Description of pepper Fat Baron

Pepper Fat baron of category f1 is a high-yielding sweet variety of peppers, which is characterized by large fruits, it has gained great popularity among gardeners. Consider the description of the variety in more detail.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Growing seedlings
  5. Landing
  6. Transplantation to a permanent place
  7. Nursing <
  8. Diseases and parasites
  9. Conclusion <

Перец Толстый барон

Pepper Tolstoy Baron

Variety characteristic

Pepper Tolstoy Baron has a second name – Large lord. It is characterized by medium ripening. only the first germination takes place before technical ripeness takes only 120 days. If you take care of the plant in accordance with all the rules, the first fruits ripen after 100 days.

This species is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country, it is planted as open soil, and in the conditions of the greenhouse.

Description of the bush

The bush is non-spreading, reaches 50 cm in height. According to the characteristics, the leaves of bell pepper are large, have a rich green color. On the surface of each sheet are small rare wrinkles. The main stem is developed powerfully. The root system is formed in a vertical plane.

Description of the fruit

Characteristic of the fruit:

  • rectangular shape of sweet pepper;
  • red color;
  • length – 25 cm;
  • weight from 100-200 g;
  • walls 1 cm thick;
  • glossy surface;
  • 4 nests for seeds inside the fruit.
See also  Growing pepper seedlings without picking

According to the description, the variety is highly harvested. With proper care from 1 square. m actually collect about 6 kg of products of high commercial quality. The taste of pepper Fat Baron category f1 sweet. The sugar level is about 10%.

This red variety is especially popular for its high vitamin C levels. In addition, it contains a high concentration of group B vitamins and other beneficial trace elements.

Growing seedlings

First, the seeds are decontaminated. To do this, use a manganese solution in which planting material is soaked for 20 minutes. After that, the seeds are treated with growth stimulants (Zircon or Epin). For planting, loose and light soil is used, so you should not forget to add 1 tbsp of 1 kg of garden soil. l humus and 1 tbsp. l sand.

Planting in the soil

Seed planting depth – 2 cm. After planting, the seeds are covered with a layer of earth and carefully watered from the sprayer. The sprayer is used so that there is no excessive amount of moisture, otherwise the root system is not formed correctly. So that the seeds germinate better, maintain a constant temperature of 25 ° C.Once every 2 days, the containers are turned the other side to the light source for uniform development. After 2 weeks, when the first seedlings appear, the temperature is reduced to 20 ° C.

At the age of 15 days, seedlings are dived to develop a strong root system. After that, it is transplanted into special containers equipped with drainage to remove excess moisture. After picking, seedlings need to be placed in a warm, lit room. Category f1 Fat Baron pepper grade needs 15 hours of daylight. To comply with this rule, use artificial light sources.

Вкусный и сочный

Tasty and juicy

Transplantation to a permanent place

When the seedlings reach the age of 75 days and grow to 30 cm, they are transplanted to a permanent place. Depending on the climate, planting is carried out either in a greenhouse or in open ground. Landing in open ground is carried out in early May only in the southern regions, in other parts of the country transplantation is carried out in June and only in greenhouse conditions. It is important that the soil warms up to 18 ° C.

See also  Description of Ramiro Pepper

Before planting to a permanent place, seedlings are tempered. To do this, the containers are taken out daily. The procedure is carried out for 14 days. So that the plants do not obscure each other, planting is carried out according to the following rules:

  • the distance between rows is 50 cm;
  • the distance between the holes is 40 cm;
  • location per 1 sq.m – no more than 3 bushes.

If the cultivation is carried out in a greenhouse, it is aired every day, because high temperatures can lead to the death of all seedlings. The maximum temperature in greenhouse conditions is 28 ° C.


Before the Fat Baron makes minimum personal care requirements, but it is important to follow them to achieve high yields:

  • Proper watering. It is carried out only in the evening, exceptionally warm water. If the root system is not given enough moisture, the plant will stop growing.
  • Loosening. The soil is carefully loosened every 10-14 days, without forgetting about the removal of weeds. In order not to carry out such procedures each time, mulching is carried out around the bush using straw and humus. Mulch will not allow weeds to grow, moisture lasts longer in the ground, and a crust does not form on the surface of the soil. As a result, the plant receives the right amount of moisture and air.
  • Fertilizer. Top dressing is carried out three times for the entire growing season. The first top dressing is introduced 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. It involves the use of urea. 5 ml of the drug are diluted in 10 liters of warm water and 1 liter is applied under each bush. The second feeding with mullein is carried out at the time of formation of the ovaries. The third stage is carried out when the fruits begin to form.It is advisable to use minerals with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. The drugs are aimed at increasing the growth of fruits and revealing their taste.
See also  Rules for the formation of pepper in the open ground

Diseases and parasites

This variety of sweet red pepper is immune to tobacco mosaic. Most often, he undergoes a fungal disease – verticillosis. The main symptoms of this disease:

  • retardation of the bush in development;
  • the presence of deformed shoots;
  • the presence of dark patches on the foliage.

Subsequently, the leaves begin to fade and fall. You can get rid of this disease with the help of a drug such as Trichodermin.

The main parasites that affect the variety are slugs, aphids and spider mites. It is easy to get rid of them using chemicals such as Aktara or Oksikhom.

Sweet pepper, varieties
Overview of varieties of large peppers. The best varieties of thick-walled peppers 2017.


Red sweet pepper Fat Baron does not require unusual care.If you follow all standard recommendations, you can grow really large fruits of high quality.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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