What vitamins are in tomatoes

Tomatoes are a plant from the nightshade family. He is loved for his good taste, he is an indispensable ingredient in many dishes in cooking, and the vitamins contained in tomatoes saturate our body with useful elements.

  1. Nutritional Information
  2. Vitamin composition
  3. Group B
  4. Vitamin A
  5. Vitamin C
  6. Vitamin E
  7. Vitamin K
  8. Vitamin PP
  9. Mineral composition
  10. Magnesium <
  11. Phosphorus <
  12. Sodium
  13. Calcium
  14. Copper
  15. Potassium
  16. Zinc
  17. Iron
  18. Selenium
  19. Fluor
  20. Other useful components
  21. Lycopene
  22. Choline
  23. Fiber <
  24. Organic acids
  25. Solanine

Содержание витаминов в помидорах

Vitamin content in tomatoes

Nutrition value

Tomatoes are those vegetables that nutritionists recommend including for patients seeking to lose extra pounds and provide themselves with the necessary components. The composition contains organic substances, minerals and vitamins.

The vitamin-mineral norm that a person needs per day is contained in only 0.5 kg of tomatoes.

В 100g of tomato fruits nutritional value is distributed in the following proportions:

  • carbohydrates – about 4.2gr,
  • protein – about 0.6gr,
  • water – about 93.5 mg,
  • dietary fiber – about 3.8 g.

The energy value of 0.1 kg of tomato vegetables is 19 kcal.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Organic substances in tomatoes are distributed as follows: carbohydrates (mainly sugars) are located in the walls of the fetus. And organic acids in the seed chambers. The smaller the seed chambers of tomato fruits and the thicker their walls, the sweeter the tomato. Sugar like watermelon speaks of such fruits.

Vitamin composition

The composition of tomato fruits contains a dozen vitamin components necessary for humans.

It is worth noting that the greatest amount of vitamins is produced by tomato fruits grown in the open ground. Tomatoes from sheltered ground are inferior to them in this respect, but they are also useful in winter.

Group B

100g of vegetables contains a large number of B-group elements, including:

  • B-1, or thiamine, (0.07 mg) – the protein and water-salt balance depend on its presence, it regulates carbohydrate metabolism, is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart muscle, the digestive tract, and is also able to improve blood circulation and fight depressive states,
  • B-2, or riboflavin, (0.04 mg) – this element is useful for the regenerative processes that occur in cells, activates reproduction proteins and lipids and is responsible for the state of vision,
  • B-5, or pantothenic acid, (0.003 mg) – the synthesis of hormones that are responsible for our growth and sexual functionality depends on its presence, with its help are formed antibodies, lipid metabolism occurs, it acts as a means of preventing inflammatory processes and takes part in cell restoration,
  • B-6, or pyridoxine, (0.13 mg) – this element has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, with he participates in metabolic processes in the liver, he also needed for strong blood vessels and for active metabolism, its presence ensures the production of serotonin, called the hormone of happiness,
  • B-9, or folic acid (0.015 mg) – it is indispensable for the proper development and proper functioning of the immune system and acts prophylaxis for strengthening vessels, is actively involved in protein synthesis, meetsfor the normalization of digestion and supports the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
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Vitamin A

From the presence of vitamin A (beta-carotene), the content of which in tomatoes is about 0.217 -0.25 mg, it depends on what the blood vessels will be and how effectively oxygen metabolism will occur. This element affects the quality of vision and gives impetus to the processes of epithelial cell regeneration.

Vitamin C

The lack of sufficient amounts of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the body leads to frequent colds. This component is responsible for immunity against infections and inflammatory processes, improves the quality characteristics of blood formation and strengthens the walls of capillaries. Vitamin C tomato contains up to 26.6 mg.

Vitamin E

0.8 mg of vitamin E (tocopherol) supports cells from premature aging. He is involved in tissue renewal. These vitamins in tomatoes also have antioxidant properties, are able to fight skin diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin K

The amount of vitamin K in tomatoes is 0.006 mg. It is necessary for the process of protein synthesis and provides blood coagulation.

Vitamin PP

Maintains the hormonal system in good condition and is responsible for the endocrine glands of the PP, the content of which in tomatoes is 0.6 mg.

Mineral composition

In addition to vitamins, the chemical composition of tomatoes contains mineral components.


The amount of magnesium in 100g of tomato is 11, 0mg. The main task of this microelement is to help combat disorders of the nervous system and depressive states.


Phosphorus is required for any metabolic process that occurs in the internal organs of the human body. Its in 100g tomatoes 24.0mg.


The sodium content in tomatoes totals about 5.0mg. It is necessary to adjust the acid-base balance. The proper functioning of the urinary system depends on the presence of this mineral.


Помидоры полезны для здоровья

Tomatoes are good for health

Calcium in tomato fruits is about 10.0 mg. The main task of this mineral component is to strengthen bone tissue.


Melanin is produced with the active participation of copper, which in tomatoes is 0.1 mg. She acts as an antioxidant and is responsible for the normalization of pressure. Also, this mineral is able to help with inflammatory processes.It is a transporter of iron and, when interacting with it, activates the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.


The average amount of potassium contained in tomatoes is about 237.0 mg . In the absence of a sufficient amount of this mineral component, the water balance is disturbed. It is necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle.


The presence of 0.2 mg of zinc allows you to renew epithelial cells and keep your hair in good condition.


Iron is required for high-quality blood serum and to prevent the development of anemia. Its in tomatoes is 0.3 mg.

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The presence of 0.2 mg in 100g selenium tomatoes makes it possible to reduce the risk of cancer. This mineral is also useful for brain cell activity.


Fluoride in tomato fruits is only 0.002 mg, but the presence of this mineral component makes vegetables useful for bone strength and increases resistance organism to diseases and infections.

Other useful components

In tomatoes, among the substances that are beneficial to humans, there are other substances.


A powerful natural antioxidant lycopene gives protection against cancer of the representative gland, not tolerance I have them breeding. This substance also reduces the risk of diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.

The greatest amount of lycopene is found in yellow tomatoes.


To free the body of unnecessary cholesterol and increase hemoglobin allows Choline, which is part of the chemical composition of tomatoes.


Fiber contained in tomato fruits is a source of beneficial effects on the gastric and intestinal microflora. It helps activate digestion.

Organic acids

Malic and citric organic acids are substances that can speed up the digestive processes.


Solanine is one of those substances that have a high concentration may be harmful. Especially a lot of it in green, not ripened tomatoes, which are recommended to be eaten only after their heat treatment or in canned form.

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Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

There are contraindications to the use of tomato fruits, especially in large quantities. This is a gastric ulcer, because tomatoes contain a large amount of organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic), cholelithiasis, joint diseases. It may cause an allergic reaction in some people due to its anthocyanin and lycopene content.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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