How to make a cage for a ferret do it yourself

Through the efforts of humans, the ferret has long turned from a forest predator into a pet. However, like any animal kept in the apartment, he needs his own corner. The cage for the ferret must be made taking into account all the requirements of the animal.

  1. Types of cells for ferrets
  2. Homemade cage at home
  3. Double doors
  4. Interior of the house
  5. Hammock in the cage
  6. Climbing pipe system
  7. Other types of home-made cells

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DIY ferret cage

It is important to remember that ferrets are very curious and intelligent animals, they need to move a lot, so the house of predators should contain several There are only tiers, complex transition systems between them and hammocks for relaxation. Many pet owners prefer to make a ferret cage with their own hands to fully satisfy all the needs of the pet.

Types of cages for ferrets

Domestic ferrets are very mobile, many owners of these pets keep them in the apartment, like cats. But even in this case, the animal must have its own home, where he can hide from the outside world. In the wild, ferrets prefer to settle in the steppe burrows, so they need tubular stairs to run along, as well as soft bedding for sleeping. There are many types of dwellings for small predators.Basically, they differ in the method of manufacture and materials:

  • branded cages, the basis of which are plastic and metal;
  • a house with a wooden frame made of plywood with our own hands;
  • plexiglass dwelling;
  • a cage with a metal frame covered in metal mesh;
  • a fabric dwelling made of thick tarpaulin and insulated with foam rubber;
  • a house made of cardboard boxes;
  • wicker basket made of wood bark.
See also  How to catch, tame, and how to feed a wild ferret

When choosing a cage, you should calculate your budget and your own strengths. Store branded cages for ferrets are of high quality, but they are made according to the same standards. In addition, a branded cage is expensive.

Home-made housing can be adapted to the individual needs of the animal, but do not forget about the quality of the house. A do-it-yourself ferret cage requires carpentry skills and the ability to work with drawings from a master. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can attend a master class or watch a training video on the Internet.

Homemade cell at home

First of all should determine the location of the cell. Ferrets require a lot of space for climbing and playing, so usually they build a house for them on several floors.

Therefore, the location for the dwelling should contain the dimensions of the cage.The cage for a ferret in the photo in official publications looks like a large aviary, but it is not necessary to make such a large house. dwellings should not be placed or sprayed with air fresheners.

If the place where the cages for domestic ferrets will stand, you can definitely proceed directly to the construction of the cage. The minimum size of a dwelling for one furry predator should correspond to the parameters of 60 x 80 x 50, but if the room allows, then the pet’s dwelling should be done more. This applies to ferrets living in closed cages. If the pet moves freely around the apartment, then the house can be small. Also, the size of the dwelling depends on how many pets live in the house.

See also  Ferret Care at Home

To build an ordinary cage at home, you will need the following materials:

  • dense wooden beams, the length of which is calculated from the parameters of the cage;
  • sheets of plywood 10 mm thick;
  • aviary net;
  • platbands for installing a metal grating;
  • linoleum;
  • hinged door hinges;
  • self-tapping screws, latches and handles.

First of all, a strong frame made of wooden blocks is knocked down. A strong tree should be chosen as the basis, since the whole weight of the dwelling will fall on the bars. To cut shelves, use thick plywood or chipboard.The floors between the tiers can be either solid with one entry hole, or in the form of a shelf system. According to sanitary standards, plywood itself should be covered with linoleum: this will not only help get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also facilitate house cleaning.

All horizontal surfaces in the cage need to be well fixed, because the ferret jumps and runs a lot during active time. It is also important to check that the screws are screwed securely into wooden surfaces, as any sharp objects can seriously injure the ferret. Safety of the home is the main credo for any pet owner.

The simplest roof of the house has a flat horizontal shape, but it can always be designed for the design of the room. The roof can be sloping and gable, and the surface can always be decorated with carvings. Often, homemade cell masters cut small holes in plywood and cover them with a grill. On a fine mesh it is easy to fix objects for games or a hammock. Vertical partitions of 3 walls of the cage can be made of plywood. The front side should be equipped with doors.

See also  Description of White Ferrets (Albino)

Double-leaf doors

To facilitate the cleaning of the house, the cell facade is equipped with special double-leaf doors that can be made at home. The procedure is quite simple:

  1. Two frames are knocked together, the size of which must match the size of the facade.
  2. The blank is lined with plywood.
  3. At the level of each tier, holes are cut along the perimeter of the entire tier.
  4. The holes are tightened with a fine mesh or grille.
  5. On the inside of the door, special rails are fastened at the level of each floor so that debris does not fly through the net.
  6. The finished doors are installed using hinged hinges.
  7. To prevent the ferret from opening the cage on its own, a latch is installed on the doors.

Making a do-it-yourself ferret cage
do-it-yourself ferret house
ferret cage

Internal arrangement of the house

To begin with, you should equip the stairs between the tiers. The tray is placed on the ground floor in the corner. The bowl and drinker should be in the opposite corner from the tray. On the second tier, a closed house should be installed, in which a soft litter is placed. Without such a shelter, the cage is of no value to the animal. In this box, an entrance about 15 cm in diameter should be cut out so that the ferret can calmly climb through. You can make such a room yourself from the old box.

If the predator did not like the wooden building, then you should make a house of fabric. The walls of such a soft home are sealed with foam. You can take an old bag as a basis. Material for the house is not particularly important, the main thing is that the animal likes it. Ferrets carefully choose their place to sleep, and in the rejected dwelling the animal will not settle for the night. Also, game accessories should be added to the cage: balls, hanging toys and special surfaces for the claw point.

Hammock in the cage

It’s no secret that ferrets are very love to relax in suspended fabric designs. Such hammocks can be purchased at a specialized store, but it’s extremely easy to make them yourself.

First of all, to make a hammock you will need strong fabric and lacing for fastening.The size of the workpiece varies depending on the size of the animal and is usually about 20 square meters. see. A fabric cloth for a hammock can be used in a wide variety of ways; jeans, canvas or cloth are suitable for these purposes. The fabric is folded in half and sewn with an envelope. Foam or synthetic winterizer is stuffed inside. A lacing is sewn along the edges with which to fix the hammock. If there is a window grill in the roof of the house, then the ends of the fasteners are simply tied with several knots.

In the absence of mesh windows, 4 nails are driven into the ceiling and bent by loops. You can also simply drill 4 holes in the roof and fix the lacing on the outside of the cage.

See also  Description of the American Blackfoot ferret

Climbing pipe system

To increase the amount of movement, a tube system is installed in the cells in a limited space for cages ferrets moving. These small predators love narrow manholes that remind them of natural burrows. Such a system is best made of pipes with diameters of 10 cm.

For the construction, you need to use ordinary plumbing pipes made of plastic. To mount the pipe system in the cage with your own hands, you need to stock up with short pipes, tees and adapters. Turns must be made at an angle of 45 °, otherwise the ferret will simply get stuck. A similar construction can be stretched from the first floor to the last.

Other types of home-made cells

Not always use plywood and mesh to clad the house.Many owners are attracted to such material as plexiglass. However, in such a house, several holes should be drilled for air circulation, otherwise the ferrets may suffocate.

Sometimes for the production of cages, instead of plywood, an aviary mesh is used. It is pulled along the perimeter of the frame outside the home. The frame itself in this case is made of metal tubes. Even if the structure is large, it still remains light, thanks to the hollow frame, so it can be safely transferred from the street to the house. It is important to remember that in such a house at a low temperature the ferret can freeze.

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Anna Evans

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