How to deal with brown spotting of tomatoes

Brown spotting on tomatoes can destroy up to 80% of the tomato crop. Only the adoption of timely preventive measures and the treatment started on time can effectively fight the infection and preserve tomato plantings.reachGoal (‘sood’); “>

  1. Causative agent
  2. Provoking factors
  3. Symptoms
  4. Treatment of cladosporiosis
  5. Alternative methods
  6. Chemicals
  7. Preventive measures
  8. Phytosporin
  9. Yeast
  10. Agrotechnics

Борьба с бурой пятнистостью томатов

Fight against tomato brown spotting

The causative agent of infection

Brown spotting of tomatoes is a disease of fungal origin. the fungus that infects the tomato culture through the spread of conidia is fungal conidia. dust, therefore, quickly spread from infected plants to healthy tomato bushes.

Most often, the leaves of tomato bushes are affected by a brown fungal infection, growing mye soil in the open ground or in a greenhouse without heating systems.

Fall fungal conidia Early Blight on Tomatoes airborne, waterborne, and transferred to the hardware inventory.Fungal conidia can maintain their viability even without a host plant, maintaining activity in winter among plant debris, in soil, on the surface of the earth and in greenhouse constructions. They are quite resistant to both high and low temperatures, survive drying.

Provoking factors

The most important favorable condition for the rapid spread of cladosporiosis is excessive humidity, which conidia begin to breed. The most effective indicator of humidity for disease activity is an indicator in excess of 90%.

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It is possible to notice the presence of signs of brown fungal infection on tomato bushes in the middle of the vegetative development of plants. At this time, the vegetable crop begins to actively gain strength for flowering and the formation of ovaries.

Among the main signs of tomato cladosporiosis are:

  • yellow spots on the outside of the leaf blades, having a different size and form,
  • a plaque of light shade on the inside of tomato leaves, eventually changing color to dark and brown, subsequently the plaque structure changes to a denser in quality and becomes velvety due to germinating fungal conidia.

With the initial pr due to brown spots on tomatoes, failure to take timely measures leads to a change in the color shade of tomato foliage and their shape.Tomato leaves subsequently begin to turn yellow, dry and, after a certain period of time, crumble.

At the first stages of the defeat by brown spotting fungi, weakened foliage dies on tomatoes, due to the loss of which the photosynthesis process in the plant is disturbed. Lack of organic matter produced by tomato bushes leads to disruption of the fruiting stage and reduces the yield.

Treatment of cladosporiosis

Brown spotting of tomatoes can be cured by folk methods and through the use of chemicals.

Popular methods

Настой чеснока поможет вылечить растения

Infusion of garlic will help to cure plants

As a folk remedy in the treatment of cladosporiosis, healing watering and spraying are often used:

  1. Ches approx. Tomato bushes are sprayed with garlic infusions, for which purpose 0.5 kg of chopped seasoning (cloves and garlic arrows) are soaked in a 10-liter volume of water and kept for 24 hours.
  2. Potassium permanganate and ash. Alternating watering with low potassium permanganate and ash mixtures (300 g per 1-2 l of water is heated to boiling point and then brought to 10 l) can effectively combat brown fungal infection in the initial stages of plant damage.
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In the absence of effectiveness from the use of folk remedies to save the tomato crop in the treatment of brown spotting on tomatoes, you have to resort to the use of chemicals:

  • the processing of tomato bushes with the contact means of the Bravo series is carried out by spraying the leaves with repetition after 7-10 days,
  • chemical spraying of Fitolavin is recommended for damage to large cultivated areas of tomatoes, repeating the processing in the greenhouse twice under growing conditions open field – at least 3-4 times.

When using chemicals to treat brown fungal infection, the use of fruits is permitted no earlier than after 3 weeks.

Preventive measures

Timely prophylaxis prevents the defeat of tomato plantings by brown infection.


Most often used for prophylactic purposes against cladosporiosis Phytosporin, with solutions with which water is applied to the soil immediately before planting tomato seeds and seedlings. In addition, Fitosporin is added to water for watering tomato bushes in the process of further care for them after planting. For preventive purposes, the drug is used for spraying tomato plantings with an interval of 2 weeks.


For the prevention of brown spotting on tomatoes, simple cooking yeast is suitable, 100 g of which is diluted in 10 liters of water.


Compliance with basic agricultural practices helps prevent damage to tomato culture by cladosporiosis:

  • it is advisable to follow crop rotation rules, alternating the cultivation of different crops on the same planting area,
  • after harvesting it is important to destroy the remains of vegetation from predecessors,
  • maintaining humidity at the required level of 60-70% will not allow fungal conidia to develop,
  • the selection of disease-resistant tomato varieties will reduce the risk of the disease.
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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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