Phalaenopsis Mix Care

House flowers not only decorate the room, but also serve as an additional source of oxygen. Orchids are popular residents of homes, because It’s easy to take care of them at home. One of their varieties, Phalaenopsis Mix, will delight the owner’s eyes for many years.

  1. Variety description
  2. Growing
  3. Planting <
  4. Planting with seeds
  5. Planting with a sprout
  6. Terms of care
  7. Diseases and pests
  8. Disease control
  9. Pest control
  10. Conclusion <

Фаленопсис микс

Phalaenopsis Mix

Variety description

Mix orchids are perennial (6-9 years old) evergreens that came to our region from the humid tropics of Japan. source of the species:

  • single shoot and apical point of germination;
  • long, wide green leaves with round ends growing in 2 rows;
  • short stem;
  • 2-3 flowering branches on each plant.

Color, shape and size vary, depending on the variety: there are green, white, pink, yellow specimens with multi-colored blotches, round or oval. Their size is from 2 to 15 cm. In height, the phalaenopsis Mix reaches from 30 cm to 1 m.


The key point is the selection of soil for the phalaenopsis Mix. Its development and growth depends on this.


The substrate serves as fertile soil for the variety.It is purchased ready-made or prepared independently. When making a purchase, take into account the size of the plant, the volume of flower capacity, climatic conditions. The composition of the substrate must be present tree bark. Styrofoam is usually used as drainage, moss helps to dry the soil.

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The flower pot will be transparent and small, because the plant prefers crowding. The distance between the roots and the edges of the container is 3 cm. Planting is carried out in moist soil.

Planting with seeds

With this method of propagation, the flower grows after 5 years. A greenhouse effect is required to speed up the process.

Culture tubes are pre-sterilized. Seeds also need bleaching. Using a pipette, they are placed in a container with a substrate, tightly closed and put on germination in a dark place. The temperature in it should be in the region of 18-24 ° C.

Planting with a sprout

The method involves propagation by planting stem children that appear on peduncles and roots. Before transplanting, their root system should grow well and have 3-5 roots of 5 cm and 3-5 leaves.

The cut sprout is allowed to rest for 2-3 hours. After it is planted in moist soil.

Care rules

Mix – flowers come from tropical forests, so when grown at home they need proper care.

The temperature in summer should be at least 22 ° C, in winter – 2-3 ° C less. Humidification is mandatory (except for the flowering period): a draft will cause a flower disease.

The frequency of watering depends on the size: large Phalaenopsis Mix is ​​irrigated 1 or 2 times a week, small – more often, alternating watering with drying the soil.

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Means of nutrition are different: directly watering in a pot, installing in a container of water, a warm shower.

An orchid needs good lighting, especially during growth, but direct sunlight can cause leaf burns, therefore, it is important to provide shading and periodically flipping pot.

Top dressing with special fertilizers is carried out between flowering processes. You can not feed sick, sluggish specimens.

A transplant is performed no more often than once every 1.5-2 years. The roots of the flower are fragile, therefore, all actions are performed with caution. Dry roots are trimmed, the place of the cut is sprinkled with wood bark.

Уход за фаленопсисом Микс

Care for phalaenopsis Mix

Diseases and pests

Fight against diseases

If improperly managed, the phalaenopsis Mix can get sick . Among the most popular ailments are:

  • Progression. The plant is removed from the container, the damaged areas are cut off, after which the flower is transplanted into a new pot.Then the orchid is rearranged in a dark place and is not watered for some time.
  • The appearance of dark spots. In this case, the phalaenopsis mix flower is moved to a cool place.

The appearance of dry leaves is associated with the flower reaching old age. If he is still young, temperature changes or improper wetting of the substrate caused yellowing.

Pest control

Mix orchid leaves are regularly inspected for insects. Ways of struggle:

  • the invasion of the scabbard is easy to recognize by spots on leaves and larvae that are wiped – you need to wipe the orchid with a soap solution and remove specimens of the scabbard (they are mostly hidden in rosettes) with cotton swabs;
  • in case of aphid damage, the phalaenopsis leaves are treated with chemical solutions (they can be purchased at any specialized store) every day, while the soil is covered with polyethylene;
  • spider mites and worms are removed with Neoron and Fitoverm preparations.


Phalaenops Mix with a maintenance-free according to the rules, in order to avoid problems with his health and pest attack. Excessive humidity is just as harmful as its absence. Regular inspection of the orchid reveals an ailment in the embryo, which increases the chances of recovery.


Phalaenopsis Mix orchid will decorate any house with its exotic look and will live in it for many years. You can grow it yourself or purchase it in a flower shop. The owner is only required to provide gentle care.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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