Description of pepper Golden miracle

If we consider all varieties of sweet bell pepper, then most often only red, light yellow or green fruits are found. Pepper Golden Miracle has a rich yellow color, and pleasant taste that attract gardeners so much. In the article, we will consider the characteristics of the variety, the description of the bush and fruits, the rules of cultivation and the characteristics of care.

  1. Characteristics of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Principle of growing
  5. Growing seeds
  6. Growing seedlings
  7. Care
  8. Choosing a place
  9. Loosening
  10. Feeding <
  11. Diseases and pests
  12. Conclusion <

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Golden Wonder Pepper

Characteristics of the variety

In the early 21st century, the Golden Wonder sweet pepper variety was bred in the United States. The Yankees made sure that the Golden Miracle pepper variety possesses good taste and marketability. Also, high yields are observed. About 3 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 bush. It is for such indicators that the variety got a place in the Russian State Register.

Peppers are grown in all regions of the country. Cultivation is possible, both in the open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

The main characteristic of pepper Golden Miracle is that it ripens in a short period of time. The growing season is only 100 days.

Yield of pepper Golden miracle is excellent: from 1 bush it is really possible to collect about 20 large fruits of commercial quality.

Description of the bush

Description of the bush of pepper Golden miracle: height 70 cm. Strong root system. The number of leaves is in the middle range, which greatly simplifies the process of care and harvest. The leaves are saturated green, medium in size. Small pointed sections are represented at the ends of the foliage.

Description of the fruit

Characteristics of the pepper fruit Golden miracle:

  • angular, slightly elongated shape;
  • the surface of the skin is glossy and smooth to the touch;
  • sweet pepper Golden miracle can reach a weight of 350 g, but, as some gardeners note, with proper care, the weight may exceed this figure;

The inner part is divided into several sections in which a small amount of seeds is stored. The taste is rich and sweet.

All reviews of Golden Wonder pepper say that it is universal in use and preparation. It makes delicious salads. It can also be fried, baked or consumed fresh. Ideal for preservation.

The fruits are stored for a long time and well tolerate transportation over long distances. If stored in the right conditions, they will not change their appearance for 2 months.

Growing principle

Planting pepper seeds A golden miracle is possible under any conditions. That is, the seeds can be planted in a greenhouse, indoor room or open ground.But the fruit is grown exclusively with seedlings.

Growing seeds

  1. Seeds should be disinfected with a manganese solution. After that, it is imperative to germinate them in gauze.
  2. Only fertile soil should be used. You can cook it yourself. To do this, mix equal amounts of humus, peat and sand.
  3. The depth of planting seeds should not exceed 2 cm.

After planting the seeds, the area must be covered with polyethylene film. It is believed that the germination rate

is improved in this way. The temperature should always be in the range of 20-25 ° C. The humidity level should not be lower than 60%. Planted seeds should be watered moderately, and as soon as 3 pairs of leaves appear, pick it.

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Peppers are not difficult to care for

Growing seedlings

If seedlings were grown indoors, then 2 weeks before planting, seedlings must be hardened.

Planting in open ground is allowed only if the soil temperature has warmed up to 18 ° C, and 2-3 pairs of leaves have formed on seedlings.

Planted seeds in open ground must tion be covered with plastic wrap, otherwise it may cause freezing and destruction of all the planting material.Every day, gradually you need to open the film for air. It is best to start opening for 1 hour. Each time, gradually increase the airing time until it reaches a full day. After this, the film is allowed to be removed.


Select a location

First of all, you need to choose the right place for landing. Please note that it should be well lit by the sun. It is also necessary to have plant protection from wind gusts. Watering should be moderate, as the soil is drained. Watering is carried out only with warm water. As soon as the first fruits begin to form, watering should be carried out more often. This has a positive effect on the meatiness and taste of the fruit.


Loosening is carried out with extreme caution. The thing is that the root system of seedlings is located close to the surface of the soil. To cultivate safely, it is recommended to mulch the inter-row space using straw. This will allow moisture to remain inside the soil longer.


Pepper Golden Miracle requires 4 top dressings.

The first top dressing is carried out after picking the planting material. Organic substances must be used for this.

The second top dressing is carried out after planting seedlings in open ground. For her, you also need to use organics (humus or mullein).

The third stage of fertilizer is carried out in the period before flowering. At this point, it is advisable to use minerals, which are composed of phosphorus and nitrogen. This allows the plant to grow faster and better form inflorescences.

The fourth feeding is carried out during the formation of the fruit. For it, you need to use potassium substances that improve the taste of the fetus.

Diseases and pests

A golden miracle is characterized by a good immune system. So that parasites and diseases can not affect the bushes and fruits, preventive measures must be taken. To reduce the risk of diseases such as powdery mildew and late blight, the specialized preparations Fitosporin or Combisam will help.

The use of chemicals such as Fofatox or Tabbu is recommended as a prophylaxis for the variety against parasites. You can also use folk remedies, which include solutions of hydrogen peroxide, manganese or garlic.

Pepper is a huge crop by variety


The golden miracle has not only good appearance and taste characteristics. a large number of vitamins and trace elements that are necessary to the human body. Also, because of the beautiful fruits, he will be able to decorate any garden plot.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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