How to make a chicken stirrer for domestic chickens

Poultry feed is a source of healthy and nutritious substances. Everything that the farmer puts in the feeder will affect the laying of hens and their general well-being. A laying hens hatcher or broiler stirrers are easy to prepare at home — saving money and time so easily.

  1. Feed for poultry
  2. Mixer and balanced diet
  3. How to make a stirrer yourself?
  4. Useful additives for laying hens
  5. Laying mode
  6. Food for chickens and broilers
  7. Conclusion <

Мешанка для кур-несушек и бройлеров

Mixer for laying hens and broilers

Such food will be not only useful, but also absolutely safe. Different types of cereals, vitamin supplements , m neural mixtures, etc.

Feed for poultry

The composition of the mixers depends on the species of birds. Chickens, geese or ducks are fed to increase the rate of fluff, fat or meat. Hookahs are prepared with their own hands or bought in a specialized store. Home-made food is considered the safest and does not harm either young or healthy birds.

Hookah should contain not only useful substances, but also vitamins, mineral components. In summer, green food is diluted with dry food in a smaller amount. Greens make up for all the necessary vitamins that a bird needs to feel good and procreate. It is during the summer period that the laying hens lay their eggs.

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A balanced diet prevents the various diseases that affect chickens and adult birds. With Mishans, farm care will be easier. Harvesting dry mixes for feeding birds can be done from the beginning of spring. The mixture is stored throughout the year. The hedgehog is replaced by greens before the start of autumn. Gradually, chickens are transferred to food with a mash. Compound feed is an affordable alternative that allows the farmer to save on the nutrition of the farm.

The necessary composition of dry food is selected depending on the needs of the bird. Mobile breeds with a high egg production rate require protein mixtures with the addition of vitamins. It is important for laying hens that the mixture contains a sufficient amount of calcium and phosphorus. The hedgehog combines not only useful substances, but also mineral supplements that allow young animals to grow up quickly.

Hookah and balanced nutrition

For adult laying hens, brood hens or young animals farmer without fail organizes a balanced diet. By a mash and clean water, a person guarantees himself the safety of food: eggs, meat, fat. A simple dry food will prevent the diseases and epidemics to which domestic birds are exposed. Proper care, which consists in organizing a comfortable life of birds on the farm, will give stable results from year to year.

For laying hens and chickens, different dry mixes are prepared.Young growth needs strength for rapid growth, but the chicken needs to prepare for hatching eggs. The feeders are filled with a stirrer several times a day. It is important that the feed does not stagnate in containers.

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Spoiled food, even dry mixed feeds, can harm the bird and lead to its death. The types of mixtures made by oneself depend on the number of birds, on the conditions of their maintenance and the farmer’s capabilities. Giving clean grain is expensive and unprofitable.

You can experiment with the stirrer. To prepare the mixture, bran of potatoes, an egg, egg residues, shells, vegetables and a liquid base are useful. The mixed fodder with sour milk is tasty and healthy for birds at any age. Serum, which is added to the finished mixture, contains concentrates of vitamins and minerals. It is best to consult a veterinarian before adding purchased substances to the feed.

With a wet mixer you can even feed a large farm if such a mixture contains:

  • grain base;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • purified water;
  • greens.

A farmer should not be engaged in a stirrer forget that it is very important to make the food balanced, as nutritious as possible for the feathered. With the right and useful food, all birds will be protected from diseases and vitamin deficiency. Organizing a large farm on your own is not easy, but all the effort spent will pay off. They have been forage since spring, as soon as the first greens appear.

The mistake of many farmers is that they exclude green feed, replacing it with compound feed. No matter how balanced the dry mix is, it will not replace juicy greens. In the serum to enhance the health of the feathered, there is a need in the summer, when at high temperatures feathered are susceptible to various bacterial diseases. What is the best food for feeding adult birds and young animals?

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How to make a mess for yourself?

How to make a stirrer for home use without extra costs? It is best to combine a chicken mash with greens. For a variety of diets, succulent varieties of grass are selected that help birds survive the hot weather in summer. Making the mixture is easy even for a novice farmer. To begin with, a person estimates his own stocks, because saving on products always comes first in the hands of an experienced farmer. You can make a mixture with such vegetable additives:

  • carrot;
  • beet slices;
  • pumpkin pulp and peel;
  • cabbage.

To prepare a mixture based on potatoes is the easiest and most affordable option in the warmer months. For boilers and broilers, this potato food is well tolerated. The recipe for domestic birds includes vegetables from their own garden. It makes no sense to make expensive mixes for chicken, broilers and layers.

Wet feeds for broilers or adult birds are prepared only with high-quality root crops.To make mixed feeds from spoiled vegetables is to their own detriment and damage to the household. To be sure, a novice farmer can watch a video with various dry mix recipes. Before doing food, all root crops should be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Potatoes are added to the food as much as necessary. In raw or boiled form, the vegetable base will help the bird to feel full for a long period. Wet food, consisting of food waste, is also suitable for feeding birds. Porridge, leftover bread, fish and flour – all of these foods are added to bird feeders. For flocks that are indoors, it is imperative to dilute wet feed with greens. The grass is cut into small pieces and poured with boiling water, only after that it is added to the base.

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Composition of the stirrer for of my chickens
Mixer for chickens.
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Useful additives for laying hens

There are a lot of laying hens in the farm. These are females that often rush, and in the warm season they sit on nests and hatch eggs. For laying hens, experienced farmers create additional conditions in which the bird is comfortable. As soon as hens are not begin to nest, lay their nests with their own down and behave aggressively towards roosters, it’s a good time to transfer the bird to special feeding.

For laying hens, an area protected from the rest of the flock is equipped where the female will be able to sit healthy offspring . The whole period (about a month), while the chicken warms the eggs, it should be given food with additives of calcium and fluorine. With a hedgehog, the farmer provides health to the brood hen, which will subsequently take care of the young. A balanced feed can strengthen the body of a permanent brood, which will hatch chicks every year.

Wet foods are one third liquid.

Water, sour milk or yogurt is suitable for mixing dry feed.Special additives should be present in a mash of root vegetables or vegetables. The basis can be prepared for all pets without exception, and at the end it should be diluted for a laying hen or a hen separately. The recipe for a chicken stirrer includes chalk, collected shells, eggshells.

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Laying food mode

After watching a lot of videos, a novice farmer can get confused about which bird it is necessary to add calcium-containing substances, and which needs more vitamins. Wet foods with shells or chalk can help meet broiler calcium requirements. Feeding with chalk during landing on nests is especially important for laying hens. The shells are pre-dried in the oven and smashed to a fine powder.

Salt in sackcloths or bagasse will improve the health of pets without resorting to vaccination of birds. Bran and waste from grain production are suitable for animals of any age. Young animals and adult females need a varied and nutritious food. Green and vegetable mixtures are suitable for boilers and chickens, but it is recommended to give more mixed feeds to the hens.

Chicken and broiler food

Mixer for weekly chickens, young animals of any age or Boilers contain a lot of nutrients and herbs. The growth of chickens is the main goal of the farmer, because young animals need to get stronger for the onset of cold weather. From a very young age, young broilers are given bran, cereals, and potato bran.This feed composition guarantees the health of chickens. A wet mixture for birds of any age, especially weekly chicks, is given every day for a month.

Boiled eggs, cottage cheese (medium fat) corn or oatmeal. The feeder is filled with bran from potatoes for adults, but for chicken such food is not given. Rough foods are not suitable for birds of any age. The young feeder does not consist of wet or dry food alone. Only a balanced diet allows you to keep a long flock healthy. For newly born chicks, they are given mixtures in broth, not in water.

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The weekly chicken feeder is filled up to 6 times a day. Small portions and clean water are two factors for the rapid growth of young animals. Monthly chickens are given food three times a day. An important condition for a healthy brood is the presence of spacious cells. In a cramped space, birds do not grow well and eat irregularly. For young animals, they add not simple grass, but nettles, dandelions and sorrel tops. Such greens are not only useful, but also satisfying, they are often grown in the yard at home.


The health of birds depends entirely on the contents of the feeder. A caring farmer needs to take care of dry and wet foods throughout the year. The health of an adult bird and a new brood depends on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the feed.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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