Characteristics of Korolevich variety tomatoes

Tomato Korolevich is one of the most popular Varietal varieties of tomatoes among vegetable growers. The variety is characterized by universality of use, as it has excellent taste, which allows you to use it both fresh and canned.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the variety
  3. Description of the bush
  4. Description of the fruit
  5. Growing seedlings
  6. Planting seeds
  7. Caring for sprouts
  8. Planting seedlings
  9. Fertilizer
  10. Watering
  11. Diseases
  12. Prevention
  13. Summary

Характеристика томатов сорта Королевич

Characteristics of Korolevich tomato variety


Many gardeners are familiar with this variety of volume That. Its varietal characteristics are the result of the hard work of specialists in the field of selection.

Description of the variety

The variety is a first-generation hybrid, therefore it is not recommended to collect seed material, Varietal characters will not be saved. Every year, for this type of nightshade crops, you should grow seedlings or buy ready-planting sprouts.

The description says that tomatoes are resistant to a number of diseases and are resistant to temperature changes.

The culture can be grown in such conditions:

  • open ground;
  • greenhouse;
  • film shelters.

Variety characterized by average productivity.From one square meter, you can collect 2 kg of marketable fruit.

Description of the bush

The plant belongs to indeterminate varieties, characterized by medium ripeness. The bush has small leaves of a dark green hue. A simple inflorescence is characteristic of a tomato, and the peduncle has no articulation.

The shape of the bush is spread out, the plant must be tied up. It is also recommended that the bush be planted so that the bush grows, forming tomato clusters.

Description of the fruit

Tomatoes of this variety have good taste and have several advantages. Fruits of this variety have the following characteristics:

  • heart-shaped;
  • large-sized;
  • the weight of one fruit in average terms is from 200 to 800 grams;
  • an unripe fruit has a green tint, and a ripe one has a pink hue.

Tomatoes of this varietal species have a loose structure of pulp. Also, they are characterized by weak ribbing. The fruits are suitable for making fresh salads, tomato sauces, and canned foods.

Growing seedlings

Like many tomato crops, this variety is grown in seedlings. In order for the crop to be good, it is very important to grow high-quality planting material.Therefore, the best option is to grow seedlings at home.

Planting seeds

Before sowing seeds, you should take care of their disinfection and prepare fertile soil. Sowing is carried out in March, if the spring is early, then it can be sown in February.

Seedling recommendations:

  1. Soaking of the seed material is necessary in a weak solution of potassium permanganate .
  2. In order for the soil to be dense, it should be compacted and mulched with peat.
  3. Watering should be done through a strainer, this will evenly distribute the flow of water.
  4. Seeds can be laid out in prepared grooves with tweezers.
  5. Cover the container with the planted seeds with omoschyu film or transparent glass.
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Boxes must be put in a warm room where the temperature should be about 25 degrees Celsius. Sprouts can hatch already after 2 weeks.

Care for the sprouts

After the appearance of the first sprouts, care must be taken to ensure proper care. Boxes with seedlings must be put in a well-lit place. For five to seven days, the temperature in the room should be at the level of 15-16 degrees Celsius. Next, the temperature must be increased to 20-22 degrees.

To grow seedlings, you must also:

  • monitor the humidity in the room;
  • timely feed the sprouts;
  • remove weak stems .

When two real leaves appear on the plant, the seedlings should be dived. To do this, you can use plastic cups, in which sprouts are planted one at a time. A picking will allow the plants to grow and form a powerful root system.

Planting seedlings

60-65 days after sowing in the phase of six to seven true leaves and one brush, where there is inflorescence, seedlings must be planted in open ground or in a greenhouse. Plants should be planted at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. Up to 2 kg of manure should be put in each hole, thereby creating a nutritious base for the tomatoes.

The fruits gain weight during the ripening process, so you need to take care of the garter. It is recommended that after planting the seedlings, establish supports to which the plants should be tied.

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Подкормки необходимы для полноценного роста

Feeding is necessary for the full growth of

To ensure the full development of nightshade crops, regular feeding is necessary. If fertilizer is not timely administered, tomatoes need the following substances:

  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • phosphoric solutions;
  • potassium fertilizers.

It is recommended to use complex preparations that will help tomatoes grow, bringing a good harvest. Organics should also be added, for this you can use wood ash or herbal tinctures.


Watering is carried out with warm water, which is poured directly under the root. You should not water it with cold water, as you can damage the roots and the plant may die at an early stage.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend loosening the soil around the stem a little before watering. Before the next watering, you should always check the soil to prevent its overmoistening.


Tomatoes of this variety are resistant to diseases of nightshade crops. If the rules of care were not followed and cultivation farming practices are violated, late blight can develop.

Overmoistening can provoke the development of rot of the root system. This is manifested by yellowing of the leaves, and the bush itself stops growing without fruiting.


As a preventative measure, stepsons should be removed. This method will provide good ventilation and prevent the occurrence of late blight.

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It is recommended that after the crop has been harvested, remove plants from the beds. It is also necessary to adhere to crop rotation rules.


Tomato Korolevich is a high-yielding varietal variety, which makes it popular among all tomato varieties. Thanks to a simple cultivation agricultural technique, even an inexperienced summer gardener can grow this plant.

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The fruits of this variety ripen gradually, this ensures the use of a tomato for a long period. Also, this feature allows harvesting for the winter, as the tomatoes on the branches ripen almost until the end of September.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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