How to cure diarrhea in chickens


All beginner poultry breeders who want to engage in raising and raising chickens should learn more about the peculiarities of bird care, to understand whether the chick belongs to the category broiler, how this will change the food and conditions. Along with this, you need to know what diseases can appear in chickens, how they can be prevented, and what treatment should be.

Table of Contents
  1. Why chickens have diarrhea
  2. First aid
  3. Diarrhea with gastritis
  4. White diarrhea
  5. Brown diarrhea
  6. Why do chickens have green diarrhea
  7. Diarrhea with blood
  8. Alternative methods of treatment
  9. First aid kit

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Diarrhea in broiler chickens

Diarrhea is more common than other ailments of small chickens, diarrhea in broiler chickens is especially characteristic. illness, what causes frequent loose stools, what diseases it can signal and what treatment should be.

Why chickens have diarrhea

From what Do you experience diarrhea in chickens? The most common cause is poor-quality feed or the development of infection in the body of the bird. If the cause of diarrhea is an infectious disease, do not hesitate, you should contact a veterinarian, only he can prescribe adequate treatment and save the chicks from imminent death. If digestive upset is due to a mistake in the diet, folk remedies can be used.

See also  Detection and treatment of chickens and chickens pullorosis

Why is broiler diarrhea so dangerous?Due to the light weight of the chicks dehydration occurs extremely quickly, the process of assimilation of nutrients in the intestine stops, as a result of which the bird is not able to deal with external stimuli, it can even die. It is secondary infection that is most often the immediate cause of death.

A list of measures that should be taken first if the poultry is diagnosed with diarrhea:

  • Checking whether the chicken house is in good sanitary condition or the house’s standards.
  • Checks if the bird receives fresh food, whether the feeding is on schedule.
  • Does the amount of vitamins exceed the maximum allowable rate.
  • Is periodic disinfection carried out the house and the surrounding area.

Pe tearing help

How can I help a chicken with diarrhea on his own at home? First of all, you can try to cure the chicken yourself, without going to the veterinarian for help. To do this, use a special solution for watering the chicks. In normal drinking water, baking soda is added in the proportion of ½ per 1 liter. This should be done at least 5-7 days, only so will the results. If there is no positive dynamics, you must immediately call a veterinarian, who, with the help of an external examination and laboratory tests, will identify the cause of digestive disorders and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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In order to prevent the further spread of the disease, quarantine should immediately be arranged for the sick bird to prevent the further spread of a possible infectious disease. There are many videos about how quickly the spread of pathogens and the need for quarantine.

Gastritis diarrhea

Let’s see what bird diseases can trigger digestive upset, cause frequent stool in birds. Most often it is gastritis.

If the chicken has become noticeable transparent diarrhea, while he flatly refuses the usual food and at the same time experiences constant thirst, one can suspect the presence of gastritis. In this case, it is not necessary to go to the veterinarian, most likely you will be able to defeat the disease on your own using the usual folk remedies. As food, you need to give the chicken a hard-boiled chicken egg, only the yolk. If possible, add hemp flour to it.

White diarrhea

If you have diarrhea the bird has a characteristic white color, then, most likely, the disease that affected the bird is pullorosis . The causative agent belongs to the Salmonella bacterium family. Pullorosis quickly begins to manifest itself. In this case, the following symptoms occur:

  • the beak is almost always open;
  • the eyes rarely open completely, covered with a film;
  • the head constantly tilts down;
  • breathing becomes hoarse;
  • the chickens make an unpleasant squeak;
  • the diarrhea is strictly white, the smell is putrid.
See also  Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in chickens and treatment

to cure the chicks from white nasal congestion, their diet needs to be reviewed, most likely there are too few sour-milk products in it or they are completely absent. It is necessary to start drinking young growth (one month or two months old) with low-fat home-made kefir or yogurt.It is also worth taking some organizational measures:

  • complete the disinfection of the chicken dwelling ;
  • lay a new litter, change it as often as possible while the chicks are vilifying;
  • check if the bird is too tightly planted, perhaps you need to expand the area of ​​the house;
  • establish good ventilation ;
  • try to avoid drafts; There should not be a sharp temperature drop.

Drug treatment for white diarrhea includes the use of antibiotics that affect the bacteria of the digestive tract. Most often, preference is given to furazolidone or chloramphenicol.

Chicks that did not show external signs of the disease can transmit and continue to infect the rest of the poultry. For this reason, it is recommended to conduct a clinical examination of each brood to prevent subsequent outbreaks of pullorosis.

Diarrhea brown

What to do if the chicks have diarrhea brown, black or dark yellow color? Most likely, a microorganism called Aimeria, which causes the development of coccidiosis , entered the feathered organism. This ailment spreads extremely quickly throughout the house, and the sick bird itself, its bowel movements and even food or water can be a source of infection.

External signs of coccidiosis, except for black diarrhea:

  • the feathers become ruffled as if the chicken were drying them;
  • the appetite worsens or disappears completely after the dysfunction develops stomach;
  • feathered people stop walking, prefer not to get up, while their eyes are almost completely closed;
  • eyes become yellow or gray due to simultaneous liver damage.

Before proceeding with the treatment of coccidiosis, it is necessary to confirm it clinically and only after that start medication th treatment with antibiotics for a stomach. Most often, the veterinarian prescribes to take drugs such as:

  • Suldimethoxin;
  • Coccidiovitis;
  • Regicoccin, etc.

In addition to the direct treatment, you must daily pour hot water on the drinkers of the food container and also clean the premises with birds in a timely manner.

Why do chickens have green diarrhea

Why were the chickens blown green? In day-old chicks, green bowel movements can be observed, often a foamy consistency, and the smell is sharply unpleasant and sour. When measuring winged body temperature, you can find that the indicators are increased. First of all, it is necessary to check whether this is a symptom of severe poisoning. To find out, you need to take certain tests.

If the veterinarian confirms an intestinal infection with green diarrhea, antibiotic treatment should be given immediately to the bird. The duration of treatment is usually about a week, but may vary depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the bird. The farmer, in turn, must prevent the further spread of the infection in order to preserve a healthy bird.

See also  Breed of chickens

If the result is negative, the chicken just overdid the grass, diarrhea will pass by itself. A person is only required to review the diet and approach this issue more responsibly.

Diarrhea with blood

This type of diarrhea is the most dangerous for chickens. If an admixture of blood in the stool has become noticeable, you need to act immediately, since time often goes by the clock. First of all, you need to take the feces to a laboratory study to find out which microorganism caused such deviations in the life of the bird.

Diarrhea with blood can occur when young animals become infected with coccidia, which adversely affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, provoke the development of ulcers and wounds on the surface of internal organs. Coccidiosis with bloody diarrhea is treated with antibiotics, and the doctor should prescribe the drug. He also prescribes the dosage.In order for the treatment to work, it is necessary not only to comply with all the doctor’s recommendations, but also to make every effort to destroy the pathogen in the external environment: complete disinfection of the house.

Alternative methods of treatment

Whatever methods are chosen to treat diarrhea, the fight against the disease must be started as early as possible. Traditional medicine is often no less effective along with traditional methods of treatment. The same goes for the treatment of diarrhea in laying hens, chickens and other poultry. We learn what folk remedies can be used to stop diarrhea:

  • Water with an admixture of clay. As soon as the first symptoms of diarrhea are noticed, ordinary clay water needs to be replaced. You need to solder for at least 2 days.
  • Rice broth. It is a well-known fact that rice and decoction based on it have a fixing effect.
  • Wine water. To stop diarrhea in chickens, you can add a little red dry wine to the water, this will have the necessary astringent effect.
  • A decoction of pomegranate or quince crusts. Its effect is similar to the effect of red wine
  • Chamomile broth. This method can be used for non-infectious diarrhea. The minimum application time is 2 days.
  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate. They can cure non-infectious diarrhea, the agent is often used as a prophylaxis for broiler infections.
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First-aid kit

How to treat diarrhea?Any self-respecting poultry breeder should have medicines in his medicine cabinet that can be useful for treating diarrhea in broilers. Usually, their list is agreed with the veterinarian: he is able to tell which drugs are most effective, at what dosage they can be taken. Here is a list of the most commonly used drugs that are indicated for treating diarrhea in broiler chickens:

  • Chloramphenicol. The medicine must be dissolved in water at room temperature, the proportion is 3-4 tablets per 0.5 l of water. The minimum treatment period is 2-3 days, however, it can drag on for a month.
  • Biseptol (children’s dosage). The dose of medicine is calculated individually for each chicken; as a standard, 1/15 of one tablet is taken per head of young animals. If an adult is suffering from diarrhea, the dose can be increased at least twice. The treatment course lasts about 5 days.
  • You may also need loperamide, metronidazole .

Now you know what types of diarrhea can occur in poultry ( in chickens), you know how to deal with a particular type of diarrhea, in which symptoms you need to urgently seek help from a veterinarian. Continuation of the article …

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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