Characteristics of pear-shaped tomatoes

The world selection of tomatoes does not stand still. Today, the usual idea of ​​tomatoes associated with a red or pink vegetable can safely be considered erroneous. Every year, more and more hybrids are produced that surprise ordinary gardeners with a variety of not only the color of the fruit, but also their shape. Pear-shaped tomatoes are a good example of such experiments.

  1. Why are pear-shaped tomatoes so popular?
  2. Benefits of growing pear-shaped tomatoes
  3. Variety of pear-shaped tomato varieties
  4. Characteristics of pear-shaped tomato varieties
  5. Yellow Cherry
  6. Variety Pear Red
  7. Orange Pear
  8. Grushovka
  9. Features of growing pear-shaped tomatoes
  10. Conclusion <

Характеристика томатов грушевидной формы

Characteristics of pear-shaped tomatoes

Today, the variety of pear-shaped tomatoes allows each gardener to choose the kind of tomato that he wants to decorate part of the land. But, is it so easy to care for such a miracle?

Why pear-shaped Are tomatoes so popular?

More recently, pear-shaped tomato varieties seemed something unusual and strange. It is also strange that hard-to-solve problems from the school course on the genotypes of round and elongated tomatoes are the reality of modern selection.

The results of such work are simple and understandable. The superior gene of one of the parents of hydride will always give more chances for the appearance of a subsequent product of the required quality. Also with the shape of the fetus.Determine the initial varietal characteristics, and get the expected result. The color, shape and size of vegetables – every gardener who buys seeds of one or another tomato is guided by all this.

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So what causes the popularity of pear-shaped tomatoes? The obvious fact is the bizarre form. Such tomatoes will interest any gardener who seeks to bring something new and unusual to his garden. In addition, such fruits are in no way inferior to ordinary spherical tomatoes and in other characteristics – taste and yield. Therefore, even with a superficial study of the vegetable market, any of the pear-shaped hybrids by all criteria dominates its relatives. It remains only to choose the variety most suitable for growing.

Advantages of growing pear-shaped tomatoes

Without going into scientific “thorns”, hybrids always take over the qualities of their predecessors. Therefore, each pear-shaped tomato belonging to a particular variety has its own exceptional features. When choosing a variety for planting, the gardener must take this into account. In addition, one should not forget about the benefits of growing a crop:

  • pear-like appearance;
  • high yield;
  • suitability for growing in different climatic zones ;
  • excellent storage and transportation characteristics.

There is another advantage that domestic gardeners have noticed – the special attachment of the stem.Pear-shaped tomatoes have a superficial attachment. The fact is that when processing ripe fruits, this feature allows to reduce the amount of waste.

Variety of varieties of pear-shaped tomatoes

На территории России распространены около 10 сортов

About 10 varieties

of pear-shaped tomato varieties are hybrids.

Varietal accessory allows the gardener to obtain fruits of the required quality. With the popularity of such tomatoes, domestic and foreign breeding constantly produced more and more new varieties. Today, more than 50 unusual species are known, each of which has its own characteristics.

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But, not all varieties of pear-shaped tomatoes can be grown in Russia and neighboring countries. No more than 10 varieties got their place in domestic gardens, the most popular of which were:

  • Yellow Cherry;
  • Varieties of Black, Red and Orange Pears;
  • Variety Grushovka.

Today, every gardener can choose for himself a hybrid that is suitable for certain characteristics in order not only to decorate his garden, but also to be content with tasty and healthy fruits. Some of them are frost-resistant, that is, suitable for cultivation in the middle climatic zone. Others, however, love the warmth that is characteristic only of the southern regions.It remains only to learn more about all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the varieties in order to make your choice.

Characteristics of pear-shaped tomato varieties

When wandering around the Internet, you can meet more than one Comment on the characteristics of a pear-shaped tomato. Someone praises the high productivity of which pear-shaped tomatoes are hybrids, while others like the fruits themselves, their unusual appearance and sweet taste. To trust gardeners or not is everyone’s business. But sometimes the description given in the reviews is so fascinating with its unusualness that I immediately want to know more about a tomato.

Yellow Cherry

According to numerous reviews, the most interesting for the domestic gardener is a variety of Yellow Cherry (sometimes they are called simply Yellow Pears). Bred this hybrid in Japan. The small weight of the fruit (up to 20 gr.) As well as the bright, atypical color for such vegetables, attracts the attention of even those who are far from the traditions of plant growing. The fruit of such a tomato is sweet, sourness is completely absent.

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Special attention is paid to the description of the bush itself. Yellow Cherry is tall. With proper care, the bush can grow up to two meters in height. Therefore, long stems must be tied. This variety can not be called unpretentious. The gardener should be aware of all the agrotechnical features in order to grow such a “Japanese”.In part, the yield of this variety will depend on the abundance of watering and the number of top dressings.

The small size of the tomatoes allows them to be used both for preparing cold snacks and for the production of juices and pasta. But, the most popular is the conservation of Cherry. Easy loading on glass jars and high-quality salting make it possible to get a good supply of products for the winter.

Variety Pear Red

Pear Red – indeterminate variety. It is grown both in open ground and under the film. Its main advantage is the thick smooth skin of the fetus, which prevents it from deforming during transportation and storage. No less distinguished are other characteristics:

  • the weight of the fruit can reach 65 g .;
  • excellent taste;
  • high yield (up to 5 kg of vegetables with square meter);
  • good tolerance of temperature differences.

Planting such a culture is simple. Most often, seeds are sown in March, and already in June, young seedlings are planted in open ground. They transfer to the greenhouse earlier, starting in mid-May.

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Pear orange

Данный сорт отличается хорошей урожайностью

This variety has good yield

This kind of “Pear” refers to mid-season varieties. From the side, such a fruit is difficult to distinguish from a fruit.But, taking it in hand, you can notice the smooth surface of the skin characteristic of tomatoes. In addition, orange fruits are small in size. Their weight, most often does not exceed 60 gr.

Special attention is paid to the yield of such a hybrid. From one bush you can collect up to 6 kg of fruits. In addition, they are all aligned in shape and size, which is very important for the sale of vegetables.


Grushovka is a domestic hybrid. Breeders tried to make suitable for cultivation in different climatic zones. And they succeeded. Grushovka tolerates cold and heat, and its immunity does not allow diseases and pests to often attack plants. The description of this variety has the following features:

  1. The bush is medium-sized, rarely growing up to 1 m in height. Such characteristics save the gardener from the need for a garter of tomatoes.
  2. The fruits of Grushovka are large, weighing up to 150 gr. Often used to make juices, sauces, etc. They can also be used for preservation.
  3. The sweet taste of the fruit, with a distinct acidity.

The only drawback of this variety is its low ability to germinate seeds. This problem is solved by growth stimulants, which not only give strength to future sprouts to develop, but also actively form fruit ovaries in the future. So, the lack of Grushovka can easily become its advantage, since there are no other difficulties in caring for such plants.

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Features of growing pear-shaped tomatoes

Unusually shaped hybrids are a frequent guest in domestic markets. Buying already grown seedlings of such tomatoes is very difficult. It is most advisable to purchase seeds. Such planting material has almost no drawbacks. The only thing that needs to be done is to fulfill all the conditions for growing seedlings and transplanting them to a permanent place.

Although these tomatoes are not whimsical to external conditions, it is still worth the gardener to know some features of agricultural technology. Partly, you need to know about the requirements of the selected grade:

  1. To the quality and composition of the soil. Hybrids such as “Yellow Cherry” and “Grushovka” grow best on a mixture of garden soil with compost and humus.
  2. To the quality of watering. Tomatoes do not like excessive moisture (with the exception of those plants whose height reaches two meters). Excessive watering can cause rotting of the seedling root system. Such a mistake can not only reduce crop yields, but completely destroy it.
  3. By pinching. Pruning is not necessary, only when growing undersized tomatoes.
  4. To top dressing. When choosing fertilizer for such tomatoes, it is important to use mineral compounds. Before planting in a greenhouse or in open ground, top dressing is carried out every 2 weeks.

When choosing a place for planting, it is better to pay attention to those places where cucumbers or cabbage were previously grown.Such predecessors leave behind a large amount of organic fertilizers that contribute to the active growth of seedlings.

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We must not forget about the systematic loosening of the soil, as well as the removal of weeds. These old, but proven methods can not only make a quality crop, but also increase it significantly. Those who grow crops in hotbeds should air the seedlings once every few days. Constant high humidity often causes vertebral rot.


The main advantage of pear-shaped tomatoes is their appearance. By their other characteristics, unusual hybrids do not differ from their relatives. Every gardener who decided to plant an exotic vegetable on his plot should be well aware of all the features of caring for him. After all, the only way to achieve what you want is to get tasty and healthy fruits.

Yellow Pear Tomamo / Tomato (tomato) Yellow pear / August 29, 2016
Make a Pear.
Yellow caramel

Like regular tomatoes, pear-shaped fruits, used for any purpose. They are often consumed fresh and added to various dishes. And those fruits that are small in size are excellent for preservation.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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