How to feed tomatoes after a dive

The correct application of planting material into the soil and the care of young shoots are the key to obtaining a good tomato crop in the future. Before planting in the soil, seedlings must receive fertilizer several times. Before replanting, the soil is not fertilized. Many gardeners are tormented by the question of how to feed tomatoes after a dive and how to carry out subsequent care.

When crops lack vitamins

If you think about it etes than to feed the seedlings after the pick tomatoes when they began to wither the leaves, it is necessary to learn how to determine which substances to plants is not enough for full development. An excess of nutrients, as well as a deficiency, will negatively affect growth and yield.What substance to feed tomato seedlings after a pick, it is not difficult to understand by external signs:

  • if the leaves begin to turn yellow and fade, it means that there is not enough nitrogen in the ground, in which case you should feed the tomato with ash;
  • purple leaves indicate a lack of fluoride;
  • the pallor of greens indicates a lack of iron in the soil;
  • if the stem becomes brittle, and when touched quickly breaks, there is not enough magnesium in the soil and calcium, it is recommended to feed the plant with chalk;
  • if growth has slowed, you need to add humate atrium or leaf mold.
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With a lack of fluoride is best to fertilize the egg tomatoes after picking solution. The acidity of the soil is increased with a decoction of ash. With an excess of fertilizers, the extra-root part of the plant begins to grow rapidly, in such cases superphosphates are used, which accelerate the growth of the root system. If the rhizome is not well developed, the plant will not have the strength to form flowers and ovaries, which can significantly reduce productivity.

How to choose biofertilizer

“How to feed tomato seedlings after picks? ”- the main question that opponents of chemical fertilizers are interested in. After picking, you can feed tomatoes with such factory fertilizers:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • nitrate;
  • urea;
  • superphosphates.

In private households they usually contain all kinds of animals.As fertilizer, you can use the waste products of poultry and animals. In addition, top dressing of tomato seedlings after a dive can be carried out using solutions based on ash, yeast, eggshell, iodine. Some gardeners often use banana skins, onion husks and coffee grounds to make fertilizers. All these variations are completely natural and solutions can be made independently at home.

Self-production of biological fertilizers

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From the eggshell you can make an excellent fertilizer

To make the egg top dressing you need about 300 g of shell. It should be placed in a three-liter jar and pour water. The mixture must be put in a warm place for several days. When the mass begins to emit an unpleasant odor, it is ready for use. The resulting solution with water for irrigation is diluted in the proportions of 1: 3.

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It is best to infuse with ash to accelerate the growth and prevention of various diseases. A tablespoon of ash is put on 2 liters of water, it is insisted for a day. The resulting mixture should be filtered. Do not use ash from burning plants that have been infected with a fungus. Chalk and iodine are used in combination with ash.

Bird droppings are used to adjust the acid-base balance of the soil.So, for example, purple tomato varieties will turn pink if there is little acid in the soil. Bird droppings are placed during planting in each hole for prophylaxis against pests such as whiteflies, cabbage, etc. Onion peel is a universal remedy. A decoction of the husk is used not only for feeding, but also as a prophylaxis of viral diseases.

Tomatoes can be fed with a yeast solution after picking. 10 g of yeast are added to 10 liters of water, stirred, and then tomatoes are watered. Previously, the use of this tool was very popular, but over time and the advent of new-fangled drugs it was forgotten, and in vain. Yeast fungus helps to activate the development of microorganisms in the soil, which improve the quality of the soil and prevent the spread of fungal infections. Iodine or manganese is added to water for irrigation as a prophylaxis against various diseases if there is a risk of infection, as well as to increase the yield of tomatoes.

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Care for the ground part

Plants can be not only through the root system, but also through the ground part. The foliar system also needs fertilizer after a dive. Such manipulations are carried out in combination with fertilizer rhizomes, alternating procedures between each other. It is recommended to feed the ground part of tomatoes in the early morning, when the dew has not yet come down.

To fertilize the ground part, use the same fertilizers as for the root system.The most popular are spraying with superphosphates, solutions of urea, phytosporin. From folk remedies, you can apply spraying with a decoction of nettle leaves. In order to prevent fungal diseases and pests, the upper part of the plants should be fed with iodine solution or garlic infusion. It is not recommended to use nitrate solutions because it is a rather toxic substance and its use can adversely affect the soil condition and human health.

Stimulant preparations

There are many stimulant preparations, which are completely harmless to humans and plants. These include, for example, sodium humate. This substance is not a mutagen, non-toxic, 100% safe for human health and the environment. The main active ingredient is the mineral salts of humic acids. They allow you to strengthen the plant’s immunity, accelerate the growth of tomatoes.

Mineral fertilizers are another option for high-quality harmless fertilizing for tomatoes. A sufficient amount of mineral fertilizers is presented on the market. Before using them, carefully read the instructions. Improper use can damage the root system of tomatoes. The first feeding should include nitrogen compounds, this will help to quickly form a complete root system and the ground part.

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Rules for implementing the procedure

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The root system of seedlings needs fertilizer

When to feed tomatoes after a dive for the first time? Transplantation is usually carried out after 7-12 days. At this point, the sprouts have 2-3 leaves. Despite the fact that the seedlings seem stronger, the stem and root system need additional stimulation during transplantation for better adaptation in the new soil.

The first feeding of tomato seedlings is carried out immediately. In any case, the plant will respond to stress during transplantation, so it needs to be helped to adapt by fertilizing. A picking of tomatoes and simultaneous top dressing allows you to develop a protective mechanism and form a completely root structure, which is the key to quick adaptation in the open ground. Do not forget that an excess of fertilizers can adversely affect productivity. The plant will begin to actively increase the ground part to the detriment of the rhizome, that is, all forces will be directed to the formation of new sprouts, not the ovaries. since harvesting. After harvesting, it is necessary to completely remove all plant residues, burn them. Ash can be dispelled on site. Then cultivate the soil, make compost.In the spring, the soil again needs to be dug up, and a month before planting tomatoes, add mineral or organic fertilizers.

Schedules for applying biological fertilizers

In what conditions is it better to fertilize tomatoes? Seedlings of various varieties are planted in open ground at different times, but tomato seedlings are fed at the same time interval after picking:

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  • in the first 24 hours when transplanting;
  • the second in 10-15 days;
  • the third time in a month from the moment of transplantation;
  • the last time a couple of days before planting in open soil.

The first top dressing of tomato seedlings after a dive is urea. It helps to improve the condition of the sprouts and accelerates their growth. It is in the first month from the moment of sowing the tomato that the rhizome begins to actively develop, but the main task of feeding during the dive is to ensure the growth of the ground part. The main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizer, otherwise the growth of greenery will occur to the detriment of the root system. Place a tablespoon of urea in 10 liters of water and water the plant abundantly.

First feeding of tomatoes after picking
Feeding tomato seedlings. How to feed seedlings
15 kg of tomato from a bush. The first feeding of seedlings

The second time fertilizing the earth is carried out according to the same scheme, they are fertilized with minerals for the third time, nitrophos is most often used. In 1 liter of water put a tablespoon of the substance.Many summer residents use folk recipes for fertilizer. Such methods are completely safe and economical.

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Fertilizing seedlings of tomatoes, carried out after a pick, is not the only factor that will affect the growth and immunity of the plant in open soil. In addition, it is necessary to carry out work with seedlings on adaptation to street conditions. A month before this procedure in the open ground, you should begin to harden the plants and accustom them to direct sunlight. Do not overdo it with watering, otherwise the risk of getting fungal infections increases.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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