Breed of chickens Ayam Tsemani

Many people know the phenomenon of lack of pigmentation, as a result of which albinos appear. Ayam Tsemani chickens show the opposite effect, called hyperpigmentation, when the bird is completely black not only outside but also inside. The unusual appearance attracted the attention of exotic lovers to this decorative breed.

  1. Brief description
  2. Description of the breed
  3. Cost <
  4. Appearance
  5. Character
  6. Hatching instinct
  7. Productivity <
  8. Advantages and disadvantages
  9. Features of breeding
  10. Incubation <
  11. Food of the chicks
  12. Care <
  13. Features of the content of adults
  14. Chicken house <
  15. Food <
  16. Place for walking
  17. Possible illnesses
  18. Opinion of breeders

Порода кур Аям Цемани

Breed of chickens Ayam Tsemani

Indonesia is considered their homeland, the line has several millennia, according to one version was obtained when crossing wild and domestic hens, they say that there are no purebred representatives in the world, the rest of the livestock are already half-breeds. But the dominant gene is so strong that it constantly manifests itself in the next generation.

Brief description

  • Type of productivity : decorative.
  • Rooster weight : 2 kg.
  • Chicken weight : 1.2 1.5 kg.
  • Beginning of the ovipositor : later, after 7-8 months.
  • Egg production : low, 100-150 eggs per year.
  • Features : unpretentious to food, heat-loving, shy.
  • Egg size : medium, about 50 g.
  • Will the newbie suit : no.

Description of the breed

The breed was called straightforward Black Chicken. It differs from ordinary layers in full monochrome, even the crest, paws and eye circumference are not out of the general tone.

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The same color remains in the skin, meat, bones, mucous membranes. The farms where this species is grown are located mainly in Germany, Holland, and the Czech Republic. The breed has not received wide recognition in Russia.


Chickens and young animals are expensive, babies at the age of a week sell for 700,200 rubles, adult chicken for 4,000 rubles, rooster is 1 thousand cheaper.

The price of an incubation egg starts at 400 rubles. 100% survival with extremely high immunity. It is bred as an ornamental breed, meat is valued.


The first sign of the breed is coloring. There should not be the slightest lightening, let alone white spots on the tip of the tongue, metatarsus or chest.

Small bird, adult hens weigh about 1.5 kg, roosters reach 2.

Distinctive Well developed legs are considered a feature; this is a sprinter bird.It runs fast and with pleasure, so the enclosure must be fenced, the door opens carefully, otherwise some adventurers try to slip into it.

The body resembles a trapezoid, the chest protrudes forward, the head is small, neat with a short beak and carved the crest is medium in size, the roosters are proud of their magnificent tail with distinctly distinguished embossed plaits.


Despite the antiquity of the breed’s origin, the birds did not lose their cockiness. In general, they do not like the presence of a person, they are scared, try to find a secluded place. They don’t like the touch, they can begin to defend themselves, gradually entering a fighting spirit.

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It’s better not to disturb them too often, but to watch this very interesting bird from afar.

Between them, only roosters sort things out, battles are adversarial in nature, and after the leadership is approved, they stop. All individuals are distinguished by increased curiosity and are prone to noisy communication with each other.

Hatching instinct

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Chicks hatch for three weeks

Selection and domestication did not affect basic instincts, so the chicken will never abandon the nest, take care of the chicks, while the chicks survive reaches 95 100%. The terms of incubation are standard, 21 days.


A year a chicken is able to lay 100 160 eggs, each weighs about 50 g, has a hard, thick pinkish shell, almost round shape.

Content is no different from eggs of other breeds, it is not endowed with special properties, tastes are standard.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chickens Ayam Tsemani grow up for a long time, only by 10 months, roosters reach puberty after a year. Nevertheless, the breed has many interesting qualities that attract the attention of farm owners.

Positive qualities:

  • tender black meat;
  • exotic appearance;
  • excellent offspring care;
  • high immunity;
  • excellent hatching and survival rates;
  • good adaptation to conditions.

The breed is quite demanding on the frequency of feeding and composition of the feed, in addition, the owners note that:

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  • the bird does not tolerate cold;
  • suffers from a lack of light that;
  • does not get along with representatives of other breeds;
  • egg production is low, the weight of the egg is average;
  • is expensive.

Features of breeding

The high cost of eggs and young animals does not allow you to immediately buy a large number of birds.This is not required, since the chickens are able to independently breed a new generation, which from the first days is getting used to the living conditions in a certain region.


Chickens themselves sit on the nest, they choose dry, elevated places above the ground, favor the specially prepared cells.

Since they are very shy, the chicken, which began to incubate in an uncomfortable place, can be moved, but only at night and accurately.

Body weight small, so the standard clutch of 21 eggs may not warm up, it’s better to stay vlyat her eggs 17 19

breeding period -. 3 weeks, then given 2 test days and unhatched eggs harvested. The process goes well through the incubator, the conditions are normal, there are no particular subtleties for this breed.

Chicks feed

On the first day, the chickens need access to water and careful observation, wet bedding clean immediately.

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After 3 hours, feed the babies in small portions of the finely ground feed. In the first 10 days, the intestines are almost sterile, so no greens are allowed.

Corn should be excluded or the minimum amount left in the feed. You can feed fat-free cottage cheese, chopped boiled egg.

Finely chopped greens are gradually introduced. For normal growth and weight gain, mixtures with a high protein index are recommended.


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Chickens are afraid drafts

On the first day, continuous lighting and temperatures within 30 ° are provided.

The Indonesian breed is thermophilic, kids suffer from drafts. On day 2-3, daylight hours alternate with a period of darkness, the temperature gradually decreases.

Further, the conditions for leaving are generally accepted. The scheme of vaccinations and vitamin top dressing is mandatory. In liquid form, vitamins are dripped in the right dosage into the beak of each baby.

Automatic watering, feeding and feeding are not preferable for water supply.

Features of the content of adults

Chickens are accustomed to warm weather with high humidity. Frosts and piercing autumn winds do not tolerate well.

In the heat, continuous access to water is required. To maintain health, you can add vitamins in the morning portion, alternating them with a weak solution of tea or potassium permanganate.


Basic room requirements:

  • it is protected from drafts;
  • has additional heating, ventilation and lighting;
  • the area is sufficient, designed to accommodate 5-6 individuals per 1 sq. m. m;
  • allocated places for nests and incubation chambers;
  • drinking bowls of a closed or half-closed type;
  • the presence of a thick layer of absorbent litter;
  • longitudinal low feeders.
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Disinfection is regularly carried out, the litter is completely removed in front of it.


Not picky in food, for normal development and the formation of a strong bone base in the diet should be present:

  • compound feed;
  • mixes of vegetables, pulp, silage;
  • vitamins;
  • bran.

In the warm season, it is added alive to orm and grass mass.

Place for walking

Located on the sunny side, protected from drafts. Artificial covering in the form of asphalt or concrete slabs is unacceptable.

Birds fly well, the height of the fence should be at least 2.5 meters. Sometimes full mesh coverage is required, even from above. Drinking bowls are necessarily located on the territory, a place for feeding, a sand slide and an ash bath is allocated.

In winter, Ayam Tsemani hens are not allowed to walk in the range, they quickly freeze their paws and show symptoms of colds.

Possible illnesses

The main problem is getting a cold. Persistent immunity develops for other diseases in chickens that have undergone a full range of vaccinations. During the period of mass diseases of the livestock in neighboring farms, the following may appear:

  • infections, including colibacteriosis, chicken pox;
  • helminth parasites;
  • vitamin deficiency.

In general, the breed has a high resistance to disease. The legacy of wild ancestors, still living in natural conditions on the islands of Indonesia, is affected.

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Opinion of breeders

According to the owners, from a commercial point of view, breeding due to meat and eggs are not profitable, except for the sale of hatching eggs, young animals and adult birds.

The breed of chickens Ayam Tsemani is used as an unusual decorative. Not widespread. They note its resistance to disease, caution, and instability to cold.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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