Description of Winnie the Pooh Pepper

Winnie the Pooh Pepper is a high quality hybrid bred by Moldovan breeders back in 1980. Let’s consider the description of the variety in more detail.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages
  5. Stages of growing
  6. Seed preparation
  7. Sowing <
  8. Temperature <
  9. Watering
  10. Planting seedlings
  11. Care
  12. Watering <
  13. Top dressing
  14. Possible illnesses
  15. Conclusion <

Перец Винни-Пух

Winnie the Pooh Pepper


A distinctive feature of the hybrid is its sp a feature for early fruiting both in greenhouse conditions and in open beds. From seedlings to the time of harvesting the first fruits it takes from 100 to 110 days.

The seeds of the variety have a high germination rate and a good ovary. In addition, Winnie -Pooh pleases with a plentiful and simultaneous harvest. From 7 to 10 fruits are formed on each plant.

Pepper has an excellent taste, attractive appearance and is stored for a long time. It is used to prepare salads and various dishes, canned, pickled, stuffed, and also consumed raw.

The hybrid surprises with its stamina and resistance to many diseases.In addition, the fruits contain a large number of vitamins and nutrients, which, due to the long shelf life, are preserved all year round.

Description of the plant

According to the characteristic, the bushes are small and very compact, standard type. Their height rarely exceeds 25 cm.

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The side branches are pressed to the trunk, there is little foliage. The leaves are saturated green, the ovary is laid in bouquets (bunches).

Description of the fruit

The fruits are small in size and have the shape of a cone with a sharp tip. Their weight is from 50 to 60 g, and their length rarely exceeds 10 cm. At the stage of technical maturity, they have a green color, which changes with maturation. Ripe peppers have a rich red color.

The small size of the fruit is offset by excellent taste and good presentation. The wall thickness is 5-7 mm. The pulp is juicy, fleshy and sweet. The surface is smooth and even.


Winnie the Pooh sweet pepper has been honored to become a favorite of many gardeners, due to several advantages:

  • high yield;
  • excellent taste and versatility in the use of peppers;
  • good transportability and a long shelf life of fruits;
  • compactness of plants;
  • undemanding formation of bushes and garter;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • excellent seed germination;
  • yield in several stages;
  • unpretentiousness.

Stages grown I

Preparing the seeds

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be closer to the end of February, but before that they need to be well prepared and processed.

  • Seed must be placed on a damp cloth so that all specimens suitable for sowing are swollen. This procedure should be carried out 1.5-2 weeks before sowing.
  • Suitable seeds should be soaked in a potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes and washed with warm water.
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After these manipulations, the seeds are sown in prepared containers and covered with a film, which is removed only with the appearance of seedlings. Young hybrid seedlings react very poorly to transplants, so it is better to sow immediately in separate pots. Sowing depth should not exceed 2 cm.


It is important to maintain the daily air temperature at 20-24 ° C, not lower. At night, it can be lowered to 12-14 ° C in order to harden seedlings. This will help the plants better adapt to the conditions.


Watering should be moderate and carried out as the soil dries. It is necessary to use only warm and settled water.

Planting seedlings

Subject to further cultivation in the greenhouse, seedlings can be planted at the end of April. On an open bed – no earlier than in early June. The compactness and small size of the bushes allow you to plant quite a lot of plants in a small area without harm to them. For landing, you should choose well-lit and at the same time calm places. Immediately after it, the plants must be provided with good watering.


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It’s easy to grow peppers

Winnie the Pooh sweet pepper needs simple but regular maintenance.


A mandatory step is to water peppers at least 2 times a week. Water should be warm and settled. It is also necessary to monitor the air temperature, since the hybrid does not tolerate heat.

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Growing in greenhouse conditions also provides constant monitoring of air humidity. Bell pepper does not tolerate dry air.


It is recommended to apply organic and mineral fertilizing to the soil, but not more than 2 times a month. But weeding, weed removal and loosening of the soil should be carried out as often as possible: this will help air and moisture to better get to the root system, stimulating growth and beneficially affecting productivity.

So that the plants grow faster and the ovary forms better, It is recommended to remove the lower processes that are below the bifurcation.

Possible diseases

Another feature of the variety is its immunity to many common diseases. The hybrid also rarely suffers from aphids and other insects.

Only proper care and preventive maintenance can completely protect against any problems. One way to prevent plants from attacking insects is to use a solution of water with wood ash. It is also possible to use some store tools.

WHICH PEPPER TO CHOOSE? Variety Winnie the Pooh.Review of Olga Chernova.
PEPPER SWEET. MATURE WINTER VINNY POOH. A short video review from Olga Chernova on May 11
Sweet pepper . California miracle. Winnie the Pooh.


The characteristic of this Moldovan hybrid fully confirms its high status, which has been maintained for many years in a row. Simple cultivation is complemented by excellent yield and fruit qualities.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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