Description of the variety of cabbage Zimovka

Among the huge variety of varieties of cabbage Zimovka 1474 stands out due to its qualities. It was bred as a universal variety suitable for cultivation in any region.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the head
  3. Use of the vegetable
  4. Care <
  5. Pests and diseases
  6. Conclusion

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Description of the Zimovka cabbage cultivar

Variety characteristic

White cabbage Zimovka 1474 belongs to the ripening varieties.

About 150-160 days elapse from the moment of the first sprouts emergence to the technical ripeness of the heads of cabbage. In Slovenia, cabbage ripens a week earlier.

The variety is very harvested: from 1 sq. m receive 5-7 kg. Even with minimal care, cabbage grows well and fully develops. That is why it is grown on an industrial scale in the fields.

Description of a head of cabbage

Heads of cabbage are very large in comparison with other varieties, from 3 to 5 kg each. Subject to all the requirements of agricultural technology, the stump is formed small. It is sweet, crunchy and edible. If the cabbage was treated with pesticides, it is better not to eat the core. All harmful substances accumulate in it.

Description of Zimovka cabbage variety fully corresponds to its unusual name. Heads of cabbage are well stored all winter, without losing useful properties and nutritional value.It is recommended to store vegetables in dry cellars with good ventilation.

Winter cabbage Zimovka 1474, transportation over long distances is not terrible. Leaves in a head of cabbage are strong, fit tightly to each other. It is better to transport vegetables in mesh bags of 15-20 kg each.

Use of the vegetable

Wintering can be used for cooking:

  • fresh salads;
  • first courses (borscht, cabbage soup);
  • side dishes.

It is also fermented in special barrels or just in small containers. To do this, chop finely chopped cabbage, add grated carrots, cranberries, apples or greens to taste. From salt, sugar and water, a brine is prepared, with which shredded cabbage is poured. For the aroma, allspice and black pepper, cloves, bay leaves and nutmeg are added.

In the pickled form, the vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which is formed by natural fermentation. This salad is not only tasty but also healthy.



Plants need sunlight

The plant is unpretentious in maintenance and can grow in almost any climate. You can plant late varieties in a non-seedling way. When freezing, seedlings are covered with a film.

It is important to choose a good place for a cabbage bed. Culture is demanding of the sun. In the shade, the sprouts quickly stretch and bloom.They do not head out, and if this happens, it is small and loose.

Water the plant 1-2 times a week, depending on weather conditions. With excess moisture in rainy summers, heads of cabbage may crack and rot. Such copies are not subject to storage. Even at the root, they quickly deteriorate.

Feeding is important for normal growth and development. They feed the crop like this:

  • The first time fertilizers are applied before planting the seeds in the ground. Wood ash, rotted mullein and sawdust are added to the wells.
  • The seedlings are fed a second time at the stage of forming 3 leaves. For this, bird droppings are soaked in 2 weeks in a container of water. When fermentation stops, the solution is diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10. Each plant is carefully watered under the root. Previously, the beds are abundantly watered with plain water.
  • The third stage occurs at the stage of formation of forks. 30 g of superphosphate are dissolved in 10 l of water and this is watered every bush under the root.

Pests and diseases

Unlike modern hybrids, Zimovka cabbage most often sick:

  • black leg;
  • downy mildew;
  • various forms of bacteriosis;
  • keel.

To combat these diseases, it is necessary to treat the plants with Fitosporin before tying forks.

This variety of cabbage can be affected by a cruciferous flea. This small black insect feeds on plant leaves.Small holes remain on the heads of cabbage, which worsens the presentation of the crop. Pest control by dusting plants with a mixture of wood ash and red pepper powder.

If the cabbage grows in a dark or excessively damp place, it is damaged by slugs and grape snails. Insects are scared away by scattered wood ash or cleaned by hand. You can also lay out around the perimeter of the bait in the form of chopped cucumbers or zucchini. Slugs and snails will crawl there.

Winter cabbage Zimovka 1714. Search
Late and late cabbage.
We plant cabbage Megaton, Zimovka and Golden hectare and prepare the soil for planting

Butterflies of the whitewash or cabbage also cause irreparable damage to the crop. They lay eggs in the leaves of the forming fork. Hatching caterpillars quickly eat the head out from the inside. To scare the butterfly, the bushes are sprayed solution of laundry soap. For these purposes, you can also use pesticides.


According to the description, cabbage Zimovka 1474 is fruitful and has a wonderful cabbage. Vegetables can be stored in the basement for 7-8 months. It is advisable to lay cabbage on wooden pallets with the cut up.

Do not store cabbage in warm or poorly ventilated rooms. This can cause the top leaves to rot and cut.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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