When you need to vaccinate ferrets

Any pet must have timely vaccination. Ferrets are no exception. In addition, each owner should know when to get vaccinated with ferrets and what diseases.

  1. Need for vaccination
  2. List of required vaccinations
  3. Preparation of the animal
  4. Algorithm of actions after vaccination

Прививки декоративным хорькам

Inoculations to decorative ferrets

In this case, it is very important to follow ferret vaccination schedules, since timely vaccinations will help protect ferrets from serious diseases.

The need for vaccination

B In case you have a question, what vaccinations ferret needs to be given, first of all, it is necessary to figure out whether they will help get rid of various diseases.

One of the most terrible and serious is the plague, which the people call the plague. the ferrets’ organism is very susceptible.The animal can catch this disease both from its congener and from animals of other species. Even if you do not let the ferrets out into the fresh air and avoid contact with other animals, it is still possible to catch this virus. Its penetration is possible through the shoes and clothes of a person. If the animal got sick with a plague, it is already impossible to cure it. In this case, only timely vaccination will help.

Rabies is an equally serious ailment.With this disease, all animals are completely affected by the central nervous system. In this regard, rabies vaccines are one of the most necessary, especially as a person is subject to this disease.

Вакцинация хорьков

Vaccination of ferrets

Vaccinations to ferrets can be given when they are 2-3 months old and only after the first teeth have come out. During the first 12 weeks in the baby’s body, certain antibodies are formed in the process of feeding breast milk that prevent the occurrence of certain diseases. Such antibodies are very similar to the cells that should appear after vaccination. Due to this, vaccination is not needed at all during this period, the body will not respond to such an intervention.

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If the status of the antibodies of an adult mother is unknown, vaccinations can be done to ferrets much earlier.

List of vaccinations needed

What vaccines do ferrets get? In order for high-quality vaccination to be carried out, there are certain schemes that must be clearly followed. The first scheme provides for the following vaccinations:

  • for plague (in the period of 9-11 weeks);
  • for rabies (for the first time in 13-15 weeks);
  • starting from the age of one, ferrets are vaccinated annually against plague and rabies.
Перечень необходимых прививок

List of necessary vaccinations

There is also a completely different scheme, providing vaccines for ferrets according to their age and not only. Such vaccination includes:

  • vaccination against plague (6-8 weeks of a pet’s life);
  • booster vaccination against plague (at 10 weeks);
  • vaccination against leptospirosis (at 10 weeks);
  • vaccination against rabies and revaccination against the diseases listed above (11-13 weeks).

As soon as the animal is 1 year old , revaccination is carried out from year to year.

Both schemes are successfully used from year to year and are considered very successful and of high quality. Moreover, ferrets should be vaccinated using imported products that have already been tested by many.

Preparing the animal

2 weeks before the vaccination, the animal needs to be dewormed. Worms significantly weaken the pet’s immunity, and the vaccine, if any, becomes less effective. For this purpose, it is necessary to use special worm remedies that are used for small puppies or cats.

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Before giving the vaccine by age, the ferret must be taken for examination by a veterinarian, because vaccination is contraindicated for sick animals.

The animal must be provided with high-quality and balanced food.

Once vaccinations have been made to ferrets, it is strictly forbidden to give other medications without consulting a doctor. Vaccinations for ferrets are also prohibited in the following cases:

  • if all the teeth have not been completely changed;
  • if the animal is sick;
  • if the ferret is carrying or feeding the baby;
  • if worms were found in the body;
  • if an operation has recently been performed;
  • immediately after application of an anthelmintic agent;
  • if since the last vaccination less than 2 weeks have passed;
  • if the animal has a sharp decrease in weight;
  • while taking other medications.

If a ferret with unknown weight fell into your hands With a clear vaccination history, it is advisable to give the full number of vaccinations. In this case, it is advisable to do this when the animal has been living with you for several weeks.

Algorithm of actions after vaccination

As soon as the animal is vaccinated by age , it is advisable not to immediately run away from the clinic, but to spend some more time there to follow the reaction of the animal’s body. Often the animals have a serious allergic reaction, which only a specialist can handle.

The main signs of a serious allergic reaction include:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • indigestion and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath;
  • constantly wandering eyes;
  • trembling in the legs and arms;
  • state of depression.

When such symptoms occur, the help of a veterinarian is extremely necessary.

Caring for an animal requires high-quality vaccination, because only in this way you can be sure of your pet’s health.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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