unlike other varieties of tomato. Of the “Japanese”, this one is the shortest tomato. Its peculiarity is related to the size of the shoots, which are 60-70 cm wide. The height of such a bush is small and rarely exceeds 25 cm in height.

Numerous reviews about this hybrid are related to its appearance during the flowering period. The fact is that its flowers have a bright yellow color. Blossoms, like golden jewelry, spruce up a sprawling green bush.In addition, the ovary of fruits that form later, also attract attention. Small brushes of red tomatoes, weighing no more than 100 gr., Remind their appearance of the world famous Cherry tomatoes. In addition, such mini tomatoes are great for preservation.


Senkara or Japanese Rose varieties are equally popular in Russia and neighboring countries. . These hybrids are medium tall. They require molding in 1-2 stems when grown in open ground or in a greenhouse. Senkara fruit brush has impressive size and weight. The “bunch” of large pink tomatoes, weighing 250-280 gr., Is already singing by mid-June. The performance of the Japanese rose is more modest. The brush of this hybrid includes 5-6 bright red tomatoes, weighing no more than 140 gr.


“Tisato” hybrid is worth special attention. In the people, such a tomato deservedly received the title of giant. The fact is that this powerful plant is actively growing and bearing fruit in any climatic conditions. The only thing that such a “Japanese” does not like is frost. The variety gives a good harvest on any soil, despite the rainy or hot summer. From one bush you can collect up to 10 kg of fruits. In addition, the brush holds only 5-6 tomatoes, weighing 250-280 gr.

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Features of growing tomatoes

The market for tomatoes is large and in demand. Therefore, there will be no problems with the acquisition of seeds.Having decided to plant Japanese tomatoes, you need to be well versed in agrotechnical features. Indeed, some of their foreign plants have their own individual characteristics, taking into account which you can achieve the desired crop.

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You should carefully familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of growing

Buying seeds and sowing them in infertile soil is a rash act. Every gardener, experienced or one who only knows the world of crop production, should know about all the intricacies of planting tomatoes. Therefore, you should choose the right soil for the purchased hybrid and prepare the seeds for planting. For growing seedlings, a mixture of ordinary land with humus is suitable. Seeds sown in pots are covered with polyethylene and cleaned in a warm place, before emergence.

Depending on the variety, seedlings are prepared for picking in 90-140 days from sowing. Transplanting to a new place, to a street or a greenhouse, also has its own characteristics.

Tips from experts

  1. Add mullein to the garden soil. Fertilizing the soil with manure will give the planted plant the necessary trace elements necessary for active growth and fruiting.
  2. When digging the soil in the spring, add complex mineral fertilizer to the soil.
  3. Add ammonium nitrate to the soil.

Advance fertilizing of the garden soil allows plants to more quickly take on new conditions for themselves without any risk and problems. When the seedlings get stronger and begins to throw out flowers, it is necessary to pay more attention not to fertilizers, but to watering under the root.

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Other preventive measures, such as loosening the soil and ventilating the greenhouses, are also important. Foreign tomato varieties are no less affected by a lack of air than those varieties that belong to domestic selection. Systematic loosening of the topsoil and airing of the greenhouse will save seedlings from problems with rot formation and increase the yield index.

Diseases and pests of Japanese tomatoes

Large Some plants of the selection of the country of the rising sun are not susceptible to frequent diseases and do not suffer from pests.

But, inaccuracies in leaving, can still “play” against the planted crop. The declared immunity resistance without preventive spraying, airing of greenhouses and other care features is significantly reduced. Therefore, you should be aware of what problems may become in the way of a gardener in growing tomatoes. Most often, tomato varieties from the East suffer from:

  1. Phytosporosis and cladosporiosis. These diseases are manifested due to poor climatic conditions. The main reasons are increased humidity and high air temperature.
  2. Vertex and root rot. It occurs due to a lack of air in the greenhouse and high humidity. In addition, root rot occurs more often due to excessive watering.
  3. Aphids. It is very rare in greenhouses. Fighting her is very easy. Wipe off any deposits formed on the foliage with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water.

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It is important to monitor the state of seedlings, study their condition and control growth. Any signs of disease, such as Precipitation, yellowing of leaves and their falling, as well as the appearance of some spots, require urgent measures, because the quality of the crop depends on the timeliness of treatment.


Japanese tomatoes are known throughout the world for their taste, as well as the external characteristics of the bushes. Today, it is not difficult to buy seeds from one of the popular varieties, as well as grow healthy seedlings from them.

According to numerous reviews, there are constant demand for only a few varieties of Japanese selection. This is caused by more severe and diverse climatic conditions, which have significant differences with the country of the rising sun.But, growing such tomatoes, you can appreciate their taste and external beauty. After all, who better than the Japanese to understand all the features of crop production.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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